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HILL'S OPEKA HOUSE! CHAS. H. DUPREZ, - - Majíaoeb. SATURDAY fiYKNINO, JAN. 13 Amiounclng the World-Jienowned Duprez and Benedict's Gigantic Famous Mtxstkkls. A Monster Corps of Artists, Compused ut' IDlgfat unrivaled Comedians, Four Arüstitr Popular End Men. Famous Clogglst, Song and Dance Ártlats, Pleasing Burlesque ï'emale Prima Donna, a well trained Vocal Quartette, a celebrated Solo Orchcstra, and a larKC unitormed Bra&S liand. Introdueing a Jïrilliant Origina] Progranime. The only troupe having their house programmes perfumed highly with Hoyt's Famous Cterm&n Cologne. " Reserved seat3 sold before the day of concert reduced to 50 cents ; nuw on sale al Douglas A Co.'s Bookstoro, A. (MCOIAXC. Rf.ffiOating tht. uxr. of Uu publie ttisuti and otlu-r public sjmcts hu prrsons kuown as bootblack and news boys in plying (hetr trade or busittSiS, Bt; it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, umi Aldermen of the city of Am Arbor, as followa : SeCTIOK 1. No boy or buys or othcr pürsoii, known as 'boolblacks " oras " newsboya," sball ply their trade or bnsInOBS iu any of tin strci-is, aveuucs, parkeor other public Bpacea wiihin the city ol Ann Arbor, wiihcut a peruiil i'rom the Recorder, countersigned by tbc Mayor as boreinafter piuvided. Sec 2 The Recorder is berebjf authonzed io grant permitB in writing to tb6 clasfl of persons known ha 'booiblacks" and " newsboys." u ply their trade or business iu the Btreete, avenues, paiks or other public spaces of thïs city. No punnit granted under Ihis ordiiiiince slüill lastfora period longi-r than the first Monday in Juncthen uuxt followlng. Sec. :ï. It iBherebytbemadedatyoftheBeoorderto fuiuish to euch person to whom ;i pcrmii is rauted o, nuniber made of tin or other metal ; he BbaU endorse such numbcr apon the permitand shall keep a correct recurd of the name oí eaeli person to whom a permit te granted, with hi.s place ut1 residcnce, the trade or business he is penuitted to pursue ukder this ordiuance, and the aumber with which he issupplled. Beshail collecl the som of ten centa froni each pwaon to whom the ñuniber hOTein provided fox is tssued. Sicc. 4. Kach person tu whom a numbcr is issued under the preceding section of thlsordlñánoe, símil. w h i Iu plying bis tradfl or business we&I saiil nuiuber on the front of ble bat or cap orón the breast of bis coat, so thíit the sjimc muy le plainW séen. 8SO. ö. The Mayor, the Recorder, anii the Comion Councll, or eïther of thenj, may revoke the tenniC bereln provided fox, and it símil be deemod sufilctent cause for BUch revocatton tbat the poron whose permit is tevolced lias been gaUtyol u iudeceut or profane Language or of comniitiui ;iiiy act of il disordcrly or dishoucst nature; mi the permit isBued an'y "newsboy" may be reokcl as aforesafd ii he sliall Bell, ox offer fox saïu, urculate, or deliver, or ery any newspaper, pamph)t, magazine dr ptinted matter within oaid city, iiesaleor clxculatloii of which, withlo sald city, uay be or shall have been prolubited by the resoutlOD of (he ('uiiiiumt CouöcllÖBG ii. A ii y violatlon of or failure to cöraply wil !i ny of the provislons of this ordluance siïall be unished by a fino to bu linposed by the Justice of ie Peace tryina tho offend( r, not to exceed ten dol1X8, or in the dlscretton of the sald Juetlee bylmtrisoiiment iu thu Washtena-w county j;ül for a teriod of time notexcoeding thlrty daya Sbo, 7. Tiiis oriHnánce shall be publfshed for two 'eeks successivelv in tlie Michigan ATffttz, a tj W8 aper pubüshed in tht: city o? Ann Arbor, and all tuke eiiect at. the expiration flfteen days a f ter ie li j .-.t insTtion in siiid iaper. Miule and passed In Conuaon Couucil, this 7th ay of January, 1S78. Adam D.Sevlee, D. ORAMER, k rorder. lQ69vS Mayor. A OJfclïï W A( I!. 'rotil'i'iii thf sul", dreuiation nr prinitng of '!