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THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. 1878. Aatho tl me approachee for the rene wal of aub.scriptinns, THE 8UN would reniind its friends nd well-wishers everywhere, that it in again a eandidate for their eon.sideration aud support. l pon i is record lor tht; past ten yenrs it reliea for a contiuuMice of the hearty syinpathy and generous co-operation whioh have hitherto liepn extended ta it trom every quarter of the Uüion. The Duily Sun isa fuur-paue sheet of 28 column, price by mail, post-paiii, 55 cents a month, ni ijli. 50 por year. The Siuiilay edition of Tuk 8un in an eightpae sheet of LC columns. While giving the newa of the 1.iY, it also contains a large amöunt of literary and nnsirl aneous matter specially prepared tor it. Thk Sitnday Sun has tnnt withgreat sucCC88. !'■■! ik! $1.20 u yctv. Tlie Wéekty Sun. Whn dotB not know Tiir Wekkuy 8un ! Tt eirtnüatea throughout the United Staten, the Cañadas, andbeyond. Ninetj tliousand families greet ita welcome page wcekly, aud regard it in the light of giilde, oounsölor and friend. Ita news, editorial, agriculturnl and literary departmenUi. make it t'ssentially a jonrnal tor the family and the flreside. Term&: One Dollara year, post paid. This prico, quality considered, makeB it the cheap est newBpapt;r published. For clubs ol ten, with t() cash, we will sentí un extra copy free. Addregfl PUBLISUKK OF THK SUN, 1G59w8 New York City. XHE GRKAT CAUSL ZXT7MA1T MISEHY. Juat published, in ft sealed enrolope. Price, 8Í x cents. A Lecture on tbe Nature Troutlïieiil, and radical cure of Seminal Veaknens, or Bperirttitorrhum, induced by Abuse, Involuntary Etninsiond, Impotncy, Nerrous Deblility, and Impedimenta to Mariiage generally ; ConimmpUon, Kpilepsy, and Fits; Meutul and Thvsical Incapucity, BC - By ROBËRT J. CULVIÍHWELL, M. D., author of the "Greeu Book," Ac. The world-rnowned authort in this admirable Li'ctme, cletirly pioves from Mm own expenenoe that uw ful Ruutequeuces of 6ell-Abuse inay ba effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, iiiutruments, rings, or cordiais ; pointing out a mode of ourt: at onue certain, and effectual, by meam of which every Buffcrer, no matter what hia condition intiy be, inay cure himself cheaplyt privately, and radically. &LtTks Ltidure wilt provt a boon to thousand and thousanús. Sent uuder seal, in a plain envelopu, to tin y addresü, po!i-piiid, ou rueeipt of six cenia or two poötitgo stampis. Adureas the Pnblishera, THE CÜLTBBWELt MEDICAL CO., 41 A mi Street. N. '. Posl Otlice ii.ix, IJS(. ];:i)y i TJ{ICF OF LIME REDUCE!). Ohio lime will hercafter be sold at Wholesale at my lime rooin, in this cityt t 35 ceutu, and Monroe lime nt 30 conts per bushol. Anu Arbor, October 30, 1877. Wood V7"antOd í IN KXCIIANGE FOR Saddles, Ilarness, Trunks, Travelinj? Bags, Robes, lUaakets, etc. J. VOLliANI). MEW TEA STO11E. Japan 'I' a at :to-, lilr, SOc and 60c lcr Ib , i i I tito r bewt iinported at TOc per Ib. iuiipowder Tea at 60c and 80c per lb.( and the very beHt iii.oii-'il at $1,00 a pound. Voung Hysou at 40c, 50c and 60c, and tho beat lmported at 80c per Ib. ')olong Tea al 85c, SOc, 60, and 70c per Ib. [mperud Tea at 30c, 40c, and 50c per Ib. l'waukey Te at 'JOc, 2.rc, and SOc per Ib. COPFKES AND SPICES, )f our own ruasting and grinding, at reatly reIH'ril [lliceS. i.i un a Cali and be Convinced. .1. W. BANGSTEfiFEB & CO., Ui.v 3 2 Son ti 'lain Nt., Aun Arbor. 1G39uiG TTOE SALE! Une larpe new milch (3ow, one 5 months Perïheron Colt- from lílack Joie, one Duihain ('alf, me 18 months Iurhum Bull from Varner's herd, 'a beauty). Aun Ardor, Don. 24, 1877. EUUtíNE li. HALL, ur HALL BliOM. 1M7-GW


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