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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J. D. HARTLEY, M. D., a MRS. SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. O., QERHAK AND ENOLIUH PHYSICIANS AND SUUGEOXS. )ffice and residence, No. 18 Thompson, Coi. o i .'hüinpson and Willíam Streets, Ano Arbor, Michgan. Mm. Dr. Hartluy will Huilt her practico tu ne treatmeut of díseaaes peculiar tu Ladies and Childreu. AT III 1.1 AS OPERA HOUSE ! WEItt'ESDAY, DECEMBER 26. ONE NIGHT ONLY FOSTER'S COLISEUM COMBINATION TOM FOSTER'S COLISEUM OIT. 18 Selected Special ty Stars Admlsslon nilliiu he Reach r All 5 and 50 Cents. R crvcil 8eats at tuuglas Jk ('o. 's witho t Extra Charge. #COUGH, COLD, BKQUIKKS IMMEDIATEATTENTION A contfnuanco for anr lenth of i uu-, cuuse Irrttatlon of tlie i.iik, r lome cbronlc 'liiruni affectiou. üglect ftentimes reiutti in some iDcurablü Lung iseuae. Brown't Bronchiul Trochei mve proved their effloacy, by u test of yenrs, ná will almOBt invañably Kive immediate relief. btain only Brown'i 'Mrourliinl Trohei, and do not take any of the worthless imiatlom tbat may be offcreJ . 165iiH 18 78. Eclectic Magazine OF FOKK1GN UTKKA.TURB, 8CIENCK, AND ART. rrmitTY-PouRTH yeau. The Kclbctxo reprinta monthly frora uil tl forman UuurlerlicH, Reviews, Mafcnzint , m JouruulH. tlu'ir choiceut cunteuts, includiug Eb MiiyH, öcientific l'apern, Biographical tíketcht; Talen, Storiea, and Poema. The field oí select o íb very large, aud it ie believed ttaat the Kclkcti presenta a g rea ter vanety and hightr standard o Literature than any periodical thut dependa ex olusively opon home taleut. A knowledgeof the current literature oí othe eountries in indispensable tu all vh would kee pace with the progresa of the uk' ; and the 1 '.' i.k tic otters the best opportunity for obtaining th knowledge at a moderae price. In general Literature auch wntera as Rigb Hon. W. K. Gladstone, James Anthony Froude Matthew Arnold, Charles Kingsley, Francia Pow erOobbe, Leshe Stenhem, Arthur Helps, Alfre Tennyson, Thomas Hughes, William Black, Mr üliphaut, Thomas liardy, Turgemeff, Williai MurriH, Misa Thackeray, and othera cqually enn nent are repreanted in its pages. In soience the best articles oí suoh i h in kers an( writers aa I'rofa. Huxley and Tyndall, luchar Prootor, B. A., Trof. Owen, Dr. W. Carpen te Max Muller, J. Norman Lockyer, 8t. Gooide, M. vart, E. B. Tylor, and others, aro given. The Eclectic ulier its readers the beat seria atories, together with the short atoriea for whic the Knglirth magazines have a high and deserve rtputation. Ita Editorial Pepartmenta coniprise Literar Noticea (dealing with ourrnt home books), For eignLiterary Notes, Science and Art fsumniariz in briefly the new disco veri ea apd achievemen in this field), and Varieties {consisting of choic extracta ;rom new book and foreign jouraalt). Kach number containu a Fine Steel Engraving - usually a portrait - executed in the best manu er. Tkrms. - Öingle copien, 45 cents ; one tiopy oh year, $6 ; two copies, $íí ; Uve copies, $20. Tria mïbrtcriptum for three monthti, $1. The Rolko tic and any $4 magazine to one address, $8. Special Offer to Nimt Subscrlbers. The publisher takes pleasure in announcing tha he has made arrangments which euable him t turniah to every subscriber to the Eclkctii fi one dollar in addition to the regular tmbscriptio Rrice) a large and fine steel engruviug, entitle( Highland Pets." Thi engraving is from one of Laudseer'e mos celtíbrated paintings, and represent a Highlam KÍrl surrounded by a group of fawna, which Bh is íeedinc, while her young brother hold a statel pair of antier, probably the trophy of ome for merchase. Tho size of the píate is 18x27 inche printed ou heavy píate paper, makiug a pictur suitable for the wall of any room. The regula price of this engraving is 5, but we furnish. oniy to subacribers to the Eclectic Addre&e, E R. PKLTON, Publinher. UN THE WORLD FOR 1878. Since the ohnie in iti proprietoriilijp (whic took place May 1, 187ÜJ " Thk Woklu Iíiw becom the brightet, sprigbtlie9t, most Hoholuriy un popular jourual in the metropoli." " 11 ia en tertaiaing, intereating, brifht, deceot, fuir une truthful." It does wrong wittingly to no miin, n oreed, no interest and no party. It treata al. sul jectH of importance earneittly and with respect. I seeks to make itself an areeable compnniun. as weli as a íaithful guide aud teueber. Th Wokkd regard the recent Tictorios of the part with willen it by preferenee act-s uot a.s uierc par tinmi triumphrt gained by partisAD contrivtince but ai the unmistakable expresBion of a (leep au genuine popular demand for new raethods in go eminent, for a thorough purification of