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Detroit Market

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The Detroit Free Press in its n galar weekly review of ihe Detroit marker, uiii'.cr dale of Jan. 8, says: The wether ia now more ïavo.raMe. tor business thaii it has been fur somo time P'ist, but the chauge is ot sucli recent tinte that no maiked revival has as yet boen expericueod. The currency moveniüut to the interior bus improved slightly, but the discount buaiin - oí the banks is but moderato, those institutions exteuding accommodations only to their regular cus tornero. Loans are made only to be used in ordinary and legitímate transactions of business. Ratos of ('iscounts are 7 pftr cent. for exceptionnbiy ;ood Bbort time loans, and 8 a 10 per cent. fur regulai oommeroiiil paper: Jobbers of dry goods report a slight improvement, but the trade on the whole is light Amoskeag A. O. A. ticks have udvanced. Coat' threads have doclmed to 57 1-ic, otherwise prices remain Bteady ani ñrm. Clothiug haa been in tair deniaud, heavy goods receivmg leading attention. Trade in fur and hals aud caps is improving tdightly, and dealers, with a continuation of the present woather, are anticipating better prices. Hardware is quiet and pricos are unchanged. Drugs and Chemicals are in fair request. Colgate's faucy soaps have advancod five per cent. and Goodycar's hard rubber comba have decliued in the list 10 a 15 per cent. Groceries are quiat. Coffoes have ruled í-teudv, teas firm and sugars strong at 9 3-4 a 9 7-8c fo: Standard A grades ; off A's 9 3-8 a 9 5-8c per Ib ; aranulated, 10 3-8 a lü l-2c per lb.; powdered and crushed, 10 l-2e per lb ; yellows, 7 3-4 a 8 l-4c per lb. The gram receipts the post week are nearly twice as large as thoso of the week previous. The receipts of wheat wero 1 41,4 il bu ; corn, 3,938 bu.; oats, 8,650 bu ; barluy, 9,656. l'he wheat shipments for the same time were nearly 100,000 bushels larger then for the week previous. The shipments of leadiug cereals for the week woro as follows: Wheat, 181.159 bu.; corn, 4,527 bu,; oats, 4,308 bu.; barley, 542 bu. The l'ollowiug table shows tlte opening aud closing pnces of extra aud No. 1, white, cash, and Xo. 1 white January and February wheats at the noon session of the Butird of Trado oach day of the past week W11KAT, CASH I'IUCKS. Extra White. No. 1 White. Opeued I Closed Opencd Closed Tuesday, Weduesday, $1 80% $1 36% SI 31% $1 31VÍ Thursday, 1 37 137 1 31% lSl-iJ Frlday, 1 96% 1 35J4 1 3lg 1 31 V, Saturday, 1 .'C 1 36 1 30% 1 ■% ajoiiday, l%% 136 I 130 ISOjj FUTUBES. Ño. 1 White Jan N". 1 Fibruiuy Opaned C'losed Opened Closed Tuesday, Weduesnay, $1 81% $1 31% 81 32'4 $1 32% Thursday, 1 32Vá 132% Friday, 1 Slí 13IK 1 32% 132% Saturday, 1 30J4 130i 1 82) 132% Monday, 1 W-Jj 130% 1 32 132 There has been a good sliipping demand for wheat during the wnek. Thursrlay's advance was purly sptculative and waa not sustnined, as is shown in the above table. Corn has ruled quiet and unchanged, No. 1 mixed, old. held at 50c per hu.; uciv, 41 a 43c por bu. Oats, the fore part of the week, were dull, but Monday found thein in better demand and firnior. No: 1 white, cash, at3Oc per bu.; No. 1 mixed do, 29 3-4 a 29 7-Sc per bu.; do, seller January, 29 3-4c bid ; do, February, 30 l-4c bid and 30 l-2c asked. Bacley is in good demand at ?1 bh a 1 (0 per centa.1 for Xo. 1 State; No. 2 Stare, $1 26 bid aud 11 35 asked ; No. 3 State, Í1 08 a 1 15 per cental. Receipta of rye ar very iight, and prime lots could be placed at 55 a 60c per bu. The general produce market has ruled dull. The wenther is now more favorable íor the handling of dresscd hogs, the receipts of which have been more liberal. There hos been a good shipping demand at $♦ 50 a 4 75 per cwt, dividinj on 200 lbs. Mess-pork is quiet at $12 a 12 25 per bbl. Apples meet wnh a light IockI demand at $3 a 3 50 per bbl. Beans continue dull and depressed, with city hatitpickcd stock held at $1 80 a 1 85 per bu.; country do. dull at ?1 (Í0 a 1 65 per bu.; unpicked stock, 90 a Í1 50 per bu. Butter is poor stock, meeting with little or no demand. Best receipts are freeiy ofïered at 17 a 18u per Ib.; médium grades, unaalabie; grease stock, quiet at fic per lb. Cheeso, quiet at 13 a 13 1 2c per lb. for best selection. Clover seed, lower and dull at $4 60 per bu. Kl'l, dovv sale at 17 a 18c per doz. tor fresh receipts; hmed btock, dull at 14 a 16c per doz. The fnipply and demund tor poultry are :ight. Turkey8 are dull at 10 a lic per lb.; chickens scarco and in fair demand at 10c psr b.; geese dull at 8 a 9c per Ib.; docks scarce and in fair request at 10 a lic per lb. Carcass venison, lla 12c. Btrds are scarce and meetug with a fair iuquiry.


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