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The Agricultural Society

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At the annual meeting of tiie Washteuaw County Agricultural and Horticultui-al Society, held at the Court House ou Tuesday last, the folio wing ofliera were elected for the eusuing year : President - Sampson Parker, Lima. Vice-Presideuts- David M. Uhl, Ypsilunti ïowu ; M. H. Goodrich, Aun Arbor City ; Dauiel LeBaron, Bridgewator; Oeo. S. Wheeler, Salem ; G. A. Peters, Scio. Recordiug Secretary -William A. Lovejoy, Ann Arbor City. CoiTesponding Secretary- Loreuzo Davis Anu Arbor Town. Executive Committee- Edward Treadwell, Ann Arbor City ; Cornelius Tuomy, Aun Arbor Town : J. Webster Childs, Augusta ; Henry Calhoun , Bridgewater ; W. H. Arnold, Dexter ; Jacob Breining, Freedom ; Albert Blatss, Lodi ; E. A. Nordman, Lima ; Thos. Youog, Lyndon ; Horatio Burch, Manchester ; H. E. SuttoD, Northfield ; J. S. Henderson, Pittsüeld ; W. H. Dell, Saline ; f. Y. Wing, Scio ; John Campbell, Superior ; Homer Boyd, Sylvan ; E. ï. Walker, Salom ; J. J. Bobison, Sharon; Geo. Phelps, Webster; Jesse Warner, York ; Burk Spencer, Ypsilanti Town ; A. M. Noble, City. The following by-law was unanimously adopted, viz : That, should any membcr of this Board ueglect to attend three oonsecu - tive meetings of the Board, the Boari shai' declare lus place vacant ; and his place shall be filled at that meeting ; and he shall thereby be excluded ironi attendiug any future meetings of the Board, as an oflicer of the Board, unless he presenta some reasonable excuse for nou attendance. The New York weekly Tribune comes to us made up in a new form, - the form so long monopolized by tha literary and more pros perous religious weekhes, but with its sixteen pages something larger. The Weekly Tribune, overlooking some of its peculiar notions, political and otherwise, is oue of of the best family papers published,- its news fresh and condensed, and its agriculturul and other departments always well filled. $2 a year twenty copies for $2ó. - From Estes & Lauriat, Boston, we have a set ol sixteen Silhouette pictures, elogantly printed ou a red bordered page, 9x9 inches, bound m an attructive pnper cover, and put m a neat envelope. These Silhonettes are by F. T. Ohuroh, and from the first, " Our flrst investment in the Carriage trade," to " A Had Tail Piece " ou the ast cover page, are both suggestive and mirth provokiug, and are sure to be appreciated by the mother who has just bogun to her iirst born, or by the family brood when iucreased to half a dozen or so. A neat holiday proseut, l'rice 50 cents, lnquire at tlie bookstores. - We invite attention to the prospectus of the New York World, aud coiumend that paper to all who wish a Democratie paper - weekly or daily published at the commer, cial metropolis of the country. W. J. Tuite at the County Clerk's office, is getting up a club. - To those of our readers who wish to subscribe for a religious paper lor 1878, and especially to our readers of the Methodist persuasión, we commend The Methodist. This is not a conterence paper bound down by rules aud supervised by committees, but while independent of tlenominational control ít is always loyal to true Methodism, at the same time not forgettmg the rights of othei ooworking denominations, or the claims of humanity. It is as able as the conference papers, and to its ability adds more enturprise and liberality. The editor is David H. Whee. Ier, D. D., and the corps of special contributors consists of Kev. Abel Stevens, D. D., Eev. H. B. Ridgway, D. D., Rev. J. F. Hunt, D. D., Rev. S. L. Bos well, Rev. Attious Haygo'od, D. D., Rav. E. O Haven, LL. D., aud Rev. J. M. Buckley, D. D. It is a 24 page quarto, well-made up, aud always well printed. $2.20 a year, postage prepaid ; íive copies, $7 ; ten copies $15, with liberal premiums for clubs. Address H. W. Douglas, Pubhshing Agent, i Murray 6treet, New York. " LANDS IN TUE SuNNY SOUTH." - This ÍS the title of a bilí or circular issued by S. L. Seymour, Western Passenger Agent of the Northern Central Railroïd, Buffalo, N. Y., inviting attention to " the uuequaled opportunities of the present time for the purchase of homes and farms in the Southern Atlantic States," and assigmug m favor of such purchases, the location uear civilization and mar" kets, price, tertilizers, climate, and profits. The Northern Central offers the shortest and cheapest route to these south Atlantic regions, and Mr. Seymour will answer all questions as to liindH, rates of fare, &c.


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