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James Stcbois, of Boistou, oxtensively engaged in the East India trade, has failod. Hii lisbiüti -.i are $250,000. The National Exchange Bank, of Troy, N. Y., hus gono into voluntary líquidation. A TEN'iTKNTiAnY convict named Collins, alias Thorpe, was hiing in tho prison at Aubnrn, N. Y., las-t week, for thc murder of a colored convict named Howard, iu September last A firo at Millerstown, Pa., last week, dentroyed $200,000 worth of property. THB WKST. A dispatch from Bismarck states that Deadwood, in the Black Hills, is besieged by hostile Sioux, and that the whitea aro in imminent aangcr of nmssacre. Troops bad been ordered to move from Fort Lincoln. Standing Rock, and Fort Snelling on forced marches, A FIRE at Athene, Ohio. laet week, burncd eight business houses ; loss, $80,000. The bridge over the Scioto rivcr, at Chillicothe, was burntd the same day ; Ios, $60,000. It is stated that Sitting Buil is desirons of retuming to the territory of the United States; that he labored under a misapprohension of their errand when he treated with contumely the Commissioners who were sent to interview bim, and that be is uow willing to apologize aud throw off bis newly-deelared allegiance to the "Great Mother." The Germán National Bank, of Chicago, of which Henry Greenebanm is President, has closed its doors. The directors of the bank issued a circular stating that, the deposite kaving shrunk from $1,157,000 in July to $183,000, they deern it advisable to discontinue biwness. The directors claim that the institution has assets enough to pay all cbligations. A SENSATioNAt, tragedy was enacted in Chicago a few days ago. A constable named McElligott was shot and mortally wounded by Miss Alvina C. McKee while attempting to levy on an execution for $12 for the rent of the house in which the fair Alvina lived. Gov. Irwin, of California, iu his message to to the Lcgislature, comes out strongly against Chinese immigration, and urges that steps be taken to put a stop to the unrestrictoJ inflnx of Mongolians. Hefaystheir prcíence has iuitiated an im-pressabiecoutlict in California, aud that there is danger of their civilization overriding our own. Still anothor Chicago bank has gone by the board. The Germán Savings Bank- Henry Greenebanm, Prosideut - clobcd ils doors on Friday, the7th inst. It is said that depositare will be paid dollar for dollar. Bankbuftcies : Tho Simpson Bank of Lawrence, Kan. ; thc La Salie County Savings Bank, of Ottawa, IU.; John G. Hodjo t Co., whole?ale statiouers, San Francisco, Cal., liabilities $280,000. THB BOVTB. While seven negroes were rowing aeross the Miesissippi river near New Orieans, in aa old pkifl, the planks of the frail craft partcd aud flve of the luckless men were drowned. Locikvillk had a destructive fire last week. The extensive whisky honso of Cochrane & Fulton was completely dostroycd, involving the loss of sqme $300,000 Ex.-Gov. Pinchback, of Louisiana, has addressed an open letter to Gov. Nicholls resigning his place as a United States Senator from that State. GENERAL. Two ocean disasters are reported by cable. The British steamer European, from the Cape of Good Hope, was wreckod iu a fog off the French coast. No livcs were lost. A collision occurred in the English channe], off Beachy head, between an English steamer and an unknown vossel. But one man was saved. The troubles on the Mexican border are assiuning a simpo that may lead to rally scrious complications. One of the two parties of troops which rccently crossed the Kio Grande in pursnit of depredators has been heard from, dispatches from the border telling of an oncounter between Col. Young's conmiand and a nuraber of Mexican Indians, ia which two of the latter were killed and three wounded. Tbc camp and property of the Indians were completely destroyed. A naval engineer, Lieut. Wiso, reporta favorably on the official explorations of the Inthnius of Darien, with a view to the project of an inter-occanic canal, connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic in Central America. Lieut. Wise estimates the cost of the proposed work as not excessive. POLJTICAL. The people of Georgia have voted, by a majority of 40,000, to lócate their State capital ai Atlanta. The constitution is adopted by about tho same vote The Demócrata of New Hampahire will hold their State Couvention at Concord, Jan. 16. To A nr.QUE.ST, signod by tvery Iiepublican member of the New York delegaliou save Mr. Chittendcn, asking the President not to again send iu the namos of Messrs. Koosevelt and Price as Collector and Naval Oflicer in New York, tho President, a Washington telegram informs us, rotnrned a courteous but peremptory refuaaL WASHINGTON. The President of tha Senate and the Speaker cí the House have determined to stop tho salo of liquors in the Capital Fernando Wood is v. ry busily engaged m preparing a taiiff bill. It is stftted that it will bo sweeping in its charactcr, and wil] make extensive reductions. It is reported tbat he contémplate reducing the tariff on eilks from GO to 30 per cent. JusTiOE Humthbey, a Washington dispatch states, has rendered an opinión in the habeascorpus case