- scène, iminaral, tndecent, mui scandulous books, paters or pritits within O? oüg tJ' Aun Af'utf. Be It oxdained by the Mayor, Recorder, and Alermen of the city of Ann Arbor, aa (bllowa : BBOTIOK 1. lishatl be unlawlul, witbiu the city Ann Arbor, for ;my person, Arm, or Corporation o print, publish, sell, otler for salo, give away, elrilatc or distri)utb any book, pampblet, bailad, trinted paper, or other tbing, containing obscene, inmoral, imletvnt or scandaious tangaage, r obcene prints, pictures, figures or descrlptlons, or rticles or advertiscnn'nts of ;i Boandalous, Lndeoonl r iiuuionil iiatiirt', tending to the corrupiion of )p moráis of the rrsidents of smd city ; or to inoduce into any fumily, school or place of edueaon, ur to buy, procure, receive have In hls pousston any sucn book. pAnspblet, bailad, printud aper, or other thing, eitber ror the purpom "i Bale, ixliibition, loan or circulation, or with intejit tu itroduce tbr saine uto auy family, school or place f eucaton. Sec 2. Any person who shall riohlte any of the rovisions tf ibis ordinance Bhall bt: puniahed by a ine to be imposed by the Jiratlce of the PeftCe t'ryn; the offender of pol lesfl than ten nor more ttaao ie bundred dollars, ur in the diacxetion of Bald uHiice hy Imprison tueul in ihe IVaslitenaw County uil fora perfod of mot lesa iimu one month nor ore than niuety days. 8bc. -1. This ordinanee shall be published for two eek successivtly [n.the Michigan 4rgu., au ewmper published in tlie city of Ann Arbor, and talltake efieot at the expiration of flfteen dayi ter the ürst iusertion in Bald paper. Made and passèd in ('uminon (Jouncil this 7th ay of January, 1878. Adam D. Skylkr, D CRAMER, Recorder. 1669w2 Mayor. Estáte of Fidelus Sekinger. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the ninth d:iy of January, in the year one thounaud -i :hi huudred and ac-venty-eight. Present, Williara D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. Jn the matter of the estáte of Fidelus Sekinger, deceiised. On readingandftling the petition, duly Terifled,of dura Sekinger, prnying that Milmel Fosler inay be appointed aiiininistrator ol the estáte of said dfjceaitd. Thereupon itisordered.that Monday, the fourth day of Febiuary next, at ten o'clock Ín the foreQOOn. bi? assigned for the hearing oi said petition, and that the heira at law of said deceasea and ll other pt-rsonj intere.sted in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a seBsiou of uaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Otfice in the city of Ann Arbor, and how cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner Bbould not be granted: And it is turther oniered tliat aaid petitiouer give notice to the persona in teres ted in said estáte, of the pendency of said prtitionuud the hearing the roof, by cuu.sing a c py of this order to be published in the Michi'jnu Argus. a nwspaper printed and circulated Ín &aid county, three auceesaive weeks previoua to Baid day of hearing. WILLIAMD. HARRIMAN, CA true copy). Judge of Probate. "VVm. G. Poty, Probate Register. 1669td Estáte of Justin Kellogg. wTATIi OI' M IC [LIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, sa. 1 At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Oflice, in the city oí Ann Arbor, on Baturday, tlie fifth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred aud seventy-eight. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tbc estáte of JuBtin Kellogg, deceased. ■ Ueoige Keilog, exenutor of thojlast will and tObLiuiient oí' said deceased, comes into Cüurt and represents that he is now prepared to render his Anal account as such cxecutor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the fourth day of Pebruary next,at ten o'clock in theforenoon be assigned for exainining and allowiug such account', and that thedevisees, legatees and hei ra at luw of s:üil deceased, und all other persons interested in said estáte, are re]uired to appoar at a session of sttid court, then to be holden at the Probate OÜice in the city of AnH Arbor in saidcounty, mui show cátise, ií' any there be, why the aaid acOOUDt shuuld not be allowed : And it is further ordereil, that said executoi givc notice to the persons imerested in aaid estáte, of the pendency of .said (LCCOUDt and the hearing thereof, by causiug a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a, niwsjaper printed and circulatiug i tl Said cuunty, three successive weeks previous to said dfty of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atrue copy.) Judge of Probate. m. (i. Dutv, Probate Register. 