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THE HOLIDAYS Are agáin upon us iu their annual visit and we are prepared to receive theni with an Elegant Stock of Goods which have been conriigned to us to be sold by January Int, UEGARDLESS OF C08T, and it would tmrprUe you to nee the pricea at which they are being sold, From 25 to 50 per cent less than last year's prices ! Triple-Plated Cake Bask&te, only $4.00 ! Triple-Plated Butter Dishes, ouly $3.50 ! Pickle Gastere, only $1.10 ! And iu PIvATD KNtVES we have the larjreal stock ever biought to Anti Arbor, and ure ellin tht-m lower tlian ever ; also a laive (unortnMOftt oi other guod, eiuall} luw. 3rtT" CnM in nnl take a look at the o1s whether you wiah to buy or hot. Xtupairmg m uouui. No. 11 South Main Street. fi. BIJSS&SON, Agents. FURNITURE! J.KECK&CO., liANUFACTURERR OF FUBNITÜBK OF ALL DESCRIPTLONS, Are iimv OftiMinir (rcat lnüiu t'iui'iits lo I'iiri-liit-ei'N. BUYEu.-. VVITX SAVE MONEY BY BUYINO THEIR FÜKNITURE Direct ut' the Ksimi facturera Manufitctory, corner of William and West Fourth Streets. Salesroonis, T)2 Sontli Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. lse5 Sil&MHIIS! BUY THE SINCER The best and most popular machine in the world- 300,000 gold in a single year, after being on tho market over twenty-five yoars. Beware of Imitations ! To Recure the genuine buy of 1. L. Orinnell , the authoriaed aííent lor Waahtenaw Couuty. It iu only a question of time, and not much time either, wlien the mnjority of the wild cat mnchines will not be built, then the warrant of cut-throat dealers will bo of little .-ivnil. To buy a second class machine on a third clas warrant for üve yparti ia poor policy when such h tnuchinc as the Singer eau :ie had at a reasonable price. I keep eenuine parts for the Singcr, beat"Oil, ?ieedlea, T'TaitorH for dies makerö - 76c to $1,25, f.incoln's fringmgr machine, and have a large numjerof aecond-hnnd machines. Second-haud Sinter, $20 to $30. Second-hand Howe, $12 to $16. Seoond-lmnd American, (irover & lïaker, Wheeler & Wilson, and otüem, $1 to $lü. JT" Sewiug Machines repaired and Cftreí'ully adj usted. I. L. CRINNELL. i.iicuri Itlock, Second door eau! of Post Office, Anu Arbor, Mi.-Ii. , l.'.r.r,, Two Valnaüle Honsos FOR SALE, The proirty belonsitiK to the WKLI,KS ESTATI siluateJon DIVISIÓN STREET. :it the heiid t ANN STRKET, aml theproperty un now oocupied by A. WIDENM ANK, wlll be nol at a VERY 1,0 W PRICE, AND OM LoN; TIME 1F DE8IKEQ, Apjdy tu S. H. DOUUliAS. T3RICF OF LIME KEDTOED. Ohio lime will hereafter be 8old nl whülelc a my lime room, in thi city, at 35 eeuta, and Mon roe liine ut 'M ceata per bushel. Aun Albor, Dctober 30, 1877. Wood "Waated ! IN' EXCHANOE KOR S.iddlos, Haniess, Trunks. Travolins Bas?s, Kobes, lilankets, etc. J. VOLI-aM). 