Cassius M. Clay

In another placo we havo published Mr. Clay'.s farewell addrcss to bis readers, as all will bc desirous of knovving what reasons he can rendor lor leaving tlc battle of Freodom, in wliicli lic was accomplishing so niuch, i.nd girding on ihe sword far lbo war of Slavery. Mr. Clay anticipatcd iliis wartwoor three years since. When in Ann Arbor, m 1841, he told us tbat he considcred bimself as bravo as thegeneraliiy of mtn; but to takc up arms against Mexico for the propagation of etornal Slavery in Texas, iiccording to the project then pending, required a kind of courage ho did not possess. An enlerprize of ihat nature was one on whicb we eould not ask the blessing of the God of Mea ven. Id his speech in the Tremont Temple at Boston, Sept. 19, 1844, Mr. Clay said : 'Wc tramplc upon the most solcmn treaiy betwecn Mexico and tlie (Jniled State?, and ruSh over the Conslitution, TO WAR IN THIS FIENDISH rROPAGANDism; and in such a war. according to the laws of nation?, il is not only the righi, but the boundon duty of all "chris'endoni lo come in to the help of Mexico, and reduce üs to a sense oà comtnon justice. And in suth a war, when. the banner of 1776, 'right against might,' once borne by us, is now borne by ihem - when J shall bc callcd njwn io rally to the standard of my Country, inscribcd toilh 'eternal slavkrv,' 1 attiboldin tlie avowa ihat Ihough I -profess to be as brave as most men, I hare no heurt for suci a contest - 1 AM A COWARD I X SUCH A CAUSE? On our own soil, hdèfenco of our own righls, I defy the world in arms - but in surt a cause as this, i f the Bible bc true, ice cannot succeed; Ãf history be not a fable, we cannot hold a permanent conques-t; 'they who live by he sword, shnll perish by the sword,' and at all iimes dominion bascd upon unjust conquest, bas fallen to suelden ruin and uhimate retributivo desolntion! This Republic must stand upon justice, a high moral sentiment, or else it cannot stand al all." We need not add ono word more. - This self condemnation is far morepointed and emphatic than any thing we could write. We wil!, however, just say, that Cassius was not tlcallcd on" to rallv for "eternal slavery," but volusteebbd, 'towar in this fiendisii rROPAGANüis.MÃ"We undersland that nfter the ñrst of July, a mail train of cars will run over the Central Railroad on Sunday. All the daily routes in the State have been Iet fop seven trips a week. The Sunday service was temporarily suspended foui ur five years ngo, during ihe cm barra ssment of tho post oflice department. - Jackson Pat. We are not able to see the wisdom of this chango on tho score of moráis, economy, or public convenience. Ifthe observance of a day of rest is of public benefit, as is generally conceded, and as s Implied in the law forbidding the perbrmanceof labor on the first day of the veek, then thegovernrnent are doing a public injury. If the cars run on the first day of the week, the engineers, firemen, repairers.trackwalkers, postmasters, and all other classes connected with the transportation of tho mail, willbe obliged to work seven days in the week, which is too much. Add to this that all the grogshops on the route will be opened on that iay, and throneed with loafers.It costs a consideiablc more to carry the mails even times a week than il does six, while there is no special gain to the community that we can see. The Sunday mails have been discontinued to cjuite a considerable extent in difierent States, and the arrangement seems to havo given satisfaction to all classes. Henee we are sorry to see it altered. Idlcness Ãs a sin which never fails to lead to numerou8 olber Vices.