Miscellany: The Neighbor In-law

Who lt9sea othors in hm (laüy 'leed!. Wil! fin.l ihé healirtg tlm lii spirit n. e 's For every tl-iwcr in oth'-rs' pnthwny Hrrewn. Con 'era iis fragCaöl bcauiy on cuir own. "So you are going lo live in the saine building wilh Hetty Turnpenny" snid , JVIrs. Lnneto Mrs. Fairwéatlierj "you will Ãmdnobody toen vy yon. lt'hcr tempor , tkcsnot prove loa nuieh even Tor your , good-natnre, it will surprise all who kitou 3ier. Wc lived thcre ayc.-r, and that iy as long as anybochf ever Iricd it." "Poor HrUy!" replied Mi. FairAveatlier, LLShe has hul nriuch to harden her. Her niothcrdied too carly ibr her to rcmeniber; her fathcr was very soverc withher; and the only lover hc ever had, borrowed the savings of her fiaré oà Loil â nnd spcnttliem in dissipation. But Ilclty, notwithbtanding her sharp ieattwv , and sfiarpër wonls, corlaiidy has a kiiul lieart. In thüs midst of hev greafest poverly maiiy were Ihe stockings she knit, and the warm waisteofá she made, for the poor drunken lover, whom she had too mueh good sense to niarry. Thfii you know slie feeds and clothes her brother'a orphan child." "lf you cali it feeding and clothing," replied Mrs. Lane. "The poor chili! looks cold, and pinchcd, and iïighloned all the linie, as if she werc chasod hy the Kast wind. I uscd to teil Mrs Turnpenny she ough to be ashamed of hérsblf, lo keep the poor liltle tliing atwork all the time, without one minute lo play. If shfl tloës but look at the cat, as it runs by the window, AuntHclty givesher a rap over the knuckles. I used lo teil her she would makc the girl justsuch another sour old ri-ub as hcrsclf.""That must have been very iinproving to lier disposiüon," replied Mrs. Fairweathcr, with a good-humorcd smilo.- "Hut injusliccto poor Aunt Hetty, you ought to remember that she had just süch acheerless childhood herself. Flowers grow wherc theré is sunshine." "1 know you think everybody oughl lo live in the sunshinc,"rejoincd Mrs. Lane; "and itmust be confessed that you carry it with you whereyer you go. li Miss Turnpenny lias a hearl, 1 daic say you will find it out, though 1 never coukl, and I never heard of any one else ihat could. All the families within heai;ing of her tongue cali her the neighbor-in-lav." Certainly the prospect was not very encouraging: fo the house Mrs. Fairweather pioposed to occupy, was not only under the same roof with Miss Turnpenny, but the buildings had one common yard in the rcar, and one common space for a garden in front. The very firs day she took possesion of her new habita tion, she called on the neighbor-in-law Aunt Hetty had taken the precaution to extinguish the fire, lest the new neighbo RVinnU wnnt hot water, before her ownwood and coal arrivcd. Her first salutátioÃi was, "If you want any cold water, there's a pump across the street ; I don't likc to have my house slopped all over." "I am glad you areso tidy, ncighbor Turnpenny," replied Mrs. Fairwcatlicr ; "II is exlremely pleasant to have neat neighbors. I will try tokeep everything as brigh t as a ncw five cent piece, for I sce lliat will picase you. I came in merely to say good morning, and to ask if you could spare little Peggy to run up and down stairs for me, while I am getting my furniturci in order. I will pay her si.xpence an hour." Aunt Hetty had bcgun to pursc up her moutft fur a refusal ; bul Ãio pVórnièé óf sixpence au hour relaxed her fëatbtlrès at once. Liüle Peggy et khÃtlfÃig a stoeking vcry diligently, wilh a rod lying