of Senator Patterson, dischargmg him from cui-tody. This prevents Patterson from being taken back to South Carolina, unless Gov. Hampton phall make another requitsition, wkieh it is thonght ho will not do Gen. Ord, commanding' tho forces in Texas, was beforo the Committee on Military Affairs, tho other day. He stated that the Mexican people and authorities on the lower Kio Grande were in sympathy with tho raiders, and intimated that bis present forco was quite inadequate to guard the frontier and pnmuo and pnnish the raiders, as his orders requiro him to do Stilson Hutchius, lately of the St Lonis Times, has started a new Democratie paper iu Washington, called the Post. John A. Cockerill, formerly of the Cincinnati Enqutrer, and A. C. Buell, a prominent newspaper correspondent, aro on the editorial staff. The Secrctary of the Treasury has isaued a cali for the redemption of 6,000,000 of bonds of 1865, and 54,000,000 of registerod bonds of 1870 The War Department apprehonds a general renewal of ludían Lostilities in tho far West and Northwest before spring. The Houko Committeo on Educatiou and Labor have decided to report adversely apon tho bill introduced by Judge Buckner for the establishment in the District of Colnmbia of a National University for Womon Judge McArthur has granted a motion for a new trial in the case of ex-ABsistant Secretary of the Treasnry Sawyer, and ex-Commissioners of Cuatoms Haines and Brooks, some weeks ago convicted of conapiriug to defrand tho Goverumeut. A Washington dispatch Btates that the evidence iu the naval inquiry into thc causes of the loss of tho Hurón has all been taken. A formal decisión will not be made for same time. It is stated that the decisión of thc conrt will bo that the Huron was lost by an error of judgnniit in the commandtr. His courso was right, and he had the fullest confidence in his observations, which probably wore correct, but he failed to take sufficiently into account the fact that his vespcl was very long, deep a comparatively nnall quantity of water, and offcrod litlle repistance to the fea, which in the gale was setting in so strongly toward the land. The ship was hoading riglit, bul had been forcee out of its courso by the gale and the tide. Hon. John M. Hablad has formally (inalified as a Judge of the United Status Suprome Court, and now oecupion a neat on that beuch a tho Biiecespor of Hon. David Davis, of Illinois An effort to restore the franking privilege to Congressmen loom up iu Cougreas, aud nobody ueems to care Secretary Schurz, referriug to the reporto that he coutemplated resigning his position aud taking the miflBion to Ikrlm, says that ho hns no buch ta ten Hon. He in well satisñed with his present position, and thinks he is doing well in it. . . . íhere has been a cancus of sorue of the prominent silver men of both houses, includIna Senator Jones, Judgo Eelley, liland ani others, at which it was agreed tbát, during the long holiday reeesx, one Senator and one Representative nhould be deputed to cali public attcntkn to the Silver bill, and to creato public pcntimmt iu its favor We are informad by Washington dispatches to the Western press that it is tho intention of the administration to leave tho whole question of settling the Mexican troubles to Congress. The Cabinot may pas npon tho qnestion of vhe recognition of Díaz, but beyond that it does not expect to do anything. preferring to leavo the responnibility npon tLe shoulders of the representative bdtiv. 'i here it promises to be a fruitlul source of discussion, THB TURKO-RUSS1AN WAK. Toe RiiKSiaus adniit a defeat aad heavy Iobsw t Elen. Tjti Tjrkij;!( Jvmu vm onlv ihecked by tho timely arrival of Iïunsian i 'orcements A strong peaco olomcnt is said 0 bo dcveloping iu Constantinoplc. A Bücuabest dispatch Bays : " A Ruaaian itatement ia published horo which Bays that it 8 bettcr to continuo tho war than to conoludo 1 patched-up poaco, which will soonor or later cake another war nccossary. Kussia must ob;ain autonomy for tho Christiau population, lnlependonco for Roumania aud Servia, incrcaso 3f territory for Montenegro, and for Ronda possession of Batoum and Kars, and tho froo aavigation of tho Dardanellea." The London correspondont of the Chicago Tribune telegraphs that "publio interest in the war was never higher in Eugland than dow. Evervthing points to sonio deciaive ovents beforo Now ïear's day, and, should the Turks be ovtrpowered and unable to prevent a general Russian advanco pon Adrianoplo, there is no telling whaf action Great Britain may be forcod to take. That Bho is quietly preparing for possible active inter(erenco in behalf of Turkey ia certain. In Asia the Turks have evacuated Batoum, and tlio fall of Erzeroum is daily looked for, as reinforcements cannot now reach Mukhtar Pasha. The Serviaus aro said to have croased the frontier at Jacoss, and fortiöed themselves on Tnrkiah territory. The total losa of Russia up to Nov. 17 amountod to 74,858 men. Baker Pasha (Col. Valentino Baker) is appointed to the command of a divixion under Mehemet Ali." The most important ovent of the war in Europe ao far is the fall of Plovna, the chief stronghold of tho Turks north of the Balkan