1G69 Estáte of Calviu T. Burnett. nTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnahtenaw, N 83. Ataseasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofh'ce in the City of Ann Arbor, on Katurday, the littti day of Jiuiuary, in the yeur one thousand eiiiht uundred uud eteveuty-eigbt. Prosent, WiUiam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the t-stute of Calvin ï. Uurnett, tlei wed. Ann E. Burnett, administratrix of aaid estáte, comea ■■'" coitrt and represents that she is now piepared to ronder her final account hb such tid(uii-itratiix. Ihoroupoiï ït ia ordered, that Saturday. tlie st'cend ilfiy of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assigUdd lor examining and allowing Biich acctunt, and that the hens at law ot said (leceu,ieJ, and all other persons inUrestod in said e3tate, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in tlie City of Aun Arbor in said county and show canse, if uny there be, why the snid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, tiiat said fidinmistratrix give notice to tho persons intereBted in stiiá estáte, oí' the pendency of said account aud tlie heariog thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to bo published in the Michigan Arusf ■a aewsp&per printed and circulating in suid county , three succe&ttve weeka ptevious to aaid day of hoaiiu. WUJ.TAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Judge of Probate. Wil O. DOXT, Probate Register. 16G9 Estato of Louisia Kellogg. STATK OP MICHIGAN, County of Washteniiw, sa. Notice 1b heveby ffiTOUf thnt by au order of the Probate Court for the County ol V..sht' naw, made on the tbirty-nrat day of Deoembejfi A. 1. 1877, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims agninst the eatate of Louisa Kellogg, late of aaid county, deceaed, and that all creditora of said deceaaed are required to preaent their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and tillowance, on or butore tho Örat day of July, next, and that auch clnima will be heard before said tJourt, on Monday, the flrst day of April, and on Monday, the flrst day of July next, at ten o'clock in the foreiioon of each of ihose days. Uaied, Ann Arbor, Jaauary 9, A. D. 1878. WIIjLIAM L. HARRIMAN, [ Di.y w 4 Judge of Probute. CALL AND SKE TUK .I.VCKSON TBÜSS UOD WAGON Al, Now iiiulic-iluii.l Burrall Iron c'um sh.illtr, il il. ROUERS'. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EABNED ! NEW GOODS 1 And prlces LOWEK THAN KVER. I have purchased in New York, for cash, and I am now daily receiving one of the and mcwt select stocks of Grocerie in Washlenaw County, consistiBff of a full and well aelected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop - including Guupon ilers, I mp. r ml s, Yogng II j - ons, Hysons, Japans, Oolongs, lor. inosas, t oiiKous, s„ii. h„nS,. and Twankaff, Together with a full line of COFFEES, coasiatmg of the followiag bruid : MOCHA, OLD GÖV'T JAVA, MAKAGAIBO, LAÖUA YRE.SANTO8 and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinjt in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice aasortment of Ladïes and Gentlemen' Underwear Cali and examine Gooda and Piiceti and we will insure antis f act ion. EDWARD ÖITFFY. " Maynard's Block,' cor. Mui and Ann streets Ann Arbor. Mich. KSTHighest cali price paid for all farm produce, "UB THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. 1878] Ab the time approachc9 for the renewal of subscriptiona, THiü SUN would remind its friends and well-wishers eyerywhere, that ít is aguin a candidate for their consideratiou and support. Jxn lia record ior the past ten years it relies for a continúan ce of the hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto beon extended to it trom every qtiarter oï the Union. The Daily Sun isa fuur-pae heet of 28 columns, price by mail, post-puid, 55 cents a moiith, or S(.5() per year. The Siimt ;iy edition of The Sdn is an alghL?age sheet of 66 columns. Wliilo giving tho qows of the day, it also contains a large amöunt of htcrary and miacel aneous matter speciiilly preparad ior it. Thje SundaySun ha met withgreat succüss. Poat paid %l.2i) a year. The Wcekly Sun. Who does not know Thk Wkeklt 8un ? Tt circuíales throughout the United States, thu Canada, uut beyood. Ninety thoueand t'amilioo i rei-t iu welconie pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counselor and friend. lts news, editoral, agricultural and litrmry departments make it ■ssentially a journal ior the faiutly and the fireside. Tcrrns: One Dol lar a year, potit paid. This price, quality considered, makes it tht cheap■st newBpaper published. For clubs of ten, with 1X0 cash, wo will send n extra copy free. Addrees PUBLI8HER OF THK SUN, 1659w8 New York City. ÏNSLRE TOURlPRÖPÊltTÏ WITH THE OLD Insurance Agency OF C. II. MILLEN. ïome 1 nsurauce To. of Assets. X. Y., $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co., N. Y„ 8,000,000 M iiura FIrO Ins. Co., 1 ,400,000 ilrnrd, or Phila., 1,000,000 riciii, ol Hartford, 700,000 .utea ai low as any reliable Insurance Ooiupanp . oiies piomptly aud houorably adjusted. 1666


Old News
Michigan Argus