on tnc table bcsidc her. She looked úp witli i timid wishfulncss, as ifthe prospect of iny chiinge was like a release ÃVoni prisii. Whëri shc hcard coiisent givui, b jrighl color Ã!u:-liri her checks. Shè was evidently of aft imprcssible fómpöranciil, for good orevil. "Now miinl and xshavc youraolf," said Aunt lielly ; "and sec that you keop at work thu whole inie. lfihcai'onc word of conpliint, you know whatyou'll get when you ctnic ïomc. The rose colur subaidetl froni ?eggy's pale face, and shc answcicl, -Ye; ina'ni," vcry mcekly. In the nciglibor's höujè t31 wenl epiilo otherwise. No switch lay on the tablè, and instead of', "mimi how you d; that : ff you doiiH I'll jHinibli you," sie hc;ud the geutlc wordt;, "Theie. dear, ?ec how carelully you can carry that up stair; . - Why, wlmt a nicc liandy liltle girl yötj are?" Under this enlieuing iniliicnco, Peggy vvorkcd likeahee, and spon Jocgan to hinn much inore agreably tiian a bee. Auut ITetly yvas ahvays in tlic habil ofsnying, "Stop your ïvA.c, and miivl your work." But the ncw friènd patlcil her on the hcrul, and snid, "W'liata [ÃQfi ftri voice the litlle girl has. lt is like the birtte m the (ields. By and by, you shall liOar my niusic box." Thbopcnod wide the windows of the poor little shul up heart, so that the sunshine could otream in, and the birds fly in and out carroling. The hnppy child tuned up like a lark, ns shö f ripped üghtly up and down staiü, in vario -is hoiuehold cn.-.nls. ï!ut ihpugh sho took hced to obscr e all the direetioris given her, her hcad was all the time f ï 11- cel wilh coniecturc.; vhat;.sort of a Ihiñg a musió-box inigiit le. Shc vas a lÃftle Ãlfi'iiid the kind lah would lvvà to show Ulo hor. Shc kopt at work, howevcr, and dokc.'l no questicn ; 'slio onljj 1 kod vcry â 'ritiii'.ly at cvcrytJiijig fluitenii.l.Mla box. Al Ut, 31 iv. Fairwcather yaiil, "1 Ihiük your lililo iet't must be fiivd, hv ll'.is (hm:. W;e wil! jv -i awhile. uul pat S'Uic gingcrbrend." Tho ch.ld took tlic ofiered cake. with a Immble little curlcsy, and earefully held ut her ujiron to pnevëut any cruni!.s ÃVonr ÃUlling 61I the Hoor. lïut sutfdchl? Ihe tipóii fi-oppod, nnú the cruinl)s vorc all slrcyeJ abbilt. 'Lsthata jjttlc liinl?' cxcluirncd cagcrly. 'W hercis hc ? Is lic in this room?' The ncw frirnd smilci!. aniel told her tliat was the mièjc box ; and aftci1 awhilë iOic opcaed it and expÃaÃuéd what made the sounds, öhc then took óuf a pilpofbqoks IVuu) onc oi' the basketef goodó, and tuld Poggy - miglil look at the picfures, till she callod her. The little girl stepped (onvard cagerly to take ihcm, and Uien drew back 03 il" afraid. - 'What 'ia the hkÃU.t?' a-ked Mr--. Fairwcathcr ; 'I am vcry -villing lo trust you with lbo b !(.. 1 k''') thcmonpuroüe to arn}e childrcn.' IJeggj! lokcd down witli heiljtlger op her lip, aii-.I aiiowerod, in a con.j!rained voice, 'Aunl Tuinpcnny woift like.it, ifl play."1 'DonH tronblo youi'sqlf abput thai. 1 will inake it all richt wilh Aunl Ilellv," renlied Ihey one. Thus assured, she gavc hi ip to tho ful I L'iÃjoyment oÃ' lijo picture, jooks ; and whcn she was summoucd lo Ãer work, she oheyed w i l h a ln.eiTul alacily ihat woukl have u.st.nihcd hcr stern relativo. Whón the labors of tho lay wcre coneludcd,iIrs FairWéalhèï accompanied her homo, paid for all tlic Ãoursshe had been absent, and warnily praiscd hcr docility and diligence. 