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Agricultural And Domestic

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Pbüning of currante, gooseberries, grape vines, omittcd in tlie lall, mny te done now on mild days. Caee of the orebard, -uhether young or okl, will require goed finces and gates to keep out intrudcis of all kinds. A stray ox or horse roay cause serions damage in a young orebard. Eoots are better pulpcd tban cut for sheep. There are very clieap macbines that caD cut roots into fine ehreds or pulp, -which -will soon saye their cost in the improved condition of the animáis tiras f ed. Manuee may be carted to the orchard and spread over the whole surf ace. The time of manuring is not of so much importance as to get it on at any rate. It is a mistake to put a little manure close around the trunks of trees. Covekikg of strawberries and tender raspberries should be done, if not already completed. In covering strawberries do not get the matenals too thick over the plants. An inch or so is better than more. - American Agriculturist. Calves and yearlings may be made to aerease in size and weigbt considerably, and make a large quautity of fine marnire, by keeping tlieni in a roomy ghed, bedding them deeply with cut straw or leaves, and feeding them well. Witli plenty of bedding the shed need not be eleaned out until next spring. No question is more frequently asked than: "When shall I prune?" IL the cutting is such as may be done with a knife, it makes but little difference when it is done, but if on old and neglected trees, where large wounds are to be made, it is better to do it when the severe oold weather is over, but before vegetation starts. In the climate of New York, late in February and early in March. Cows in milk may be made greatly more profitable by feeding wheat middlings freely; it will pay to f eed as high as four quarts of eorn meal, and three of wheat middlings, to some cows producing butter; the butter is inoreased in quantity and improved in quality and oolor. The kind of cow, however, is important, as some will fatten upon this feed, while others will only inorease in milk and cream. Sheep and lambs sheuld be kept and fed separately, elee the stronger will orowd and rob the weaker; when in separate pens each thrives better, as the food can be properly apportioned. It is oonvenient to make as many ieeding stalls around the feed racks as there are sheep, each large enough for one sheep only, then a weak one will have a secure place from which it cannot be dislodged. Of course the feed should be evenly placed ia the raek. Ip no accounts have been kept, a beginning of a better system snould bc made now. At the close of the year make an inventory of every article, and value them, and also put down the debts owing and due. This will show how one stands at the close of the year. By keeping strict account of one's business, it is not only known what goes out and what comes in, but by noting every expenditure and income, we can readily find where we gain or lose; foolish or unwise spendings are thought over a second time, and this naturally leads to avoiding them in the future. Fruit in cellars is likely to suffer from heat rather than cold. In the slow operation of ripening, heat and carbonic acid are thrown off. Whenever the temperature approaches 40 degrees, the outer air, if cooler, should be let in to reduce it. In the house-cellar, the accumulation of carbonic acid would be injurisns to the health of the family, and it is highlv important that this be moved by ventilation. ín iruit-cellars apart from the house, thie is not neeessary, as the presence of this gas, so injurious to animal life, tends to preserve the fruit, as it exeludes the atmospheric air. About the House. To Clean Wall Papek.- Wall paper may be soinewhat cleaned by using flne, dry Indian roeal- rubbing it on with a solt, dry olotb. Black Lk.- Bruised galls, two pounds; logwood chips, green copperas, and gum, oue pound of each; water, seven gallous. Boil two hours and strain. Pi oúuct, flve gallons. Mioa Windows. - Mica windows of stoves shtmkl be removed from the stove nd washed in warm water and soap, usng ñne snnd paper. But they are inexensive and cun be bought new to üt old toves. Boileí) Cauliflowbb.- Strip off the eaves and cut off the stalk ; lay it head ownward, in cold water and salt, to draw out he insects. Boil it in boiling water with some salt and sugar for one lour, or until the stalks are tender. Haik Invigoratob.- Bay rum, one pint; alcohol, one-half pint; castor oil, jne-half ounce; carbonate of ammonia, one-quaiter ounce; tinctnre of catharides, one-half ounce; mix them well. This mixture will promote the growth of the hair and prevent it from falling out. Coooanut Cake.- Break two eggs in a, coffee-cup ; ñll it with good sour cream, one cupful sugar, two cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful soda, two of cream tartar ; gtir well ; this will make f our cakes baked on jelly-tins or any tin ; then flx the icing one-half cupful prepared cocoanut one-half cupful sour cream, onehalf cupful white sugar; spread each cake with this. Advice to Stout People.- Any medicine or ingrediënt of ány kind taken by a stout person to reduce him in flesli, to be successful, would injure his stomach and produce endless troubles, but any person with sufflcient wili may do this aud be beneftted: Eat no slops; live on parched cora, broiled meats, little vegetables no fruits, bnt drink water, green tea- no silgar or milk ; exercise, plenty of water, and no foocl, is the safe, healthy cure. Suggbstions To Lban People.- One who bas but little exercise daily will not keep lean for want of exercise. Leanncss is coustitutional with many. Excess of eating by those -with small abciomens only induces leannees, but by tl.e proper mode of eating the proper f ood, they may be kept in good condition. Broiled and bakedfood.witb purewiter, stands first; soups, stews, condimente, pastries, cheese and spices last, Pltnty of sleep, with proper attention to the relaxation of the system, are lielps. A Boyal Kailroad Coach. A new saioon carringe, intended for the use of the Qneen and roynl iannly has been constructed by the Londonand Southwestern raihvay. The cnrnnge, which is about 50 feet long, 9 feet high and 8 feet in breadth, is built of teak, and the doors are fitted with silver-plated handleu. The draperies are buff and rojcl eretocne, and theie are easychairs, "ouclies and tables, the interior woodwork beir.g polished teak. The ealoon has travt'led at an oceasional speeu ot sixty-two miles au hour with ease. Tiro. The sun is a natural incendiary, and a most powerful one. Becently, some cartridges bad been placed on a table near a window ; the eonoentration of the sun's rays by an " eye " in the glass -was sufficent to cause an explosión, in summer conflagrations have ariReu along railways by similar action of the glass of the onrriafte ïvmclo-svs on the dneü loavPH along the track and embanknients. It íb known that ju Algerian íoreats fare has oocmred through lroF8 oí -water attaohed tú the leavfí pfiting M lenses or Í)uruÍBg'g3wos,


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