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We are indebtpd to John H. Maynun ickaue oi San Franoisoo papers. '" a on nd son-in-Iaw withi one week T's the foi-tuiie vrliich oame to G-. W. Oropir A. L. Beimett. who grnrluated froui iiniversity last year, is the uew teacher in Mgigh Sohool. Jacob F. Schuh aml Soliua C. Cropsey, ' titer of George W. Cropsey, were mnrried day ovening last. Inanotlier column Miss Katie J. Rogers K,[. {rienda to visit her studio and take '■. jj souie newly tinished portrait. i Keek &■ Co. have a new advertisement ,lie A haudsome piece of turni3 or a iull suit wouldu't make a bad 'n'itmas present. it the recent session of tha Stftte Porno:ety, held at Grand Rapids, J. Ausoi this city, was eleoted oue of the ■ M PieBideuta. for the convenience of the public and denefit of the patentee, a very handsome ■rtising case has been placed in the east i the postoffiee. ,Buy your Hoiiilay Gjods: - Dress Groods, , (Jood, Staples, Gioceries, Clothing, Hme, aud all other goods, of the business , jho advertise in the Aïtoirs. Xliewalls in the easteru portion of the ■ iti -e have beeu materially improved by . . ■ coat of paint over the advertising b uliich had distigured them. _ffeare glad to hear that both Chas. Üq., and John N, (3-ott, who have been g Benonsly sick list, are reported better. v ihenville is also slowly improviug. Xha public schools close on Friday next, r the tiolidays, - to open again Mou: iry 7 : over which fact tue boys and . áou't propose to hold an indignation -Iherewasan alarm of flre on Sunday .st : coming from the chimney I i tbe house on Maiii street, near Hali's bake-o:cnpied by the peanut dealers. or souiething else has split one of iiltrge stone pillars in Court House square i.ilves. Wil! the other pülars be lili the same accident after being set in - The merabers of ttie Washtenaw County urimltural and Horticultural Society should ■,;tin their appearanee at the animal raeet3 mg, to beheld next Tuesday, and in large } mmbers. I - '■ The Ticket oí' Leave Man ' was played I iltie Opera Hoose ou Wednesday evening, ney's Company, for the benefit oi A. AuiHence not large enough to 3sie Company A rich. : - The annual reunión and feaat of the Xew England Society are to take place on i:urday evening, Deo. 21, instead of on tho iimingof Dec. 31, as heretofore annouuced. i. Hairiman, Esq., is the orator. - H.L. Ash, of Dmidee was in the city on Süterdayaod Sunday lust. He reported quite of laborers at work ou the Toledo and :■ Railroad at that point, and eaid ' it the irork of layina; irou would I19 com1 ïencêd this week. ' - The ladies of the Prtsbyterian Church ■ tve the snpper for the coming aontverjOTOitheXew England Society, ou Fnday I itemng, Dec. 21, and we are saté in promis3 ::he membeis of the society a jood one. upper, $1 each. I -Circuit Court Commissiouer Waitman . veuced yesterday taking the new testinioaboratory defalcation case : in bej au ot defendant Rose et al. And the public iii vive for the new developmeuts. - The publisher o( Rose's Nose says that I his given the Mayor of this city notice ;i the circulation of his paper is further terfored with (we did u't know that the .ïiiCil had struck at that Nose of Rose) he j ihiH"sue the city at once." -Haring baited the public with the Daily ■ Tina, live days-ee, the price was put at . nts a copy ou Weduesday, and the Ie the streets musical in souuding its pea to the public. G. A. Foster is publish■ and H. E. H. Bower editor. -Keport says that Prof. Bald win will give ather exposé of Spintualisin uext Monday nóg, at the Opera House. Last evening Aere was to be a tying match between the 'to.essor and Mr. White, the Main street mere a committce of twetity -ten on a -LouiaX. Groulet, late of the Aeoüs of,aud treli kuown in this city as a capital prater, has purchased the office of the Laiw Democral, with which he has been coni some raouths. He will make a pafworthy of geuerous support, and ought to Mteivesuoh. a-aders will be pleased to hear that L B'iss & Son have received a üne stock ot W expressly for the holiday trade, and are in at extremely low prices. Their ted ware is all in Fall patterns, and if ÍMwaut anything for the holidays go in and k at their goods. -Asmall house on the corner of Hickory "'Pitcher streets, Fuurth ward, belonging 'Jamss McMahon, of Whitmore Lake, and -1 liy Jotliam Jacobus, was burued on y forenoon, taking fire from the ■""pipa. The furniture in the lower rooms I 'removed, but the beds, &c, in the upper Wmewere burned. "y don't take oue per cent. off from " Ux as spread on his rolls tor payment beW January flrsc, will add one per centitioual collection f.;e if not paid until after Jsüuary first. xhl) AEau3 should n't have áthe wrd " discount," -he dont "dis''""worthaoent. ""Utahaad the Hormons:" that was the 'lkjett Hon. George C. Bates, of Detroit, lec upou last evening at the Opera House. e long residence oí Mr. Bates in Salt [e City, as district attorney, made him fa"' with the peculiur people and their pe4ll institutions. The widow of William Waldi-on, Eeq, of 1 aie, who died at Cleveland on Tuesday ' "State News"), is a sister of Prof. WalJ of the üüivereity, and of Mrs. B. ï "6. of this city. She formerly resided here' Bj haa .ma"y warm fiiends here who sympaltte with her in her bereavement. t The subject of Prof. Adams' fifth lecture, on Tuesday eveuing at the resideuce of Ubra 1Iay"ard' for the nsrit of the Ladies' . 'T, was the eariy dift'ereuces between the ''es aud the mtthor country, -and which the Revolntion. The last lecture of the is annonnced lor next Tuesday evening " 'he resideuce of Dr. Douglas. nL I)afdAtEKETS-7 ' fóllowing" wero the ïesterrl , ProtIaoe by our local dealers lorCn,, ..- ruoon: For Wheat, 81.25: lili es' f0! ' utter, 20c; fórLard S tt"gSA18; f01-H"ny. 18c; forCab'Pork S4-aZ8u' Wa' for Apples, 1.00; retai! at 1 ; lor Beef' W.50S6.50. Flour w.50 per hundred.


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