'It'is luckv for her that she bohaved so woll,' replied Aunt Hetty ; 'li' I had board uiy complaint, I should have givcii Ber Q whipping, and sent her lo bed without her suppcr.' Poor litlle Peggy went to sleep that night with a lighter heart than she had ever feit, since shc had been an orphan. Her first thoiight in the morning, was whether the new neighbor would want her service again during ihe day. Her desire that it should be so, soon becime obvious to Aunt Hctty, and excited an undofined jealousy and dislikcofa person who so ensily mado herself beloved. - Without exactly acknowledgingto herselt whal were her own motives, she orderedPeggy to gather all the 3wecpings of the kitchen and cotrit into a 9mall pile, and i leave it on the frontier line of her i )or's premises. Peggy ventured to ask jmidly whether the wind would not blow t about, and she received a box on the sár for her imperlincnce. It chanced ( hat Mrs. Fairwoalhur, quite xlly, heard the words and tho blow. - Sho g.ivo A uut Iletty's anger time ] lough to' cool, thon slcpped out into iho , :ourt, and after arranging divers liltle , naltèfs, she called aloud to her domestic, Sally, jiow c;uiie yon lo leave tliis pilo )f dirt line ? Didn't I teil you Miss riirnpetiny was vcry ncat ? Pray niake , asle and snoep it np. 1 wouldn't have . ie'r sec it on nny account. I told her I ( vould try to keep eve.rything nice about In1 iciiii.sos. She isso particular herself, . nul it isacüiibrt to have tidy neigh hors.' , l"he girl, whohad boon prcviously } cd, suyled as she caine out wilh brush ] tnd dusjLpaii, nnd swot quietly away tlic ;, iilo, tli'at was intonded asa deckiralioti of ( routier war. Dut another soürce of innoyance presentir.! itself wliich could , ïot be ([uite S'j easily disposeJ of. Amit ] iotty hal a cut, a lean .scraggy animal. , bat lookcd as if she were'oCtcn kickcd md seldom fed ; and Mr-. Fjarrwcallier ad a f.tt, frisky lilllo dog, nlvvays ready or a capcr. lic tor. k a dislasle to poor poyerty staken Tab the first time bc .s;iw lier, and no coaxing could induce him to nllor bis opinión. lli; ïiaino was l'ink, but he va:-auythiiig but a pink ol'bcliavior to his ïieigborly relations. Toor Tab could never set (pot p, u.p.f d.opr$ without being salutcd with a growl, au. la short sliarp bark, Ãiú frightened her out of her and matje her run into the house, with her !'ur all on an end. IÃ'.mh; even ve,nturcd lo dozc a 1 i tilo on her own dooi step, the oneniy was on the watch uu the moment her cytui closod, he would yakc her with a bark and box on the car, and oÃr he would run. Aunt Heil) v'iwcj she would scald hiin. Il was a, burning sjiarne, she sr.id, lor folk to [jLCep.,dogS :) worry their ueighbor's cats Mrs. Fairweather iuvited Tabby to diue â nu n-ade niuch of her, and patienlly en deavpred to tcaeh her dog iocat froin the sanie plato. B.ut Pink sturdily resolvcc he would be scolJed lh-A ; thal hc would tic could not have been more iirmin hi opposition if he and Tab had belonged t diiTercnt sectj in Chrisiiauily. VVhil hls mistress wns patting Ta!)on l!ic hëa( 'and reasoning the p int wilh him, li w .u'.'l af limes mÃüÃHesi - dogroc of in'di feivnce airièöfitijig fö 1 â lerntion : but tli moment he w; - fóÃi i !i; â ; óSvn fièe wil hè v. ml! iive frêè Sivlteà !;u.rÃ;i licnirt) culi' with liis av, and aè'nd hor hofn spitting like a youñg eügiuo. Aunt Hel tycoñsidered it her own peculiar privleb to cinT the pooi animal, ánd it was to much fbr her paliencc to sec Pink lindel takc to assiët in makingTab unh;!;.'v.On one ofthcM: n-c;i'?ioi:r, she rr.ohed ini.) tli. rtèigitóojs apartan". ï. aricl fucci Mru. Fainvealher, withono hand réstiri'g on hor hip, and the forcfingcr of the othcr :n;i:,'M'v very w.uidorful gdstÃbiiÃHtÃoÃÃs. - kI leli yi.u wluii, Madam, 1 vVont pul up v.iih suchirontniont ïmuh lóngèr,' r,aid ahc; '1M! poi.iMH that dg ; yu"!l seöffl doi'ï; and I :-h.urt wait, long, citlrcr. 