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Agricultural And Domestic

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Thk best wiy to protect tne DarK ot trees from mioe, rabbits or farm stock, is to tie a small bundie of dead branches around thff partió be protected. - Gardener's öhronicle. I have used oils and f;its i'or the preservation of tggs with considt rabie success, and flnd that oils or thin fits are inirnensely inferior to Bolid fiits or waxes - a fact, Í believe, which is very often overlooked. - Mark Lane Express. Typhoid fcver is now regarded by our best physicians as a filth fever, and ia maüy cases tlie immediate oanse is to be found in the acces of filth to the well or spring frpm which the water is obtained for domestic purposes. - Western Farm Journal. In three pens, three hogR, ench nearly fnll grown, end abont equal in weight Rüd thriftiuess, were fed four mouths as follows : One pen, soaked corn; one pen, oooked oorn-meal; one pen, dry corn. At the close of the experiment, those fed on dry corn had made the most weight. - Producer. Expbrience has proved that plowing in the fall is one of the most effective as well as one of the quickr st and easiest methods of fining the soil, and that land which was plowed in the fall oan be worked earlier in the spring, and more easily during the season than will be possible if tho plowing is neglected. We have tried this plan and found it to work so well is to merit acceptance as one of the "principies" of agricultura] practice." - N. F. Hornestead. Taïking about outting potato seed, a member of the Elmira Farmers' Club says : " As a rule, it is feconomy to cut the seed, and ent it small. I took two bushels and twelve pounda and cut to single eyes. They planted half an acre in rows, three feet apart, eighteen inches between the hills. I marked the ground witli a plow, dropped the seed in the i'urrow, and plowed a furrow rver for covering, so mm there should be fair comparison with large seed put in by the same method. T wanted no coaxing nor playing with fancy seed. In the fall I plowed out and sold 103 bushels from the haif acre, and what were not plowed out of course I did not get. I planted fourteen rods of early rose, the seed cut to single eyes and one piece in the hill. From the pieoe I dug thirty bushels of good-sized potatoes. Bokes are fed to xowis in two forms - in either a fresh or a calcined state. The forrner method is much tlie better, aa the bones are rich in both organic and inorganic matter, just as they were in the frame-work of the animal írom which they were taken. In this coadition they nre'easily and quickly taken up by the secretive organs and appropriated to supply the wastes and wants of the system. Burned or calcined borjes are freed from all organio matter, and there runain only the aslies of the bones, which are cbiefly lime (phosphaie and carbonate), and consequently inferior to fresh bone. The only objection to fresh bones is the difficulty of keeping them fresh. The best and most eatisfactory substituto is humt bones. The water is removí d by the heat, leaving the lime in a dry and crisp state easily crushed.- Exchange. We find lining the shell a thin skin, which, when kept in healthy eoivütion by the albumen of the egg, ia itnpervious to air; but, if the eggs remain too long in one position, the yelk, being heavier than the albumen, graduilly sinks through it, and comes in contact with the skin. As it has none of the qualities req'iisite for keeping the kin lnbricated aud healthy, the skin soon be jumes dry and pervious to air, whieh penetrares 'it to the yelk, causing the mass to rot. Therefore the true plan is to keep the yelk in its central p.isition. By doing this, the egg can be preserved for a long time. My plan for accomplishing this is to take a keg or barrel, and pack the eggs on tlieir sides, end to end, laying a tier first around next to the staves, so continuing until a layer is made, and so on till the barrel is fnll. Use oats for pocking; jar them down as much as is required to keep them firmly in their places, and head up the barrel ready for marktt By rolling the barrel abont a quaiter arouud every few days, the yeJkd of the egga will be kept as' require.l. - Oor. American Stock Journal. Ali ut the House. To a Bas Nose.- Stop using salt, the 81UBB of erysipelas. Beeab ÖACd'..- Pour boilingmilk on aslice of bread wit:iout ernst, tlien beat it ñne and adJ a üttle salt and whole pepper-corns; serve it hot, in a sauce tureen. To Keef Juice of a Pie feom Boii,ing Ovek.- Wet the edges of both crustp; press tightly together; stick a fork several times 'through the upper crust to allow the steam to escape. How to Cdbe Bdnions.- Tallow dropped from a lighted candle on the affected part will eradicate the heat and flnally remove the bunion. Á strip oí candle should also be wound around the corn. Bandage atnight. Dressing fob Cold Slaw. - To the well-beaten yelk of one egg add a little milk, two or three table-spoonf uls of vinegar, a email piece of butter ; stir it over the fire until it comes to a boil. Pobk Cake.- One pound pork, chopped fine ; add one pint of hot water to dissobe it ; let it cool ; then adel two cupfuls sugar, twopoundsraisins, stoned and chopped; one pound of currants, half pound of citrón, cut fine ; oie tablegpoonful of spices - cloves, allspice, cinnamon, mace - one nutmeg, one pound of flour, and two teaspoonfuls of soda. This makes a mee large cake. Bake in j a slow oven four hours. Mushroom Satjce. - One half-pint of I button mushrooms, one half-pint of good beef gravj, one table-spoonlul of mushroom catchup, thickening of bntter Hfifl floor ; put the gravy iuto a s ucepan, 1 thicken it, and stir over the fire until it boils ; prepare rmtshrooms by cmting 1 off the stalks and wiping them f ree from I grit and dirt ; put then into the gravy, and let them simmer very gently about ten minutes; then add catchup and serve. To Pickle Peaches. - Take as mu h vinegnr as will cover the quantity of peaches you have. After it has boiled suffiiently sweeten it to your taste, put in your spiees, cloves, cinnamoü, or mace. Boil together, for a little while, j then put in your peaches (peeled, or with the skins on, as you preier). Boil for ttfteen minutes, or until they are tender. Take thein out, and boil the vinegar down until it is strong enough to ktep them. Keep in a cool place. To Cleanse White Bibbon. - Dissolve, by means of gentle heat, one tablespoonful strnined honey; one tablespoontul shavings of good common soap in one-half teacupfulpure alcohol; spread ribbon smootbly on clean board; rub the mixture on both sides with a j-iece of 1 white tlaunel until the stains disatpcar; riase thoroughly in cold water, chauging it often, blueing the last; do not wring, but strip repeatedly through the fiof ere; iron while wet betwetn two cloths; if carefully done, only the natural stiffness will be "retained; uolora ean be treated in same manner without injury. A letter, written by Salmón P. Chase in 18G8, is publisheL in which he said I of Vallandigham : "He is aman of wliose friendship one may well be proud. Even when we have differed must widely, 1 ' have always tidrrired his pluck and coni sistency, and have done full justace to i his ubüities aud energies." A MiCHiGAN.Ttidge deddesthatoygter ! are flsh


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