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„Slinday evening next: regular meeting tij6 Common Council. l.-l'he Lingards had a fair house on Wednesj3v eveniug, and their acting, as it always is, ,.s good. ,, A bnrmng chimney in the Fifth ward tjlled out the tire department on Saturday „ight last. _ ün the 2nd inst. the First National Bank ronimenced paying a semi-annual dividend of sis per ceut. „Anuual eleotiou of Forest Hill Uemetry e5t Tue8day, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the store „f Ueorge Grenville. „Colder weather has ruled since the last j8,. of the old year, and there is some hopes of mproved roads and an ice-crop. _JJob Ingersoll is billed tor next Tuesday telling at the Opera House. Subject: "The liberty of Man, Woman, and Ohild." - The public schools open on Xuesday next wwhich time the boys and girls ought to hve ioue with their holiday f un. _ Jíot exactly a timely present : that cutter Yen to Bev. Father De Bever, pastor of St. john's Church, Ypsilanti, on Christmas. .. Horace Lathrop, at the toll-gate on the ave[ road, had a family re-union on Christ8S day, and gathered in sixty relativas. _ Josh Billings is to lecture at Manchester onMonday evening next, January 7. Josh is ahunwtous lellow, but a terrible bad speller IroBl clioice). _ But few ladies received, aud but tew gentleiui" made calis, on New Year's day. In cities of the State the pleasant custom „ismore gouerally observed. _ Keport says that Judge Craue's triemls ojpect to see him appointed postmaster 'at ))ester, in place of Postmaster Houey, whose official term will soou expire. -Aaron B. Vanatta, who has resided on the urne hrni in Northfield about 45 years, died pee, 27, aged 72 years. Thus oue by ona the oia pioueers are passing away - The Dexter Leader reports the village lock-up fllled with "druuks" on Tuesday eveniiig,- with fr h'les the next day of $ó each miii costs. "And that's the way the money iroes.'1 - Tbe Manchester Enterprise says Ben. Kelly, "f Iron Creek, has shot (wounded and captured a gray eagle, which measured lïeeu six and seven feet trom tip to tip of its ïings. l -Mayor Cramer, on the 27th, received the tamplinieuta of the Mayor of Toledo in the hape of uicely bouud volume of about 500 pages, contaimug a full exhibit of that municipility. -- Candidates for poftmaster of this city are miorted lively, and the disinterested observer ■ iy look for fun between this and the espira;,.,uot Pustmaster Clark's commission - BometiuieinUay next. -Five dollars and coats and 90 days in the House of Correctiou ; that is what it coat Chtster Cherry, porter at the Follett House, Ymilanti, tor beinL druuk and disorderly at the Light Guard Hall, Friday evening Dec. 28. - Capt. Thayer, of this city, was very much Tieved on New Year's day, because the Aegus office was elosed and he could'nt pay his substriptinn for the year in advance. Would that ie had a thouaand or two such particular übscribers. -At a Schuetzenbund "shoof'on New ïear'sday, J, F. Schuh took the first prize. l'sing a compauy A musket, he made in three A :s, at 200 yards, 6S out of a possible 75, ihioh is claimed to be ths largest score made the State. - The Schuetzenbuud Society (shootists) i.Vvied officers on Wednesduy eveniug, as foln; l'iosideut, Frederick 8or: Vice. Presii-nt, Christian Schmidt; Socrotary, Fred. Baï; Treasurcr, L. birk, lst sliootiug master Fred. Schmid ; 2il aliooting mastor, Richard ,!uii. -In the sinall hours of YVtdnesday morning lepartment of this city, responding to icall for aid at Ypsilanti, got their eiigine to ctapot, but beforo the train moved off word ismö that the fire was uader subjection, and so the machines were housed and the boys dis■■.! Ie their homes. - A goodly number of old subscribers have ilready paid for the Argus for 1878, and some i ones have entered lor the year's jouruey mth U8. We have time, however, to register ■en names and receipt tor more money. Now isALVAYS the good time to pay the printer. -Weomitted to say last week that the pertaauce given by Foster's Combination hm Fosier's Coliseum, Detroit, was fat daas in every respect. The porfornance on the trapeze, turning bars, etc, is urely equaled ; and in the whole programme Mthmi; wa8 said or doue to otïend the most acting. The Combination will get a better iouse neit time. -Oue Iiundred car loads of iron were ship■du the 27th uit, f rom Reading, Pa., for the IJeJo and Aun Arbor Railroad, and workmenwill commence layiug track assoon as the iron arrivés at Dunciee. Tjie engineer has eeuatwork staking out the line through this "tv, aod workmen will immediately make the 'adbed ready for the iron. -We invite the attention of our readers to -istroug ooudition of the Anu Arbor Savings "Mik, as showu by the official report publishJ in this issue of the Arous. The bank has i reserva on hand ot over $78,000, of which ■■a f39,000 in cash is in its vaults and the lnce (f40.000) on deposit, subject to cali, ?h Xational Banks of New York, Detroit A Chicago. -The freshest, sweetest, most toothsome a which has come to our table thia many a : nth is oiie wliich Uharlie McCormick, of '[ilauti, depositeii in our office a few days - ,-just aler paying íor the Aegus a yeor ■aulvanca. As Mac ia eugaged in in packing : Mglit be well for aome Ann Arbor deaier to 'rter a bilí ot his sugar-cured hams íor his "Me. We can recommend them to the veriest iwure. -i'rof. Nichola, of the High School ; Prof. Tmeadel, and W. Cary Hill, of this city, atu meeting of the State Teachers' ion last week, Messra Nichols and Hill ■-rticipating in the discussions. Prof. Mc■iut aui1 Lodeman, of Ypsilanti, were also ï'-ient, the latter being President. Prof. Mc"' ' Was elected a member of the Executive niitlee for the coming year, aud Prof. ";-. of Chelsea, one of the


Old News
Michigan Argus