1 EORGE W. CKOPSEY, Late of the flrm of Clark A Cbopsky, and A. Kkaknky, lutt' il' Ti'xu, uiiitt'r tbe tinn name Oí KEA11NEY & (UOPSEY, Ham i-stHlilisliot tlu'tnHt'lves :it No. 33 Stntli iTIalu M,, Aun rborf and j (--. t: tu du genen] Crocery Business Tbey wlll al keep CROCKERY, OI-ASS ind WOODEN WARE, and a full line of DOMESTIC ;m.l KOliKKiN KJtL'ITS. Thry huve BlteU iiiui tiirniHheil X First-class Kating Department, Wbero Meala can bt bftd at al! liours, or board by tue week. ah puid lor Itutler, H(fa, mul uil iiniir produce. Boou promptly dellvered in any part ol' Lhe cty. Kemeiuber the pla-e. S3 Kuutli 'liiin Street. KEVRXKV & CROI'SEV Ano Arbor, April 34, 17. 1580 "1ALL ANIl SFK 1 UK JACKSO.N TRI SS KOI) WftfiOS Alao, New Kisht-Hand Itiirr.Ul 11 OU luiu Mi.-llr,.: Al. KOKERS'. RAILROADS. Ml HUÍAN CENTRAL líUl.UoAn XOV. 11, 1ÍT?. IOISH Rtt. A. M. A. M P. M. p M j j, ' Detroit, leave, 7 00 85 4 45 ■; "ló e i.i o ■ G. T. Junctiou, T 15 9 35 5 00 :; Wayne Junction 7 4 l(í 17 5 :)2 3 7 10 ir! ' Ypailanti, 8 10 10 :5 6 00 4 15 ; m ,, 1 Gedde, 8 15 6 15 Z " Ann Arbor, , 8 30 10 5:; i; :l 431 9 u. 7T Delhi, 8 41 6 43 _ " S Dexter, ti 5(5 fi 53 ;, ou 8 31 Chelsea, 9 17 ! 7 08 5 14 8 47 " Grase Lake, u ."] 7 33 5 34 9 u " r. m " Jackson, 10 20 12 15 8 00 1; lo 9 40 tT, Albiuu, 11 04 12 53 7 12 Í0 33 , - Marehal], 1150 13Í. -'s 7 40 1103', v. m. [5 8 M BattleCreek, 12 21 1 ÜS . "i 8 15 11 Sj 0 , Galesburjj, 12 55 g 52 12 07 A. M. A y Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 40 4 00 9 ]5 jó , . Lawton, 1 jfi -- - 1 4u H ' Decatur, 2 15 5 00 1 oj Uowagiac, 2 41 5 26 1 50 Niles, 3 11 4 07 0 1" t SüT, Buchanan, 3 23 6 25 2 54 2 Three Ouks 8 52 7 ■-' 3 3 - NewBuffalo, US 4 57 1 7 20 Michigan Cily, 4 40 5 20 7 M 4 16 T" Lake, 5 2S 02 b 4' ' 5 M ? J Keunlngton, 6 03 6 50 9 10 5 55 - ? Chiai(!u, mrivi-, S SC 7 4(1 1" Ib 0 46 j OOINO EA8T. Á Í ?_ _?_ ?. a í 2 A.M. A. M. P. M. P.H .-, Chicago, leave, 7 00. 9 00 3 45 í 15 7 Keasüiglon, 7 00 9 30 4 Sí 6 05 , Ï Lake. 8 40110 28 5 23 6 48 u, Michigan City, 9 28 11 10 6 23 ;!' New Buffalo, 9 48 11 26 6 48 _ Three Oak, 10 US ! 7 07 i_ Buchanan, 10 33 7 W ' Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 14 9 00 lu Dimngmo, 11 15 8 42 ÍJ Decatiir, II 39 i (jp ,; Lawton, 11 "i7 u 24 M. _, 12 Síi 1 114 111 00 7 (XI 10 26 ]■ 1 mlr-tlni! -, 1J 'i. 7 2í '- Battle (Tfek, 1 32 ! ; M 8 8 H M Jl Marshall, 2 25 3 00 p S 40 11 37 7 Albion, I S2 8 21 a.m. 9 10 12 05 4 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 5 20 10 lfl lï 50 j ' Uraan Lake, 4 08 5 4 10 3S Chelsea, 4 40 6 15 11 00 Dexter, 5 00 ■ 6 30 11 15 Delhi, s 10 C 43 1 Aun Arbor, i 5 201 5 10: 7 0011 35, 2 10 ti üeddcs, ' 5 28 , 7 05 _Z Ypsilanti. 