mountains. After a sovere engagement before the town on Sunday, the 9th iimt., Onman Paha, who was wounded, surrendered unconditionally. On Saturday, the 8th, cays a special cable diepatch of tho llth, ' after Osman Panha had found his escapo impossible, his army sterving and perishing with cold, and no hope of succoss, he sent a parlementaire to tlie Husnian headquarters with a special letter addressed personally to the Grand Duke Nicuolas as Chief of the army iuvesting. Tho Grand Duke declined either to accept the lettor or to receive the parlementaire, and directed him to bo escorted to the headquarters of Prince Charlea as Commandor-in-Chief of the allied urmii's besieging l'levna. The purport of tho letter was a request for favorable terms of capitulación, and au especial request from Osman Pasha to bo allowed to suirender his sword to the Grand Duke Nicholas. Thia being impossible, the parlementaire returntd. On Sunday another desperate assault was made on the Bnsaian right, in which Osmau Pasha himself was woundej, and about 3,000 Turks put hors do combat. Nothing remaiued but unconditional siurrender, and thus closed one of the bravost defenses of modern times." A CoxsTANTixorLE dispatch saya it is reported that the Council of Stete has detormincd that Christians shall hereafter be eligible to Governorahips and other administrativo fuiictions of the Tnrkioh provincea The Egyptian contingent in the Turkish army will be increased by 12,000 infantry, 1,000 ca'valry and four batteries. ;i:.m;kai. ïokeign nkws. The leading London journala speak in commendatory terms of President Hayes' message. The Chinese anthorities have torn up and abolished the railway recently built from Shanghai to Woosung. A msrATCH from Coquimbo, Chili, aays tho Pacific Steam Navigation Company'a ateamahip Alalama has boen lost. Tho crow numbered forty, and the passeugers probably about fifty. Only eighteen persons were saved. A Paris diepatch announces that the hitherto' obstinate MacMahon has at last yielded, and consented to accept a Ministry from the Left Center A dispatch from the City of Mexico saya that ex-President Lerdo de Tejada has ritten letters stating that it is bis intention :o withdraw all pretendons to the Mexican Presidency. He intends to retire to Franco, desirea that his name ehall no longer be used Tor political puiposep, and recomnieuds Gon. Ëtcobedo to the suff rages of hisfriends. These profespsiona aro uot believcd ia by many of :iis political supporters. Bï way of Tucson, Arizona, we get tho following intelligence from Northern Mexico : Gon. Epitacio Huerta, Commauding General of Honora under Diaz, is ordered to Mexico, and all the Federal garrisons in Sonora are conceutrating in Guayamas, the frontier towns being left unprotected. Discontent is general in Kinaloa, Sonora, and Lower California, there having been a revolution of opinión in favor of Lerdo. Important r,ews is expected eoon. Pakis telegrams of the 8th Btate that a serious hitch has oceurred in the negotiations for tho formation of c Miuistry satisfactory to the Left. MacMahon scems to have recanted at the last moment, and now insista upon reserving to himeelf the selectiou of the three moet important Ministers - those of Foreign Affaire, War and Marine. The Spanish Government is in trouble again with the Basque provinces, whoso anciont libertiea there haa been an ttempt to curtail, since they participated in Don Carlos' rebellion. A Pakih dispatch of the llth aya: "On Snuday night the crisis assumed a new shape. Uarshál ilacMahon determined on a policy of reí-iatance, and a new Ministry waa submitted by him. it remains to bo seen whether the Constitulionalists in the Sonate will accede to the demand of a second dianolution." & Beat in tho Sonate was adoptcd by a voto of 49 yeaH to 8 nayp, tho bitter being MesHr. AlliBOn. Ganaron [Wis ), Maullan. Hamlin, Howe, Ingalln, Morrül and Saundors. Mr. Eustis was then sworn in and took hifi Beat. . .A nuniber of billa woro introduced and roferred. Among thom wcro Ihe following: By Mr. I'lumb, to declare certain lands heretofore Ejrauted to railroad companitB forfeitid, and io open the sanio for scttlement ; by Mr. Johnston, wnendatory of the eapplomentary act to incorpórate tbc Texas Paoifio raflroatl. and to aid its eonstruetion ; by Mr. Christiancy, to próvido for ehallenges to jnrora in trials for bicamy and polyganiy In the Terrilory of Utah Mr. MattbewH made a four hours' spcecli iu favor of his Bilver resolution. House. - A large number of bilis were introdneed, among the lot being anothor incoine-tax bill, by Mr. Turner ; a bill by Willis, of Jïow York, rentoriug the tax on tea and coffce, and looking toward tariff reform ; a bill by Mr. Joyco, adjuating the salaries of PostmaetorR; anda joint ro?olution propocing an amendmont to the conatitutton providing for the election of 8enator by direct vote of the ppople. ...Mr. AVood, Chairman of tñe Comiuittco on Ways and Means, reportcd tbe uial rcRolutions for the distribution of tho PreRideut's annual mesvagc amoug the variotiB comniitteee. The resolutione, aftcr somo dlecnnflioa, were adopted. ____


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