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The Pioneer Society

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The Pioneer Society of this oonnty met at Union School House, Saline, Dec. 5, a. m., and was called to order by Vice-Presideni A. K. Clark. The President being absent Gen. E. Clark, of Ann Arbor, was called to the chair. After readin;; the minutes of the last meeting, the society proceeded to business. J Q. A. Sessions. Historian, presented his resignation, whieh, on motion of Dor Kellogg, was accepted. Later in the sesaion, Lorenzo Davis was elected Historian, and the following resolutions were offered by Mr. Sessions fixing the Hisforian's compenaation, etc, aud adopted : Resolved, That the compensation of the Historian of this society, for his services m preparing and causing to be published a suitable history of this couuty, shall be the entire profits from the sale of copies of such hi6tory, and this shall be iull pnyment tor all services of such Historian. Resolved, That in the prepaiatiou of snob history the Executive Committoo are authorizert aud empowered to review the same, for the purpose of securing to each towuship and city of the county its pioportionate space, to the end that stiel history shall embrace, as far as possible, the history of the early setHemeut of every part of the couuty. During the session papers were read as follow : By Mrs. Timothy Hunt, a lady 7 1 years, old, givmg reminisceuces of the early settlemeut of the south part of the county, - for which a vote of thanks was extended, on motion of M. H. Uoodrich. By Jacob Preston : a biographícal sketch uf lus lather, Bosvvell Preston, Jr., oue of the early settlers of Freedom. By Mrs. Flora S. Finley : reiating to the early settlemeut of Superior. By Mrs. Mary E. Foster : "Ou the proper quaiiticatious lor Life," - a plea for woman'i rights,--prefacing her paper wïth some appropriate reraarks on the early history of Lodi. By Wm. M. Gregory : on the oomparative longevity of people in New York and Michigan, with a review ot the cenietenes in thf ownship oí Saline and statistics of their occupants. Also a paper prepared by Wm Moorw on the early .settieruent of the townshir. of York. At'ter the readiug ot Mra. Foster's paper, Miss Anna M;i,ud Kelsey, ot Ann Arbor, recited Wili Carleton'8 "Over the Hills to the Poorhouse," and at tlie close of the aiternoon ession, auother poom, " I ara going home toaay." At the proper diuner hour a least of fat hiugs was served by the ladie of Saline, to vhicu the pioueers ditt ampie justice. Ypailanti was fixed upon as the place of next meeting, and the firat Weducsday iti March as tlie day. "Votes ol thanks were extended to Mrs. Fiuey and Mrs. Foster, for their papers ; to Miss ielsey, for her recitatione ; and, on motiou, of Mrs. Foster, " to the good people of Saline nd vieinity tor the knul reoeption given the ociety, and particularly to the ladies for the ounteous and well prepared dinner," A correspondent aays : "Cousidering the atate f the weather and the conditions ot the roads he attendauce was iuite large, and it was a jleasure to see the hoarty greetings and handhakings ot the gray headed members ol the ociety. It was indeed the meeting of brothrs and sisters. Take it all in nll it was a 'lorious success, - a love feast."


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Michigan Argus