1 can loll yon Wlia! y;ii koop isuch an impuilfiil liillc benst för, 1 dón't kribw wilhoulyou do il on purposc lo plagué your iiciglibore.' 'I nm rcally sorry bc bc!mvcs sa,' replied Mr. FainvSaithcr, n.ildly. 'Voor Tub!' â r Tab!' ïx-rraincd Misa Tunipcuny ; 'What d- you inoan by enlling her 1 Do you mean to iïing t lip i htc tli.il niy catil.jnt have öiiöifgii (ö eal:' 1 did niot thiiik oÃ" sucha thing,' M M ra Fairwoathor. '1 called her poor Tal;, bëcaüsfé Pink plagues her so thal shc has no peace of' her life. 1 agree wil'.i you,neighbor Turnpenny ; il i; u.'t flgÃit ló keep a dog llmt distm-b.s ihe neighborhood. 1 ainattaGhêd to poor Hille Pink, becruu-o hc belongs to my son, who has gone to .soa. I w.io in ltppcs lic woukl leave ofT ([iiuneling with liie cal j but il" bc wout bc neigliborly, 1 wiüseöd him out in tiie country iobparji. Sally, will you bring nu; uur ol'tlic pic f b.iko.l tliis ïnurning ? I should iiketo have Migs Turn. penny laste ol' theni.' Tbc orabbëd neighbor w.is lielpe.l abundandy, and while slic was eating llic pie, the frieiully matron edged in many n knul wonl concerning littlc Peggy, whoni si ie [ïraitcil as a reniarkably capablc induslrious clnkl. '1 am glad you find wv su,' rejoinéd iuit Hetly : '1 shnuld gel precious httle wo ik out of her, if 1 cüdn't keep a .switch in sight.' '1 manage children pietty mach a-s thé man did the donkey,' replied iMrs. Foirweatlier. 'Not au inch wuuld the pui-r beast btir for all his master's bcating and thumping. But n neighbor tied aome lïesh turnipsto a stick, and fastenedthemso that they swung directly before the s ionkcy's nose, and off hc set, on a brisk i :rot, in hopes of overtaking them.' AuiU Ilctly, without observing how s fcry closely the cornparison npplied to ïer own management of Peggy said, i That will do very wcll for folks that have lenty of turnips to spare.' 1 'For the matter of that,' answeröd Mrs. ] Pairwéóthei', 'whips cost something as ' ,vcll as turnips; and siucc onc makes the lonkoy étóml : lili and the other makes l ïini trut, it is very easy to decide which l s the UK-I ccnnomk-nl. Hul, ncighbor ' ruiiijiriiuy, si nee yoil likö niy pies so iVoll, pray lakc one home wÃÃh you. ) ' mi afraid thcy wilf mould beibie ucean ' at them tip.' 8 Auntilctty had come n for a quarrolj s ind she was astonwhed to find Inping oul v.ith ;i ie. 'Wcll, Mrs. veather,' said slië, 'you are a niglibor. '' thank you a thousand tiines.' When l' lic renolïeil her owu dour, hc hc-iilalcd v br m instant, then turnoil back-, [ie in s ïand, to sny, 'Neighbr I'airwoathcr, you icolu't -trciible yourst'.lf abput geoding L i'iuk away. It's natural you should likc " i litllo creaturo, acèfng lic beloñgs lo ' öur s .i. t'lltry tó licop 'Ãab in dooi-s, nd perhaps aftcr awliile they will agree etter.' 'I hopo iKöy' will,' replic'.l the friendly lativm : 'We will try them awhile lonjèr, and if thcy persist in quarreling I will rnd the dog into the country. Pink, hi wis sler-ping iii a ch.iir. ctrctchcd .and g;ip(L_jHjs_JihidLj2listress mtto'd fiim on thé hcad, 'Ah you I iltle beast,' said she, what's the use of jhiguing poor Tab?' 