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Bach & Abel's

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Head this Careftüiy andConvince Yourself that IS THE CHEAPEST ORY GOODS HOUSE IN ANN ARBOR, WK HAVE NOT 8PACE, BUT CAN GIVB YOU A FEW OF THE MANY REAL BARGAINS: DRES SCOODS ! DRESS GOODS Knickerbockers, Bourettes, Matelagse, Komo Clotli, Basket Cloth, Fancy Plaids in all colora. Poplins and Alpacas, that have beeti sold in this market tliis season from 25c to 50, we will now sell 10 to 20 cents per yard. WE INVITE EXAMINATION. Especial attention to our Black and Oolored Cashmeres, at 50c, 65c, 75c, and $1.00. Nothing like them for the money. We have in stock füll Unes of Merinos, Tamise, Empress, Drap d' Ete, Biarritz, Camol's Hair, and Poplins, Black and colored Alpacas, Mohairs, Brilliantines, Silk Warp, Henrietta, White Cashmeres, Merinos, &c, in many choi(;e qualities, not to be found elsewhere. All at the most reasonable prices. Full Line of Silk, Velvet, and Black Satín for Trlmmlngs. SILKS ! SILKS ! Our exhibit represenets the most complete assortment in quality and fabric ever offered in thia city, from 65c to 84-00 per yard. We carry the largest line, and do not uiider any circumstances propase to be uudersold. SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! Fancy Wool Shawls in endless variety. Eeversible Velvet and Beavei Shawls, in all the best stylea and qualities. Domestic Wool Shawls of every description, all of which will be offered, much below fall prices. Elegant Stock of Paisley ShawU. The largest, choicest and CHRAPE9T line in the city. KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVE8 ! The " Genuine Josephine Seamless Kid Gloves " at $1.40 a pair. Stewart's Alexandria Kid Glovos, in all colors, at SI. 00, the best glove in the market for the money. FOREICN WOOLENS ! We cali attentiou to our Worsted Coatings in fancy Patterus anJ Diagonals, Cassimeres, Overcoatings, üloakings, Cloths, Beavers, Doeskins, &;. 1TOTIO1TS I ÏTOTXOITS ! During the balance of the month we will offer special induoements in Ties, all colora and styles. Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace Scarfs, Black and Colored Crepe Lisse, Ruffling, Fancy Dress and Cloak Buttons, Fringes and Galloons, in all colors : Nubias, White, Faucy and Chinchilla. Boy's and Gents' Scarft, Children and Ladies' Leggins, Fancy and Solid Colora. The Best Shirt in America for 1.00. PRINTS ! PRINTS ! ' Beat Prints, 5 and Ge. Yard wide Cambrics, 8c. Brown Cotton, yard wide, 5 and 6c, worth 7 and 8c. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Quilts, correspondingly low. Tremendoua bargaina in Hosiery and Underwear. Our stock this season is larger than ever before, both iu quality and varietyof goods offered, and as we always give bottom prices, we respectfully solicit your patronage. Live Geese Featliers kept Constantly on Hand. BACH & ABEL.


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