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IJSIÑESS DIRECTORY. ,,„yvU 31ACLK YN, M. I., Phyeician and ) síirgeon. OÍRce aud residence, 71 Huron street, ] . OiÜce hours f roai 8 to 9 a. m. and from rTsOPHIA VOIXAND, M. D., Phyei C;:n and Surgeon. Office at refidence, 44 Ann ..,! Will attend to uil professional calis promptnight. H. JACKSON, Dentiet. Office corner of , Maiii aud Washington streetf, over Bach & re, Aun Arbor, Mieh. Aneathotics admiu-red if required. iftlNES & WOKDEN, 20 8outh Main street, H ahii Arbor, Micb., wholesale aud retail dealVioD'T GoodH, Carpeta and Groceries. tACK & SCH3IID, dealers iu Dry Goode, M Öroceriea, CrooJcery, etc., No. 54 South Main n iCH & ABEIi, dealers iu Dry Goode, Grof) 'curies, etc., No. 26 South Maíu street, Aun tor, Mich. Trñjl. WAGNKK, d. aler in Rady-Made Cloth log, Oloths, CnKBimeres, Veetinge, Trunkg, ,lr-; Bagtí, etc, '21 öuiïtii Maiu Btrtet. f s('U vKIIEKMi, "Teacher of the Piano-forte. I , Fupüs attain the desired skül in piano-play: , ■ :i Bfötèmatio coui-ee of instruction. For y at reideuce, No. 12 W. Liberty etreet, . Prompt attention paid to piano-tuning. ctr it. KLY, Organist at Uie Prcsbyterian , Church, will give inutruction upon the faciMtr Organ, or in vocal culture aud liarinony. [ven at pupila' reeidence. Terma, $15 per jGiw of 20 lessons. Pianos tuned and repaired. ■ iflöraddresfi 15 Bowery street. 1620yl KATÍEtf IÍOGEK3, Portrait Pain ter. Poriraits painted to ordt r eilherfrom life or pholust uctions given iu Drawiug aud;iig by the system useii in Academies of Detjg0. stodio, No. 7, cor. División and Ann atreeta. 3. D. HARTLEY, M. D., AND HES. SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. D., GEBMAN AND ENGLISH PHYSICIANS AND SURCEONS. OEee and residence, No. 18 Thompson, corner of Thompson and Willam street. J, Ann Arbor, Mich. ïre.Dr. Hartley will limit her practico to the treataentof diseases peculiar to Ladies and Children. "MISS MANTIE M. MILNER, TEACHER OF THE PIANO. Instrnction givcn at the residenoc of the pupil if ■.:■■!. ■ inqi'.ire at rosidencc, No. 48 South State 16H EUGENE K. FRUEAUFF, ATTOH N E Y AT LA W, A.VD .TÜSTIOE OP THE PEACE. Al! buánesB prompüy attended to. Office No. 8 I rt vV]iinrton stript, Rineey h Seabolt:s block. NOAH W. CHEEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I Mee eist side of Court House Square, Ann ■ :, Hiel]. JOHN L. BURLE IGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Xo. 24 Bank Block, sccond floor, iSN AEBOE. - - MtCHTOAN. HEÑrYr. H1LL," ITORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Keal Estáte. . Min. Xn 3 Onra HmiRP Bloflr. ANN ARHOR. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT REVENAUCH 18 THE 8o$s Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Kast Huron Street, up-stairs. C. H. WINSLOW; 1):L1-B IK HCHJRES, FRAMES AND BRACKETIS, VIOLINS AND GUITAKS. ■ üiiis of Repairing prompüy attcnded to. Ho. 30 East Huron Street. J. H. ISTICKELS, FRESH & SALT MEATS, Hams, Sauxagefl, Lard, etc, STATE STEEET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CÓRNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. JWmpromptiy fllleil. Farmers baving meat ebould giVo him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. fewives deposita of One Dollar and upwards and ""■Hrive per cent. interest on all deposita reWiiiDg three montha or longer. ■TEREST COMPOUNDED 8EMI-ANiÜALLY. llso.bnjeand sella U. H. Bonds, Gold, Silversnd Wt Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chi" Eichange. üüo 68Bs Sifiht Draftsn flreat B ritaio, Ireland j ittDy, or auy other part of the European Oon!: is organized nnder tbe General Ban jUwof thisSt.te. Tne stookholders are indiI Ur liable to the amount of their stook, and hole capital is secarit.y for depoaitors, weli, BantB of issue the capital Is invested 1 or the biU-holders. ïhis f jet makoB this In■■:■. a very safe deposit of moneys. ri'"I omen can deposit subject to their om 'Wta only. ot"7 to on Approved Securitles. Kcions-R. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. D. Harri" V. Deuljel, w. w. Winea, D. Hiacock, w. B. la;tb. OFFICERR : ' 'i Pres't. V.r. H . Wisks, Vico-Pres't C. E. HiacocK, Cashier. KBERBACII & SON, ifliisls efl Ptemacists, !2 South Main St., "1" ' hand a large and well Belected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUPF8, ■'TnWAXFLOWER MATERIAL. Toilot ArUoles, Trnases, Eie. PBK WINES AND LIQUORSS 6'tcntiou paid to the f uriiishing of l'liy■■nists, 8i-!K)o!i, etc, ith Pliiloeopbiral :!1 Apparatu, Bohomlan Chiiciwl rüruiltjn V,',r6, Pure Itenèiiu, die. Hoat íürefnjly prHpai'Sd ai 1SM


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