'Well I do say, observcd Sally, smiling, 'you are a masler wonian for stopping a 'juarrel.' 'I learned a good lcssön when I was a titile' girj," rcjoined Mrs. Fairwcather. - 'One frosty morning, I was looking out of the whnlow into rny fathers barn yard wherc slood many cows, oxen and horses, waiting to drink. Il was one of those cold, snapping mornÃngs, when a slight tliing irritatesboth man and bcast. The cows wcro all standing very still and nicek, till onc of the cows attempted to turn round. Inm.iking the nttempt she hnppened to hit her next ncighbor ; whereupon, the neighbor kickeil : aml bit another. In five minutes, the whole herd were kicking, and hobfcing each olher, with all fury. My mother laughed, and said, 'See what comes of kicking when yoú're hit. Just so I'.yc fcen one w rd â -'_â '.. n v. li-ilc funiJy by the cnrs, rne frosty morning.' Aftorwards, if ni bii-)lhp;s or mv.rlf were a Htile irritable she would say, 'Take care, children. Rcincmbcr how ihc fight in the barnyanl bogan. Ncver give a kiek for a hit, and yuu will save yourtclt'and olhers a deal of trouble.'T'uat same ü'lemoon, ihc sunshiny dame steppe iato Auul Llclty'ö where .sho tbund Peggy sewing, as usual, with the cternal swileh on tlic luble beside her. - '1 am obligcd to go to Ilarlcm, on business,' said shc : 'I foei rather loncly wjthoul conipany; and I nhvayo like'jo liavq huil wiih me. Ifyou will obligc inc yy letling Peggy go, I will pay her fare n the omnibus.' 'Slic fSs her spelling lesson to get hebre nighl,' rcplictl Aunt llctty. I Ãon't ;, , .(i of voimg folks goingu pïeasürng, and neglecting thair edueution.' 'NeiLher do I,' replicl hor ncighbor ; but I thiük the re is a greutdcal of educai 41 thtit is nol föund in books. The fresH air will make Pèggy grow stoul and aclivc. [ pröpfiesy that' sbc will do gieal breclH i') y?Uï bringing up.' Tlie i ! wünl . and the remembrance of the 1 pie, tuuohcd the .MfL [tlaro in Misy Tuiiipennv's heart, and shctuld tho astonished Peg tbat she mighl go and i.ui mi hr lio-i crown. and bonnet.The poor clnkl began lo tliink tlmt this hew jicyghbor j;aa ccrlaiiUy onc oi" the good fjtfriesslïp rcadalxnil in the picture books. The excursión was enjoycd as only a city i-hild nui enjoy the country. The worW seeins eucIi a iilcusauL ilacL whca the fotterg tuc off, and Nature iokls thoyoung hcart lovingly on lier bosom! A flock oirenl bhxh and two living butterlües put the little orphuri in a pciiect ecstacy. She ran and akippjd Qnq couldsee thiil she n)ight be graceiul, ii' slie werc only liee. She pointed to the iields coveicd with dandelionc;, and :-ai.i, 'Sec, how prett) ! Il looká a it' tlie stars liad come down to lie on the grass.' Ah, our little stinledPeggy has poeiry in her, ihough Aunt Hetty never found it out.- Every human soul has the. germof some ï within and they would open, if tlicy could find sunshine and free air to e.xpand in. Mrs. Fairweaihef wns a practical plnlobopher in her own smal! way. She obberved that Miss Turnpenny really liked a pieasant tune; and when Winter carne,;he tried to persuade hor that singing .vould bc excellent for Peggy's lungs, and erhaps keep her from going into a conumption. '.Al y iicpliew, James Fairveather,kccps i singing school,' said she; 'and hc says ie will teach her gratis. You need not col under great obligation; fur her voice â vill lead the whole school, anri her car s so quick, it will be no trouble at all lo cach her. Perhaps you would go with is sometimes, neighbor Turnpcnny. It s very pleasant to Jiear