5 38 5 24 7 16 11 56 2 27 6 ;', H'ayne June, 6 02 6 46 7 40 12 lñ 2 4 ík G. T. June, 6 .13 6 15 8 ir, 12 45 3 20 7 j Detroit, Ar., . (i 45 6 30 8 40 1 mi 3 35 } , #tíundaye exoepted. tíaturday and hunil.iv ex oepted. tlaily. H. B. LBDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wkntwobth, Gen. Pasa. Aírt., (,'hicago. DETROIT, HUiLSDALE ANE 8OUTHWE8TKRN RAILKOAD. To take effect Nov. 11, 1877. OOINO WKBT. OOISO un, TAT10N8. Mail. Kxp. station. jij. j, A. H. 1'. M. Yphilanti 8:10 6:05 .., Salino :O5 ti:43 Banker fi:M M Bridgewater.. 9:26 6:58 Hilladale ... 6: Jil MaucheBter. 10:(i6 7:2U Manchexter.. lw.í 1 . p. m. Bridgewater 10:;w 4-a HilWale 12.55 9:'?5 Saline 11:1(1 U Bankcrs. ... 1:07 9:35 YpsiUuti.... 11:45 fcfl Traiuü run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKEH, Sup't, Ypsilaiitií THE HEALTH M á rHOKOl'filI (YMNAS'IIC 8Y8TES1 FOB LA1MKS ANI GENTLEMEN, IX TKN MIMTr.S ONCB A HAY. The Health Liit ís a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. Furthe attaimneot tind prt6rvution uí Health, lt ib the best nitmus of PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IH THE S1MPLKST, SAFEST AND MOST KFKICIENT MODE OF TAKIN'i. ALL NEEDEI) EXKcl-i:. In the brief aunan of ten minute M the roucles are graduully, thorouvrhly. and pymnietnaillr brought into action. Coucentrated DJ the busy and aedentnry. ANN ARBOR OFFICE AXD PAUL0B8, 11 East Huron S Bouth of Court Houw A DOLLAR SAVED 18 A DOLLAR EAKNKU ! NEW GOODS! AmipiioesI.OWKli TI1AN KVKIÍ. I have purchaxed in New Yurk. foi oasb, ol I ara now diiity receivin; one of the largwi '-: most select stocks ol' Grocorips in W.ishUnii County, cousisting of u tull and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the now erop- Inoladlog ;mi io ili'r, Imperiul! Vuune ")' ■oí, II j sou, Japan, Oolunuri, FariiKiNij,, ( onoiis. Suurlions, BBt 'i'u;illkll)s, Together with a full line ofCOFFEKS, consitint; o' Ihe followinjf braudí : MOCEA, llH GOVT JAVA.MABACAIBO, LAQUAYRB.SASTO.S and IlIO, both rousted and (jruund ; a W and well .nelected stock of SUGARS, SYHUPS AND MOLASSES, Toether with everythinp in the line f Fure Spices, ( '11 nned fruita. Hud Vegetables. W hxtt full ,t ml complet1 liin uf BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES fcnd Hiiitiery. Aloo, a clioïce aaaortmeut of IjatH lud Oentleuieu1 Uuderwenr, Jull uud fx;in:l oods noli Pricea mid wo will tnñllts satwfuonnii. KDWARI) DFFFT. " Mnynnrd'e Block,' cor. Win and add trm" Ann Arbor, JlionKiTHijthMt cash price paid tur II "m )rodnce.!ra BSTRACTS OF TITLES. The underaiinipd, ItegisW of Dwils, wili prunpt ly nd i';irolully m:ike Abstruct oí' titles, Fr om the Original Records, For Attorueyt, Agente, Owners, or PurchasenNo paina will be spared to ffiVfta 0OZHplel6 clifloüf title, and show ali enonmbr.iuct-n. ÜhUgOI M'1 uutible. CiIAíá.H. MANI'Y Auu Arbor, Junutiry 10, 1877. l T - _ LE BARON & CO., DEAI,EKS IN Groceries, Provisions AND ALL KIXD OÍ? Country Produce SALINE, .TIK'll. CALL BEFOKE BUTIMU OK


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Michigan Argus