Poetry: The Use Of Tears

Be nol tliy cari too hprably clin!, Kcpinc nof al the risinf sigli: Wlio, if tlicy iñight, would ál'ways bid The brcast be slill. ihc clicck be dry? ÃIow lidie of ontrol ven wc Unow ficfore a grief iHe her.rt lins lelt? The Icsson ihnt we Icarn of wo, May bracc llie niiid. as wcll as incll. The encrjics toosioin lor mirth, Tlio rench ol thóüght, thc strength o( wiil Afiil cloucl nrnl lempest huve their birih, Tliro' blijjlit aml blast iheir cou:sc fuifil. Lovc's perfect triinnph never ciown'J The hope unctioqucrd' y a Miig; The i'nudiest wreoths vvltli ihornsare bound: And Suplió wept beforeshe saii'. Tcnrs ni eacli p"c cmoii'iri floiv; Tlicy "in-A un 1'ny's gent te claim, On Admimtion's fervoni glow-, On Ticiy's sciapliic fl unÃ'. 'Th only when it mourne and Ãears Tho loaded L)it fcols fbrglvén: An"d ilirottgli the mist of falüng tears Wo cntch iheclcarcst "liinpso of lÃeávrtr:
Lord Morpeth
Didactic Poetry
Old News
Signal of Liberty