The American Board Of Missions

A wn'tcr in the Bangor Whig and Courier, whoso integrity may be relied on, gives the following report of the position taken by the Rev. Dr. Au-Jerson the main pillar of the Board, at a recent Missionny (Jjnvention in Bangpr. In regard to Polygnmy, Dr. Anderson remarked, ";hat aftcr u full eonsidcration of the subject the missionaries carne to the conclusión, that the sinfulncss of polygamy was not so clcarly taught in the New Testament as to viakc it a test of exclusión: It was, however, regarded by the ocasionarles as n bar to holding oflices." Wiih reference to the question of slavery, Dr. Anderson said, "whether or not, slaveholding, under the circumstancps of the case, was inconsitent, wiih piety, in the Indian comniunities, the missionaries who were excellent men, were botter judges than we could be. The rule of thñ missionanes,which he thought n wise one, was to admit members on the single ground of picly." And that "slaveholding is not necessarily inconsistent wiih receivinga man into thechurch, - that it. is not to bc regarded as a disciâ plinablc offencc." In answer to inquirios, Dr. Anderson further stated that the commitlcee would recalla missionary who should receive, into tho church, porsons enlertaining Unilarian, Universalisf,or Mormon views, even though he sliould dcem them reallv
Missionary Convention
Old News
Signal of Liberty