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NEWJjVERTISEMENTS Report of the Condition OF THE Arm Arbor Savings IJank AT ANN ARBOR, MK'HKiAN, On January lat, A. D. 1878, Made in accordancc with seetions 18, 19, and 67 of the General Banking, as umended iu 1871. REHOl'KiKS. Loansand discouuta, E170,481.11 Real estáte, 1,307.56 Fnrniture and fixtures, 2,697.84 Kevenue stanips, 98 S,r Due lïoui National ltiinks, 39,014.80 Cash items, 118.26 Cash on hand, viz: Silvercoin, 620.75 Gold coi n and Canada Currtmcy, 667.65 Fractlonal currency and Dfckles, 55G.95 Legal Tender and National linnk uots, 38,318.06 39,900.35 Total, f239,679.31 L1AUU.11 IKS. Capital stock, Sr0,0(iO.OO Oarphu nrofits, ti,40(44 Oividends unpaid, .10.00 Deposíts, 203,102.87 Total, $2:9,679.S1 I do solemnly swtir that tlie above statement is true, to the bet of my knowledge and tÖlloL CHAS. K. HlSCOtJK, Calii t. Sniisi'i'iilffl and Nwuru to before tue thls 2d day of January, 1878. 1667w L. GHUNKK, Notary Pnblio. Sheriff' Sale. STATKOFMICHKiANCouutyof Wushtenaw,. leaac Paulding vb. William Buhee. By virtuo oí' une wi'it of i-xttc.utiüu i-uiunl out of and the M'ul of the Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenaw, in the above entitled ctiuse, to me directed and delivered, 1 did on the twenty ethth day of September, A. D. 1877, levy upon all the right, title Jiinl interest of the uid VVilliam Beheu, in and to the following deacribed real estáte, situated in Lhe County of Waahtennw, statu of Miclugun. to wit : All thiit trnet or parctil of land known and dettcribed as follows, to wit : The eaat half of the ttouth-eaat quarter of uection number six, in towa three, south rttnge three eaul, being the townsbip of Sharon, WuHhteuaw County, State of Michigan, which ubove decribed property I shtll offer for öule, to the highettL bidder, at tho HOiith door of the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, N iihIitenaw County, Michigan filial being tht plncu of holding the Circuit Courts iu tlie County where the piemiaes are auualnlj, on theninteenthduy of Fcbiimiy. A. 1). 187M, ut 2 u'cluek in tlie aftemoon of Biiid day. Dutüd, January 4, A. D. 1878, JÜbXAH 8. CASE, Sheriff. Mili.abd & Ukan, AttyV V-r j'luintifN, Adriun, Mich. 16G7 VXCZ'S FLOWEB AND VEGKTAHl-K SDIIis AKR I'LANTEU BY A UILMOM I'KOPLK IN AMKIilOA. PEK Vlek' Catalogue,- 3S0 IlluBtralion, only i centu. Vick's Illiiatrated Maifazlno, - 82 pages, llni' IllustraLions, und ( 'ulored in euch aunibei. Pnoe $1.Ü5 ft yenr ; Kive copiüa for $5.(K). VirU' llumr iiii.l Vegetable liarden, 5" uunt ia paper cuvera; wuli elegant cluth XVT8 $1 .00. AH my publications are printed in Kng]ih ftnd Qurmau. Addrese, 1667 JAMEd VICK, Rochester, N. Y, D. CEAMEE, Attorney and Counselor at i,:nv. Will attend tq collections and Hittlemtnts of Ftntes. Makea it a Hpecittlty to keep pouted on 4)1 buuiness mattera. Will borrow or loan money it uny time or buy good paper. Office opposite LJtregory House, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1007 -Om T?0R SALE! 1 Platform Spring Wagon, t.wo hora, uow. 1 Tlrrée Spring Wagun, two liorse, new. 1 Sí"C,ond liana Top Buggy, 1 Hukei'd i'. liiliuiK' TVagun. l Bob Sleigh, one hortte 1 Kour-Cutter CraCker AÍHthiuo. 1 Very nice tí Kloon ('ountcr. 1 Saloon Cnpboard. 2 Sa}oon TaDles. 1 Second'Hand Cutter. 1 New Safe with Combination Ioak, ni;inufactured by Moslen, Hahman & Co , Cincimmti, O. I will nel! ttll or ny part of tniu pioprty cl. ;p lor cash or eood paper Ann Arbor, Dec. 20, 1K77. 1667-lm M. KOUHKS.


Old News
Michigan Argus