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j UebbT Christma.3 to every Aeous „jder. Jlie old provorb, " YVhen the days begin ugthen the cold begius to sfrengtheu," can "tested next week. S 1'. Williams has purchased the farm Vm. Bark, ou the south Ypsilauti road ' SlO.óOU, and proposes to turn farmer again. "tai Marstoii and Hou. H. H. Haten, both jjiiy City, have been iu town this week : the irtsof JuJf?6 Cooley. ïhey took iu Bald' u's spirtual soauce on Monday evoning. __Lxeicises at the University and in the tT schools close to-day, for two weeks. No ([U1)1],ling thereat from professors, teachers, "jiiuileuts, ïlie weather is too soft for the pork trade. ,iowe,s aud buyers are hopiug for a freeze. ','J'hebottoui is roported out of the roads, litraveling is douu uiuler difficulties, except , Xlití esr ö Ia ui'uui, uie uusies 0 ia iowu tliBSO daj s : the Uhiistmas pack ;M going and coming being almost m regular meeting of Ann Arbor Lodg 320, I. O. G ï, announced to oceur 01 (jtuiil)' eveumg, Dec. 22, wiil be postpouec theraotics. „Springí Iovely Spring" was the song : almost imugiue iu order on Wedm moruing as the sun'a taya shone Hij througli .the clouds. lay, fcccording to Watson, ia just 9 i 5 miautee long, - that is from sun.(o lun-down, and tliere will be no i'urther m the present winter. Sunday the j „Utarry with us a minute louger. I -Audiiovv layor Cramer knows who that tv iillow is who reports for the Urowleriused the critter on Monday evenv - See card of Foster's Coliseum Company eriiiim at the Opera House on Weduesday oext. 'i'liis Compuny has a line repjjtionin Detroit. .lisien Brook, ao insane son of Prof. ok, was taken to the asylum at Kaia. jmo on Tuesday. He was so violent in his hes that his removal was a necessity. ,Ihe;iiiiiu;il report of the Couuty Treas,r, giving the names of those who have [ liquor tax for the year, and of those n't, will be fonnd interesting rend_(ln Moniiay evening laM a petry thief jedetected stnppiug the clothes line of Miss fnquelle, on Huion street. He dropped the ml made his escape over the rear viite toto Washington street. _Mr. and Mis. (i. A. Peters, of Soio ; Mr. , Kufus Babbitt, of Salem; and A.. i, Esq., of Pittsrield, represented the Jlahtenaw Grangers at the meeting of the 51 ;ate Grange, held last week at Lansing. _V'hite, the medium whoBe seances have inch a love-feast to the spiritualists of iud who was tied so tight by BaldFriday evening last Ihat the spirits ■ Hn't release hini, is a baker by trade, and 1 j rks lor Martin Clark. -Oor neighbor of the Couner ad vises nterested " tbat that judgment of 'itained against hiiu by the assignee edo, Ann Arbor, and Northern Company, for the benefit of the . haa been settled and paid, - each otors paying $254.60. Consideraba I iireiiuction. -Abuut that split column in the Court i re, MePherson, the foreman, says s quarried late and that the " sap" or eb is in all uewly quarried stone, Iud not dried out wheu its flow was checked :erost. ünce dried out, or "sap'' ivs do splitting will thereatter occur' I - lu the Uuited States Circuit Court at Monday last, verdicts were renderthe city ot Ypsilanti, for interest l.ltae tonus issued iu aid of the Hillsdale ludludiana Railroad, os follows : In favor i W. Smith, $3,10772 ; in favor of I Jbn Taylor, $2,703.34. Those who dance I rast pay the flddler. -Hun. (leorge C. Bates did n't draw a - uudience on Thureday evening of ■, !mt his lecture on "Utah and the I Imoii8 " was both fnll of interest and inI setiou. His descriptions of the Territory, . productious, climixte, and natural , werethoae oí aseeuic artist, while il sketches of the Mormons, colod iudividually, with the analysis of icter, were those of a master hand, i maiiy Mormop secreta to the GenI :i orld. innual meeting of the Southern Mutual Pire Iiiurauce Compauy 4 'U held at Manchester, December 1. The lis Secretary and Treaaorer showed 'oek oiover $400,000, and a loss dur■ ftkeyear of only $16j. Juums Short was I President, and D. W, Palmer SeoI nhryand Treasurer. Lambert Dresselhouse m re-elected Director, Cyrus T. Steveus i Director to succeed Oscar Bivins. - ' iieaper insurance to ba obtained ? - 1 '!ie iutellectual b'.ll of farp. for tho 20th y of the New Englnnd Society, to !he Preabyterian CLurch this evenI "f , t a good one, Judge Coc ley will preside . I Mïer will be oft'ered by Dr. Haskell ; W. D; I ""man, Eaq., will, as they say at a Tamliversary, malie the "long talk," and ev the " stock toasts " of such an ill be responded to by Dr. Dunster, iSrowu, Prof. S. A. Jones, Bev. !er, C. A. Lewis, Esq., R. E. Frazer, B. B. l'ope, Dr. Angelí, and Prof-Those of ourcitizens who appreciate fine ad did not hear Miss Haskins last 1 uing, at the Cougregational Cluuch, lüed a rare treat. Her voice is clear in its i'nunciation perfect, her reading and ltl'" not stilted and overstrained. gherrecitations were, " How Jaue ConW Rung the Church Bell "- a thrilling f; a scène f rom the School of Scandal- Wtly doue ; Josiah Allen'a "pleasure ex'." full of humor ; and Bryant's " Eobol'i" As uu ftfter exercise "the !"" 'ere recited to the admiration of all, lts Hitskms has sueoesa befare her as a pub(''-reader, and the ladiee of the Library Assod,'wareeutitled to thanks for briuging her ■ The reader was relieved, and the ï( nce favored, by the singing of the Uni'J ölee Club, and by music upon the " bj Miss Anna Nichols. Bal4wm had a large house on Monday ". wd it is safe to say that he gave both Vflra and disLehevera in spirituahsm tuj 'f fOn' Ue raUg the 'jells while hand ' Md chained iu the cabiuet, af ter the t uoer "f Eva Fay, showed up the dark uu eXp06e(1 tl!u l"nu hlowing, answered fWsquBStwaa clairvoyautly, but without Wyauce, and richest of all, told his W,r7 Sltter3 of the Precediag week ust mi T ame pos3esitod of thelr questious and t 81 them. And yet some of tho faithful '" he is a firat class medium. (h ornas Kennedy, of -Northfield, was Wöfromhisbuggy near Whitmore Lake, uesJay llighti Ue(, Ui and so seyere . ,n_ ternally and iuterually that he will WJ che. prof. Maole,ai whQ was caUed tQ Có riO'18UltatiOn With O ore Uke, advised his being brought to U've.Sity Hospital, as it was imponible 'll-re and atten'ltttó„ me' n Saturclay la afterconhof ,. Wlthüter members of ths faculty, ,tt 7;1" ""Pitated the left leg, which had aeou liim. The operatiou was wel! boniu. and aome hopos were eutertained of recovery uutil Monday, when symptoras of serioua iaternal iujury appeared, viz: inflammation aud obstruction of the bowels. The patisut is still alive and is receiviug every possible care and attention from the medical officets of the hospital.


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Michigan Argus