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Proceedings Of Congress

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Tuesday, Dec. 4. - Cénate. - Not in sesnion. Ilorss. - Bills were introduced and referred as follows: By Mr. Townsend (O.), to aid vchscIk wrecked or disabled In watera continguous to tho United SUites or Cacada; by Mr. Dlbrell, levying a tax on inconie; by Mr. Baker (Ind.), a joint reeolutton proposing au amendnient to the constitution prohibiting the payiuent oí any claims íor damage growing out of the taking, use, or dctruction of property during the licbellion : by Mr. Hart7,el]? to substituto greenbacks for the ísbuc of nalional banking associations, and to pay the f uil amount íor all bond depoeited by thcni in the trcam-y in acconlanco with tho tenuö oí the contract expressed on tbc face of said bondB, tho bonds so redeenied to bo cancelcd ; by Mr. HubbelJ, dividing M k-h i (jan into three judicial difítrícta ; by Mr. Eilsworth, providing for general auincsty. . . . Mr. Kryo, from the Judiciary Conmiittee, reported back Uu 1 uil presorlblng au oath oí oflïce which elimínate from the fttatutes the law which preKcribes the. taking of the iron-uïad oath. Pasued. AIöo, a Lili rcpoaling f se. h2U of tbc Roviaed Htatutes, which provïdt-s for the dinquaHfication of any juror who bas without duresR or coerción taken Dp aruiH in dcfeuse of any ineurrection or rebnllion agaiust the United States, or who bas given aid or comfort thereto. Passed, Wedhesdat, Dec. 5.- Senatk. - There was no 8PR8Í011 of the Senate. House. - The House spent considerable tínie in wranglïng over the jnrisdietion between the Commerce and Railroad Committce on the pubject ol the rospective control of the two committre over the river and harbor bilis. The matter was Betttad 1) reference to tho Conuuittee on Rules Mr. Townsend, of Illinois, introduced a bilí to rpeal the exKting statutcR for tbe renewal of jiatuts, and ieolaring it unlawful hercafter for the Cominispionrr of PatentB to rf-new or exteud any paU-nt or dealgn wliiiti-ver. The biil was pafist-d. . ..Mr. Harrteon of Illinois, iwtroduceil a biJI to próvido foi ;ui mconic tax. It proposes to levy upon the inconieu of all United States citizcu which may be over $1,000 and nder $2,000 annually a tax of 1 per cent.; over $2,005 and undcr $3,000, ÏÜ per cent. and gradiiating the ecale up to and includint $23,000. Over $23,000 and under $35,000, a tax of ; por cent ; over $:J3,OOO and under $50,100, i. per cent., and 5 per cent. on all incoinee In excess o: $0,000. Thursday, Dec. C- Senate.- A nuniber of petitiong were presented and rcferred A reeolu tion was iutroduced by Mr. Burnsidc, and adopted aking lho PreBidont to trannniit to the Srnate the correspondence had with our MinistPrn to France, Kugland aüd (iermany in regard to tin Franco-Pruhnian war Mr. Ferry prccnted a petition of citizens of Michigan in favor of the passage of a bilí to autnorize the coiuagc of tho standard Btlver dollar Tho zilver mm achifved a rtrcitlrd victory in the BenstCj and dcvclopcd an unoxpected Rtrenglh Mr. AlliHim, who haR charge of the Hom-e 8ilver bilí, moved to make it the special order for Monday Dec. 10. Mr. Morrill moved to poetpono tbo ïnattir toJan. 11. Th is WW rcjcted by the one-sided vote of 17 yeaKto40 nays. The motiou of Mr. Allison VU then agreed to by 4 1 ye,is to 18 nays Theri wu a lengthy dobate, in exeeutive sesaion, upoi the fjuestion of the relativo rightH of the Prestaos rad sonate in the matter of oflicial appiutmcntH The President ronoioinated tho New York Clinton House offtoers who feil by reaon of the oxpiration ol lbo extra sesslna. A number of other nomina Hom won: sent In. John B. awley, of DJinoiB wao confirnud a Asintant ficcretary of the Treaenry. Hoüsk.- In the Houro the only buaineöfi of fm portance wa.s lbo threefold report from tho Klec tions Comunttee on the Colorado caiie- ono to Uie effect that l'attrrpon warf ent itled to the weat, an otluT that Bètford was the rightful c'ainiant, and ft tlilrd, signcd by Mr. Cox, of Ohio, claimiug tha there wan no legal electíon and remanding tho qaeetion back to tho people of Colorado The Post-Bonto bill was pasfd....Mr. Joyce wantod to introduce a resolution consuring tho Spaniardu fo thelr barbaritioK in Cviba, but Mr. Haleobjected. Fbedax, Dcc. 7.- Senate.- Tbe House bil for the rMiof of the unffcrrrK by the wreek of th Bteamer Huron was pasred , . Mr. Mitohell, of Oregon, deliveied a long speech in support of nis bill to extend the time for tho conipletion óf the Northern Pacifli: railroad. Hourx. - The proceodings in the Houha were exccedingly dull. Mr. Stephen introduced a bill amendatory of the act íncorporating the Texas Paeifle Railroad Cumpany ; Mr. Cox, of New York, offered a hill lo reorganize tbe lífr-flaving service, and Mr. Wood, Chairman of the Was and Mratia Commftteo, reported a concurrent resolution for the adjournment of Congresa for the Cbritmas holidayc, from the löth oí December untü Jan. 10, waich was pasned, Münüat, Dec, JO.- Senate.- Tbe ca6e of J. B. Euatis, of Louííi&nii, wa caUoil Up, BDd aftcr t


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