John P. Hale

That Mr. Hale has opposed the extensión of Slavery is well known to all : bu: it has beétl considered problematical whether we would takc the broad Liberty ground, and go in for its extermination. So far as words can go,he is now ás fuüy pledged for its exlinction as any Liberty man. When Speaker of the Houso oà Representativas, a short time since, he introduced the following, and supported it by a speechof great power and forcé. Whercas, the Government ofthe United States of America, by its recently avowed policy of extendihg their territory and annexing a foreign natiori, for the express purpose of strer.gtheningand perpetuating human slavery Imve placed us as a before the world m the humiliating and disgraceful attitudo of supporters and defenders of á system of oppresáion odious to every friend of liberty and abhorient to every principie of humañjty and religión; and whereas, tlie constant, progressiveand increasing encroachinents of the sl.ivo power have become so formidable and imperiou?, that forbenrance censes to be a virtue, and tó be silent is lo be falso lo tlie grcat irrtercsls of Libertv; Thcroforo, Resolved, BytheSenate and House of Representativos Ãn General Court convened, That New Ilampshire soleinnlv and delibérale!)' announces and reitérales lier abidiilg and unclianging adherence to the great principies of the declarotion of our Revolutionary Fathers, that "All men are creáted cqual," re-asserted Ãn the first article of the Bill of Righls of our own Constitution; she déclnres lier Ãirm dflermination, lliat in the grent contest now being waged belwean Slavery ond Freedom, her volee shall be heard on thesideof the Freo; tha she pledges "he-r cordial sympalhv, and, witliin ihe limits of lier constitntional action, her cooperalion wiih the friends of civil liberty throughout the land, z: rxery jusL and iccll-direclcd cjforl for Ihc supprcston undexlerminnlion of lliat. terrible, scourge of our race, Human SlavcrT.1" Ãn ihe courso of his remarks, he said he was well a ware he should be aecused ofthe inconsisiency of his present sentirnents with the previous acts of his life. Me cared not for stich accusatjons. lÃe óonfessed a change of sentiments on thir, question. He thanked God he háá thanged. His desire still was for ligbf, ÃfÃat it' not now ftilly right on this grcat matter, ho might change more. He was more anxious to be riglu lo-dny - than he was to defrnd his conduct of yesterdnv. On a subsequent dny he spoke two hours in deience of thÃs Ãesolution, the repórter snvs, in a brillian!, elocient and triumphant inanner, to a thronged House. We have a favorable Ãmp'ression of Mr. Male, and as he has now become so prominent before thn public, and has attained so elevated a situation in a marmer entirely unexpected by his friendsor foes, we hope he will use his opporUmity for exerting a mig'nty influence, with justite, propriety and good sensc.
Anti Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John P. Hale