the children's 'oicps.' The cordage from Aunt ileity'smouth elaxcd into a smile. She accepled the nvitation, and was so much pleased, that hc went cvory S-inday evening. The imple tunes, and the sweet young voices, el] like dev 011 her dried-up hearf. and jreally aidcd the genial inÃluence of her eighbor's examplc. The rod silently iisnppeared from the tnble. If IVggy vas di.sposcd io be idlr, it was only necesary to say, 'Whcn you have finishcd â â â ar work, you may go and ask whethcr Hrs; Fairweather wants any erland lone.' liless me how ihc fingers ficw! - uiit Mctty had learnedtouse turnips intcad of ihe cudg:l. When Spring camo, Mrs. Fairvoi;ther iusicd herself with planting roses and vinos. Mis. Turnpennv readily consentcd that Pcggy should help her, and even refuscd to tako any pay from such a good neighbor. ]ut hhc umintaincd her own opinión that it was a ninre. waste uftiineto cullivatc flowers. The pliï- latcilicr dis')Uted lli'i iwiint; lut?iiie would sometimes say, 'I have no room to plant this rosebush. Neighbor Turnpcn ny, would you bc willing to let t be se on your sido of the yard? It will tak very little room, and will need no care. At anolher time, she would sny,, 'Wel really my ground is too full. Ilere is root of JLadj-'s-delight. Ilow bright and pert it looks. It seems a pity to throw away. If you are willing, I will lot Peggy plant it in what she calis her garden. It will grow of itself, without any care, and scatter sceds, that will come up and blossom in all thechinks of the bricks. - I love it. Il is such a bright good-natur ed little thing.' Thus by dogrees, the ernbbed maiden found herself surround ed by flowers: and she even declared. of her own accord, that ihey did looinretty.I s One, day when Mrs. Lañe called upon Mrs. FaÃrweathcr, she frund thc oÃd weed-grown yard bright and blooming. - Tab, quite fat and .--eek, was aleep n ihe surtóhine, wiih her pft'w on PÃnk's neck, and lillle Peggy was singing1 at her work as bliifieas n bird. 'ÃIuw cliceri'ul yon look herc.' said M r?. Lañe. Ãndsoyou have reaily taken llio liousc for anothor year. Prrty, howdoj'ou manage to get on with thc nciglibor-in-law?' '1 finda veiy kind, obligingncighbor,1 replied Mr. Fnirwealber. 'Well, this is ndeed a miracle!' exclaimed Mrs. Lañe. 'Nobudy but yon! would havo unde riaken to thaw out Aunt llctly's hearl.' â 'Tliat is probnbly the reason wliy it was never thawed,' rejoined her l'ricnd. '1 ahvays told you tliat not havingenough of süpiÃnne was vvjiat ailed lbo world. - Make peoplo hap;)V, and tlierewill not be half tbequarrelüng.or atenlh part of the wickedncss (horé is.' FÃom this goSncsl of joy preachéd and praelised, nobody dérivcdso imicli beiu-Iit as little Peggy. (Ier nature, whicli was fast growing crooked and knolly, under thc málÃgn influenceof constraint & fear, BlrargH tened, budded, and blossómedj in thc genial altnospherc of pheeriul kind noás. ilbr ofTeclions ánd fxculies wcro kept in.such pleosanj, excrciso, that cooslaut lightnessof heart made her almost hundsotue. The young music teaclier thought her mote t'Ran aimosl handome, for lier afleclipnáte suul shono more beamingly on hiin tlia.-j oji ollicr;and lovc radies al! ihincrs beaiuifiÃ!.o Wlien tlieo'rplian rcmovcJ tóher plcasant tüe cottage, on he weÃflÃog dny, slic Ihrcw licr arms rounJ tlio bji mioüionary of sunslune, and .said, lAh, thou deur good Aunt, it ks Ãlicoi who has! madc my fife Fuirwetither.'
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