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Cotjgh in Hokses. - Cedar twigs, chopped fine and mixed with theirgrain, will act as a speedy cure for a cough in liorses. Tomatoes kor Oows. - Tomatoes, as food for cows, improves both the quality and quantity of the milk, and gives the cream and butter a rich golden color. SpRAINS AND BBTTISES IN HoitSES.- Dissolve an ounce of camphor in eight ounees of spirits of wine; then add one ounce spirits of turpentine, one ounce spirits of sal ammonia, half an ounco of oil of origanum and a table-spoonful of laudanum. Rub in a quarter of an hour with the hand, four times a day. To Tan a Skin Wrra the Fuh On. - Flesh and clean the hide; wash out in luke-warm water, salt and soap. Take one gallon rain water, one gill sulphuric acid, a little salt and a small piece of alum; put the hide inthis bath; let it remain one-half hour, then wash out well in warm rain water and soap; rub dry, and grease with neat's-f oot or other good oil. - Western Farm Journal. Killing Rats.- The following cheap and simple method of exterrnination is said to have been successfully emplcyed by Baron Von Backhofen and his neighbors forsome years past: A mixture of two parts of well-bruised common squills and three parts of finely-chopped bacon is made into a stiff mass, with as mneh meal as may be required, and then baked into small cakes, which are put down for the rats to ent. Several correspondents of the Germán Agricultural Oazette write to announce the complete extirpation of rats and mice from their cow-stalls and piggeries since the adoption of this simple plan. A Drinking Vessel fob Chicks. - Make air-tight a fruit or oyster can. On one side, half an inch from the bottom, punch three holes, each one-quarter of an inch in diameter. Before these holes solder to the can a piece of tin to form a trough one inch deep. Upon the side opposite, at the top, solder also a ring by which to hang the eau to the side of the coop. Fill it by immersing it for a few moments in a pail of water. The secret is in the air holes' being in the trough, so that water can escape only when they are uncovered. So long as the trouch is clean the water will be pure. Chicks must be kept supplied with water, and it must be in vessels not deep enough to drownthem. - Fancier's Journal. The farmer who calculates to makes his living by farming cannot afford to lose a knowledge of the best methods in practice, and he cannot hope to learn these methods by his own experience even if that experience be a rich one. He cannot aíford to lose the money which he certainly will by selling his produce blindly, without knowing the conditions of the market ana tne tilinga wmeii aneot na noc uu i all. Ií he is Euccessful without taking a paper, it is because lie gets his information from those who do. Any farmer who may have taken thís paper for even a short period can reoall the numberless ways in which he may have taken advantage ot' hints and facts noted in the various departments, and turned them bo his protit. - Detroit Free Presa. Mant oí our neighbors' cherry trees are becoming knotty, and dying. A lady Qoxrated in our hearing, a few evenings since, her experience with a tree of the same description. A large tree, of the common red variety, stood beside the kitchen door. The body and limbs were knotty and rough, the fruit scanty and worthless; the dead leaves in f all were oontinually drifting over the porch and walk; in fact, in the good house-wii'e's eyes, the tree was simply a nuisance, and she importuned her husband to remove it. He refused to. do this, however, and she determined to kill the tree. First, a barrel of beef brine was poured about the roots, and this was f olio wed by boiiing suds, every w&shday. The result was satisfactory, but far from that anticipated. The followiog season the tree was loaded with superior fruit, and was free from all knots, or other defects. The enormous erop and changed appearance of the tree might not have been attributable to the application of the brine and soap-Euds, yet we believe the experiment to be worthy of trial. Our own trees have never been troubled in that way. - Moorës Mural. About the House. Feed Diük to children. Fbesh poultry bas bright eyes. Eoastisg meats is extravagant. Do not mate your bread too liglit. Fat is not cheap at tbe price of meat. Fish will broil in f rom five to ten minutes. Stale bread may ba steamed mto fresbness. Scalded skim-milk will go as far f 8 fresb milk. "Middmngs" flour contains tbe best elementa of wbeat. Add pea or bean-meal to your bread flour for nourishment. Salmón and sturgeon are red-blooded, and are as nutritious as meat. Salt meats sbouldbe simmered; they saould not be flercely boiled. Four ounces of lime to a gallon of water -will be all tbat is necessary for AAniïiiy miik sweet. Vegetables supply the place of meat. Vegetables should be cooked, if possible, in water in which meat has been eooked. In washing fine flannela, mnke the soap into a jelly witu warm water una dry quickly. Do Bot put too near the ftre when drying. To keep shirts írom shrinüing, stretch them on a board. Nev-Yeab's Marble Cake.- White Part- -Whites of four eggs, on e cup white sugar, half cup of butter, half cup sweet niilk, two teaspoonfuls of baHng powder, one teaspoouful of ranilla or lemon, and two and a half cups of sii'ted flour. Black Part- Yelks of four eggs, one cup brown sugar, half cup molasses (Porto Rico), half cup butter, half cup sour inilk, one teaspoonful cloves, one teaspoonful cinnamon, ono teaspoonful mace, one nutmeg, one teaspoonful soda, and one and a half cups sifted flour. Put in the cake-dish alternately, flrst one pait and then the other. Tin should be lined with buttered paper. AnEconomical Cubistmas Pcdding.-Soak fiome dried apples all night, in the morning chop them very fine. Put a teacupful of them into a pint of molasses and put them upon the back of the stove, where they will keep slightly warm for an hour or two. After that add to them one cup of ehopped suet, one cup of watt-r, one cup of ehopped raisina, a pinch of salt, a teaspooniul of cinuamon, thrce half pints of flour, and tw teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Put the flour in last and stir all together thoroughly. Boil two and a half hours in a bowl or tin puddirig niold. This may be caten with wine sauce, and is a very good imitation of a genuino plum pudding.


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