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Proceedings Of Congress

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Tuesday, Dec. 11.- Sen ate. -The morning Uour watt nearly all occuped by the roception of petittons in favor of woman fiuffrage, for a law iu relation to the licuor trame, and in relatioii to tariff mattere Amoug the bilis iutroduced and referred were the following: lly Mr. David, of UUnote, to establisha Court oí Appeata ; by Mr. Kellogg, authorizing mail steamRhip service betweeu New OrleanB and certaiu portB named Mr. Coiikliug introduced a resol ution for the appointment of a comniittee to iuquire ínto the border troubloH with Mexico A diecusBÍOD upon Mr. Matthewa' silver re&olution took up the Kalauce of the day'e eession, whlch waHpaiticipatetl in by McfisrB. Kcrnan,Beck, Va31a46 and Aliison. Housk.- Mr. Whitthornc íntroduced a bilí providing for the removal of the bodiee of thoee lost on the Hurón to the Naval Cemetery at Annapolis, which waspassed The day waa pasaed in action upou Senate anieudincntg to tUe Deficiency ApproprlaÖon bul. TLey were all disposed of, and the biil was sent back to the Benale. W MfESDAT, Dec. 12.- Senate.- Mr. Edmundo submitted a reuolution authorizing a comniittee to consider the state of the law respecting the ascertaining and declaraüon of the reeult of electiona of President and Vi:e President of the United States, and also to connidcr and report 11 pon the bont inauner of electing those oflioers and the tïuration of their terms of office. Agreed to Mr. Dawes, froni the Committee on Public Buildings and Ctroundg, reported adversely on the petition lo give the use of the Sonate chamber to the wonien for the purpose of presenting argunientfi for a Sixtcenth amendmeut Mr. Davis, of West Virginia, preRented a reeohition in regard to the militia. . . . Tbe Senate insieted ipon its amendments to the Deficiency Appropriation bil!, and a conference committee wa appointed. . .Conslderfttlon was then renewed of Mr. MatthewB' resolution on the silver quehtion, iending which tbe Senate wentinto executive session. House.- Mr. Morrison took the Speaker to Uek for filling vaoancirB on commitleee, where the racmbers had not been exensed by the House Mr. StephenB introdnoed a bilí repeating the iron-clad oatb required of penmoners Mr. Harris ralled op the Colorado conteeted-election case, diocusaion pon which occupied the entire day. THrusDAY, Dec. 13. - Senate. - Mr. Cameron, of W'iRconBin, preMOted the petition of David T. Cotbin, of South Carolina, asking tliat hfn claiui lo a eeat from that State may be inqnired iuto and dreidrd upon Hu nifrita M r. Dawee Introdurfd a bilí to auütoxlse and cjuip aaexpedltion to vhe Arctic sea". Heferrc'l....Mr. Voorhee Bnbznltted a rcrolution on the flubject of 1 1 j . - nuancen, and gave noticc that he wou ld all it up on Tnesdty, Jan. 10, for the purpo of nnbmitting some rmarkK thercon At the rxpiration of the morniug Iiour consideratiou was rcRumcd of the repohition of Mr. MatthowB to pay bonds in sflver, The diHc.tiKSion on this eubject was taken jiart in by Slosars. lïayanl, Allison, lli), DawcB and Beek, and continued ntil i o'clock, when tbe Senate wentinto oxflCtitlvo sesflinn. The doors were opennd atfi:50, and tbe Bcnat adjotirned. IIoupk.- Tlie regular order of biteincis, conpidoratinn of tbe ('olerudo contetpd-elrotion eaw, was risumed. Bpecchee were made upon tho case b Uewn. Jïutkr and Hale, :wd by Mr. Patterson on Jiisdwn beüalf. Mr. Pattfr.sun was Ihon admltted and swovn iu by a vote cf 11C to lid. Adjourncd. FmiAYj Dcc. 14.- Sknatk.