
Bro. Treadwell's letter, which we publish in another column, contains statements réspectirig thö Chicago Convention grossly erroneous, altliough thcir falsity doubtléss escapèd his riotice. He says that the Convention "determined by a strong vote ngainst the expediency of multiplying new and dangerous tests of membership in the Liberty party." It is not truc that any "nexo tests" of any kind were proposcd for adoption ; and consequently it is not true that the Convention voted against, "muUiplyingV such "new tests." The resolution for supporting the equal rights of a men, which wc published last week, and wh'ich was here voted down, wasidopted, word for word in May, 1840, by the first National Liberty Conventionr, by a unantmous vote. How then could that be a "nao test" which has been the unquestioned faithof the wholc party for six years, and which wiH remain so till rescindcd by another National Convention? The "dangcr" of tliis test was not discovercd till it was brought to lig-ht by speakers at the Chicago Convention ; and even therc not a single speaker would takc ground against the correctness of the resolution itsolf, but the Convention voted it down becau? e it was deented e.pcdiept for t'io Liberty party, while laboring in defence of the Black man's rights, to maintain a general silence in rcferenco to the rights and intcrests of the White Man.(tAs the New York Tribuno has been extensively rirculated in this State, mul hos been well known for its 7.erl and bittenie.s., for its talent nnd vigor, and for iis manifest and .striking nconsifctencies of various kinds, the iullowing recent announcmenl of its present position niay be of interest to our readers. "Th is paper aspires to be in all things a journal of Progress and Reform - not mc'rclv a dial on which Ilumanilv niay mark itsslruggling, arduous. fitful advances, but au eÃeotive though Immble in-' sirumcnt and impulse ofiluj 3lovemon(. rroToundly convinced that all War, vvhethcr bötween Nations, Classes or is fut.tfly ho'stile to true Progress ai:d hjman vvell-boing, it opposes all attempts to array the Poor ngainst the Ricli in fruilless contests and baleful hatreds ; all incittMnents to Social Auarcliy, all clamor ÃoY thé desiructiftn of Banks nnd oilier instiiutes rtf èxisting order of thiugs in Commerce and Itidustry. In !s view, ihe uork of the true Reformer i.sone of Crention, rrot Destruction ; for when the góoaor even the better is made nanïfost, tho bad and ilie really defective wiM sürelv pnss awny. The opeo and trncouïoröinising foe of Iuteinperancc. of Liccntiousnijii.s ofSlavery and every olher form of Oppression. it proflers welcome and hospiÃalÃÃv to every generous and hopoful idea looking to the Emancïpation of Industry from Social úepressiun.. tyrnnny or caprice, and the Toüjng Mil liona ['rom Ignoraneo, Ãegradation and SufTering."(tThe chanfges'uf poÃiiicnl papers are ofterï nriiÃch mofe frequent llian thoso of the moon. The Advertiser thus hits off theorganof Denio'craey in' (his sfate.- Wedaresay the compliment might be returned with efjunl We regard thé F ree Press rind Advertiser ns a pair of brothers, very much alike in sume thingá : Chaises óf MÃe Sioo.v- When the British Oregon pranosition wo first announced, the Free Press said that "wor would certainly be prèferable to so dishonorablea treaty." When the Président nnd Senate accepted it, tlie Free Press said the terms were ''just and liberal." When Gov. Cass' vote against it carne out, the Free Press entered its "protest ogainst any treaty vvhich surrendered a poftion" of Oregon. What next? (t?3 The gerié.al inÃroducÃion of the Mngnetic Tclegraph will tend to greatly multfply the number of daily püpers in the villages arÃd lúwns, while it will diminish thecirculation of those in the large cities. When comptetcd to Ann Arbor, br instance, weshall liave the hews fronj Europe or China, as soon üs they will have it in New York; and it will be discussed and grow oÃd before a paper from New York containmg it can possibly arrive by mail. Every village where a Telegraph station is kept wil! have a bulletin to announce the news daily or twice a day; and millions will bediscussing the same topics in every part of the Union at ilic same moment. This will tend much to give support, importance and character to the local press.It does not appear probable tliat the army on the Rio Grande will soon inake any considerable movement towardg the interior of Mexico. Monterey, the place wherc Gen. Taylor had thought of sunr mering, is now stated lo be 300 miles from Matamoras, instead of 118 : asmall place, with few inhabitants, a very hot climate, and no great plenty of fruit. 07a How variable is the breath of popular applausc! How easily gained, and how quickly lost ! The Cincinnati rierald snys that there was a counÃy in Pennslvania, named afiei1 the long-tried patriot and volunteer for liberty, La Fnytle. A Cew days since it was divided, nd two new counties erected. The ame of La Foyette was dropped, and ne county was called Ringgold, and the othcr. Ptigo!OC On a late occasion, during a dis. cussion in tl?e Senate, Daniel Webster again repeated his belief tlmt ibe daily expenses of ihe war with Mexico1 bad amounted to half a million of dollor, or twenty millions during the forty days the war had been in operation. He did not complain of tliis as extrav. agant or unnecessary, but it would be burdensome to the people, and must tesuli in a National Debt, or heavy Taxation. His advice was to propose torms of peace. Mexico was the weaker party: she wns unsupported by any other power: and proposals of peace might be hononibly made on our part. Ho gave a sensible' talk on the subject. ïn Ãngland Ihe pöstage on a letter ia a pcnnv, or about two cents, to any part of the Kingdom. All the families w'rite, on an average, 45 letters a year. In tlii country the average to each farriily is eighl. - Ia. Frecman. We somewhat doubt the correct ness of this statement. But f it be true, it shows that asa writing people we' are fa r in the back ground. If the peopÃo of England write seven letters to those óf the United States one, there must bö good reasons for the fact. What can they be ? High Postage, Ignorance and SlaverViOC Tho Connecticüt House of Reprcsentatives, Ijy a vote of 111 to 63, have vated to submit the qUestion of colored sufiVnge to the people. Tiiat s just what our Democratie legislators are afraid to do. (tT The amouot of reocipts on tho Central Rn ïl rond, seem lo be on the increase, and to excocd public expectation. During tlie inonth of June, thoy were about a thousand dollars a d.iy, ono half for' pnssengory and the oiher halYfor' ffoight. Tlie receipts of June, I845, wcre about half this amount.