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Saline Slips

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-The clothes line of B. P. Davenport, iu the S. E. part of town, was stripped partialy on Thursday evemng last. The thief was tracked to a house iu the colored settlement. He was very bold as it wns ouly half past six when the liuo was robbed. - The same evening about half past nine, some one tried to buru the building of James TolHvar, a colored mau and brother, using kerosene to start it, but the flie went out without doing any damage. Letter Headsaml Note Heads (University heading) for sale at the Aiious office, ]ut up iu " Hodder's Patent Blotting Table t,"- lOOatid 120 sheets to the book. From James It. Osgood & Co., Boston i tlirough their local ogants, Douglas & Co., we have raceived several copies of their heliotype pictures. The heliotype is the result of a combination of the photographer's, graver's, auü printers art. Iu the photograph, aftet the aun has taken the first picture or negativa each suucessive copy is made by the sun, and it is thereforu a sun print. The procees in the production of the heliotype picture is to photugraph it upon a prepared gelatin plate inatettil of upou a metal píate. This gelatin plate ia thon exposed to the sun's rays and a plate is made for tlio priuter's use, without graver or tooi, and {rom which impressious may be multiplied rapidly and perfectly by the ordiimry proceas of priuting. The copy prod u ued is necessanly a perfect copy, more perfect than can be produced by the graver upon wood or metal, for the sun artist transfers every line, each light and sliade, as mortal haud cauuot. By this process, also, the productiou of tiue pictures is so cheapened that copies of the " üld Mastevs," as well as of modern paiutiugs, are within the reach of the ordiimry lover of the beautiful, and may be found il] the homes of the poor,- not hatchet engnyinga or mere daubs, but pictures as perfect as those which have heretofore adorned only tho walls of the rich. Douglas & Co. have a large invoice of heliotypes at the publishers' pnce, $1 each. Go and see them. - t'rom Baker, Davis & Co., I'hiladelphia, we have eight more numbers (4cJ-ö6) of the uew and revisad editiou of Zelfs Encyclopedia, which is justly styled by editor and publishers "a universal dictionary of history, biography. science, arts, and language." The numbers before us include the alphabet from " Physique" to " Spectacle," the new matter being given in a supplement to each letter. Some of the leadiug articles are the Several Popes Pius, Platuium. Plato, Presbyteriau, Priutiug, Psychic i'orce, Itaihoad, Bhine, Kiñe, Koman Architecture, lloman Catholic Church, Kome, Kussia, Sculpture, Silk, Silver, Slavery, Soul, and Spain. Innumerable biographical sketches, etc, ennch the pages. The maps giveo are : Scotland ; India, Afghanistan, Beloochistau, Burmah, and Siam ; and Ireland, and they are the largest anti fiuest maps ftmud in any Eucyclopedia. To be conipleted in 64 parta at 50 cents each. - 1 úe sermón of Heury Ward Beecher on the subject oí future rewards and puuishmuuts, coneerumg which there has been no,little inisrepresentation, is published in full in the Christian Union (New York) of December 26. It ís eutitled, " The Background of Mystery." - We have received several numbers of the Bay City Daily Observer, a spicy little aheet, in the publication of which we wiah Bro. McMillan and nis partner abuudaut fanie and fortune. I. - The? publishers of the Atlantic Monthly have purchased the subscription of the Galaxy and the latter magazine is to be merged into the foimer.


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