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Old Man Gram

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In little Gram Court lives old rnan Gram, The patriarch of the place, Where ofteu you'll see his face, Eager and greedy, peering about, Au he goes buKtling in and out Ata wtiggling, riekety pace - Brisk octogenarian'B pace. He rattles his stick at his heels, and brasrs, As he comen Bhuffling along the flags - Brags of hls riches aud brags of his rags, Mueh work and little play. l You see where I am," Bftyi old man Gram - " You see where I am to-day. " I came to town at twelve years old, With a fchüling in this 'ere pocket" - You should see him chuckle and knock it ! (i The town to me waa a big stout ehest, With fortunes locked in the till ; but I guessed A aiíver key would unlock it - My little key would unlock it. I found in a rag-phop kept by a Jew A place to sleep and a job to do, And managed to make my t-hilling two ; And that's alwajp been my way. Now see where I am," cries old man Gram - 11 jSow see where I am to-day !" In hi den atop of the butcher's fhop He lies in his lair of husks, And sups on gruel and ruaks, And n, bone now and then to piek anti gnaw, With hardly a tooíh in his old jaw, But a couple of curkms tuks ! Though half Gram Conrt he calis his own, Here, hoarding hi reate, he has lived alone, Until, like a hungry wolf, he has grown Gaunt and shaggy aud gray. " You see where I aiu," growled old man Gram, As I looked in to-day. " I might hae a wife to make my broth, Vhich would be convenient - rather! And younkere to cali me father. But a wife would ne after my chink, you nee ; And bantlinfiB for them that like" snarls he ; 11 I nevcr would have the bother - Thej're an awful expense aud bother ! I went to proi'Ofie at nfty-four, But Htoppeil as I raised my hand to the door ; ' To think of a dozen brats or more !' Says I, and I turned away. Now see where I am," brage old man Gram - " Oüly see where I am to-day ! " I had once a niece, who carne to town As poor as any church mouse ; She wanted to keep my house. 1 Tut ! I have no house to keep ; go back.' I gave her a dollar, aud told her to pack ; At which she made such a touse - ■ You never did see such a tou&e ! Phole rows of housen were mine, Bhe eaid ; I had more bank shares than hairs in my kead, And gold like so much iron or lead - All which I couldn'E eainsay. Men nee where I am." grins old man Gram - " They see where I am to-day. 11 But if there is anything I deteet, And for which I have no occasion, Sir, ii 's a poor relation. They're alwaya plenty and alwaya in need ; Take onr, and soon you will have to feed JÖfit ahout half the nation - They'li swarm f rom all over the nation ! And I have a rule, thouch it's uothiog new - Tisonethatl learned f rom my friend the Jew : "SV'hatever I fancy, whatever I do, I always ask, Will it pay ? Now see where I am," boaste old man Gram - " Just see where I am to-day !" The little boys dread his comiug tread, They are pale aB he passes by, And the sauciest curs are shy. Hip stick is so thick and he looka so grim, Not even a beggar will beg of him ; You eJiould hear him mentiou why ! - Thcrt'rí a very good reason why. The poor he hales, and he haön't a friend, And none but a fooi will give or lend ; " For, only begin, there'll be no end - That's what I always eay. Now see where I ara," crows old man Gram - " Just see where I am tc-day !" His miserly gain ís the harvest graiu ; All the rest is chaff and Btubble ; And the life bevond is a babble. We are a,s the bfasts ; and heihinke, on the whole, 'Tis quite ats well that he has no eoul, For that niiht give him trouble - Might give him a deal of trouble. The long aud short of the old nian'ü creed Is to live for himse'f and to feed his greed. The worlrt i. a very gnod world indeed, If only a chap might stay ; " Only etay where I am," whines old man Gram - 11 Stay just where I am to-dav !"


Old News
Michigan Argus