the pub lic service and for a rectitlcation of the ttims o our party organization. Wberever and wheneve the Democratie party proveí itaelf loya to this popular demand The World wi resolutely uphold it ; wherever and whenever i falls shorti of or atiumpta to countiract this pop ular demaud Tuk Would wül as redolutuly O] poBe and denounee it. In a. word, Thk Wobl believen the Democratie party toexiat lor the kooí of the public service. It dot-snot believe the publ service lo exisl for the good of the Demociiit party. WEEKLY WORLD. contains all the news of the week, presented in concise and altractive inanner; the best o; th inany exeellent letters sent by able correspon deDts from all parts of the world; biight and eu tertainintc editorial ou all mutters of interest t the public Short stories and stories continued fromweek to week, written oxpressly ior The World by the bes authors. Full repoits of all the principal markets of il. United States aud foreign eountries; a gmnge de partment, &c, Sec, It ia in every easential a pnper for tbc fnrail V. D. T. Moohe, Esq., the founder uud tor man yeara the editor of MOORE'S RURAL IW-MKfR vil! hereafter edlt the Farmers' Page of THK WEEKI.Ï WDltl.l). No paper in the country will have a better FAÍ MKKrt' DEPAKTMENT than The Wobi.ij. The Orange Department will also be uuder th charge of D. D. T. Mooro, Eq. One year (53 numbers), postage f ree (!ca thnn" cents per weekj, - $1.0 XO CLUB An extra copy fo club of ten, separately addressed. The Hemj Weekly Would for club of twenty, eparatcl addressed. The Daily Wobld lor cluu of üfty leparately addressed. SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One year (104 numbers), postage free, $2 00 XO CLUB jtUKNTü-An extra copy fo club of ten, separately addrossed. The Dail World ior club of twenty five separately ad dreased. THE DAILY WORLD. With Sunday edition, 1 year, postage f ree, $10.0 With Sunday edition, 6 tno., postuge free, 6 5i With Sunday edition, 3 mo., poatage free, 2.7 Without Suuday edition, 1 yr, poatage free, 8.0 Without Sunday edition 6 mo, postHge free, 4.2 Without Sunday edition, 3 ino, pontaje frttï, 2.2 Sunday World, 1 year, postiiKe, - - 2.U Monday World, containitigi-iiterKry lïeviewa und College Cliruulcle, on year, postage free, - - - - $1.5 IKR.MS : Cash in advance. Send Postóme money order, bank draft or registered letter, liill sent by mail will be at risk of sender. Additions to club list may be made, at aiiy tim in the year at the abuve ratcs. Wehavt no traveling agenta. Specimen copies poslera, &c, sent free, wherever and whenever de ai red. A Fair Field and No Favor A CHANCE FOR ALL. Cash Premiums ! To the person from whom The Wokld shall re ceive) previous to Muroh 31, 1H7&, the mouey ior the Urgent uumber of subscribers for oue year to the Wkeklt Wobld, we wiil give a flrat prize o S3OO. 'ör the next largett aumber, a seconc prize of $2U). For the two next largest liats ot Bubscribers, O() eacli For the two next larfeat lisiH of suDBcribers, two prize of Sï ," cacli or the six next largest lista, six prizi' of "j( eacbi Kor the eleven next lnret listit, eleven prixes of $&5 eacli. AU persona desirioua of competing for these prizua (whicli are offered in addition to the regular club premiums) will pleaae signify their intt-ntJon of (todoingand send to ua for full instxuctions. We will not award any of these prizea to any person aupplying THE WOKLD tu subscriberf at ltse han recular pnces, vu : OXK DOLLAR PER YKAR. Address all orders and letters to 'THE WORI-D," 35 Park row, N. V. IV. B.- Thone snbscribingbefore Janunry 1 will eceive the " WEEKLY W0RLD " until January I, 1879, for one: imh.i, i. iu VTËW TEA STORE. Japan X a at 3Oc, 4Oc, ." umi UOc per 1b , ij tne vor bunt impurted at TOc per 1b. Gunpowder Tea at 60c and 80c per lb., aiul the very beat iinported at $1,00 a potiud. 'oung Hyson at 40c, Or and 00c, and thjfl btft Uaported at 80c per lb. )olone Tea at 35c, 50c. GO, and 70c per II). mperlal Tea at 30c, 40c, and 50c per lb. wankey Tea at 20c, 25u, and 30c per lb. COFFEES A.D SPICES, f our own roastiug and grindin, at greutly rtuced prices. Uive u a Cali and bc Convim-od. J. W. HANGSTERFEK & VQ„ Ode 38SoutU Miiin st., Ann Arbor. MttaM T OTICB. The animal meeting of the Btockholden of the [rnt National Bank ot' Anu Arbor will be held at ieir Banking on Tm-aday, the 8th day of auuary. 1878. Poll for election will b Ópen beween 10 and 12 o'clock a. m. Ann Arbor, Dm;. 0, 1877. 1664td J. W. KNKilIT, Cashicr. Letter Heads and Note Heads (Universit) headng) for sale at th Auous office, put up in " Hk1er'i Patent Blottlng Tablet,"- 100 aud OO ihctti the bogk.


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