- Tho Vice President laid beforc the Senate a cominunication from the Sferetary of he Interior, calling uttention to Mie law in regard to th? compensation for Government advertising, and the cmnpl.iintrt daily reoeived na to tlie inaürquary of tOcb compcusation. He üUggestB that the I;iw be bo amendtd as to ailow tho d( partnient to pay the same for advertising as the papera received from private individuáis. Keferrcd to the Committee of Civil Service and U' trenchment. . . .Mr. Cameron, of Wisconuio, called up the House joint reHohition relatiug to reservoirs to promote the navigation of the MiHaiflsippi. Pafwed .... At the eipiration of the morning hovir, conpideratiou was rtHumed of Mr. MatthewB' resolution declaring it to be the right of the Goverumeut to pay its bonds in silver, and Mr. Hereford made a epeech pon it, af ter whit;h the Senate went into executive seHnion, . .. At the reopening of the doors the Deficieney Appropriation bill was taken up and passed, as amended by the conference committee. . , .On Mr. lvhni:n-is' inutirm, and by unanimoUB coneont, it was ordererl that the Vice President declare the Senate adjourned on Saturday immediately ai'ter the reading of the journail, and that no business should be transacicd The Vioc President announrï n the commlttft to nquiro inlo the practicability of promoting comnorcial imteroouree with Mexico and xnaintaiuing leace on tho Rio Orando frontier, Mesern. Conkiutf, Hamliu, Howe, Jone of Novada, Cameron of ['eminylvania, Eaton and Mtixf-y . , . .The Pofit-Route )iU wa8 passcd The bill providing lor tho burial 5f ihe naval omcen and men lont on the Huron was :hen passed and the Sonate adjourucd. ÏIouse.- The report of iïio conference committee Dn the Defleiency Appropriatlou bill was agreed to, ind the! bill wan pusfed. . . .The Senato amendments to the Paris Expositiou bill wero ayreed to Mr. Wood preeented a rfisolutlon iustrueting the scveral poiuwIUcns liavin in rharge. ïnattera re.ïating to lndian afFnirs, naval aiïairs, military nffaira, postoffleefl, public lands, etc., to inquire into any errors, abüsew, or fraudn in theadminlutration of the laws affecting sucb branches of the public HOrvico, with power to Heud for pernons and papers, Kit .luringtUr rcwpn, etc. Tho RegrablicaDS tiübuatcred aainKt the jjaPBage of this rcsolution unül the adjournmentof the House. Satdkday, Bec. 15. - Sknate. - A number of jills were signed by the Vice Prcsidcut....On uioion ol Mr. Thimuan, the Senate went into eecret scBeion to consider tbc difficnlty bctwren Mcpnr8. Gordon and Conkling. After the doors were pened tho followinf paprr was propcntftd and nnaniiuou&ly afreed to : Wuekkah, A mÍHUnderstandiiiK havin? arisen botwecn the Mon. KoRcoe 3onküug and tlie Hon. John B. Gordon In the conree of the exccutlve proceedings of the Senate yesterday, and mutual undertandings thereon having been arrivcd at, as set out in tho following paper, it is ordered that Raid pajjor be entered at largc on ihe legÍRlutive journat of the Senate : During an executive sestilon of the Sonate held yeaterday words were uttered both by Senator (iordon, of Georgia, and by Senator Coñkling, of New York, which were ïuutually feit to be unkind and offensive. Iteporta of the incident appfar in tlic papers of thia morning which are inaccurate and unjuut lo both BpeakerH. Upon careful inqufry as to what waB naid by e&Ch sprakcr, and what waH understood to be said by tho olher, it is certain that the ftrt olTí-nsivfí worde were inspired by an honost mi&nnderstanding of what had beon innocently Baid by the other speaker. One harsb remark provoked another, as too often liappens, but aU tliat wbb offonsive was the outffrowth of mienpprchCDBion. Since sucta was Ihe fa et, we, wh o an the mutual friends of both Senators, are of the opinión that it is due alike to the Benate and the ppftalera tliat whatever was feit to be unkind or offemüve in the rciuarka of either should be trealed m. if never nttered, and, we are now authorized to Btate, are mutually aud Bimultaneously withdrawn fSigued) II. Hatulin, M. V, lïaiisoni, Timothy O Howe, and J. K. McDonald The Senate then adjourned nntil January 10, 1878. IIouse. - Mr. Wood aud the majority eudeavorce during nearly the wholo day'e session to have bis investigation reaolution atloptcd, but it was fïnallj postponed until after recesa Mr. Schleicker froni the Conimittee on Foreign AÍTairs, offered a resolution authovizing the committee to sit during the recess in the investigation of the Mexloaj border troub'e. Adopted 'iho Senate amend nu nts to the Post-routo bill were taken up and con curred in Hrolutlons to pay extra employea in the Doorkecper'ö Department were offerecl. dis cujwedj and agreed to, and the House adjourncc iintil Jan. 10.


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