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IF YOU ARE TIEED OF Big Gas Bills ! GET ONE OF OUR NATIONAL UAS WORKS AND MAKE YOUE OWN GAS FOR 75 ets PER 1,000 ft. If you havo use fo a Large Amount of Gas, write to us for the particulars of the way in wliich you can have a GAS WORKS FOR ftfOTHING ! National (ns Works Erectlon Co., Det oi t. 50 & 58 Bates St. II. KRANK, Superintendent. 1659 THE HEALTHLlS A iliOUOUGH GYMNASTIC SYSTEM FOR LADIliS AND üKNTLEMEN, IN TEN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. The Health Lift i a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. For the attainment and preservation of Beallh. It ia the best means of PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT IS THE 8IMPLEST, SAPKST AND M08T EPFICIENT MODE OF TAKING ALL NEEDED EXECI8E. In the brief space of ten minutes all the muiclea are radually, thoroughly, and symmotrically brought into action. Conoentrated ezerciiie for the and edeutar y. ANN ARDOR OFFICE AND PARLOB8. 11 Kmt Hurou 8 South of Court Hqui A DOLLAR SÁVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS! And pricea LOWKR THAN KVfiE. I have purchased in New York, for cash, and iaranow daily receivine one of the Iargest and most select stocks of GrocerieB in Washteimw County, eonsiating of a f uil and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Gnnpotrdert, Impertáis. Vuim; Hy■oni, Hjrsons, Japans, (lulnns, I orinosas, oniioiis, Souckongs, Twaukays, Together with a full line of COFFEE8, consistlng of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAGUAYRE.SANTO8 and RIO, both roasteñ and ground ; a full and well seleeted stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinff in the line cf Pure Spicea.Canned fruit, and Vegetables. We have a full anti complet line of BOOTS & SÏÏOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice assortment of Lndies' and Gentlemen'a Underwear. Cali and examine (ioods Hud Prioea and we will insure dutwtact um. EDWARD DUFFY. " Huynard'e Block,'1 cor. Main and Ann s Ir eet 8 Ann Arbor, Mich. MTllihest cash price paid for all farm produce. %U THE SUN. ÏÏ7&. NEW YORK. 878 As the time approache for the renewal of sub8criptionst THE SUN would remind lts friends and well-wiaheru eyerywhere, that it ia aain a canríidate for their consideration and tmpport. Upon it8 record for the past ten years it relies for a continúan ce of the hearty syniputhy and generous co opera ti o n which have hitherto been extended to tt froai every quarter of the Uuion. The Daily Sun isa four-paue sheet of 28 oolnmns, price by nmil, post-paia, 55 ceuts a mouth, or (G.5O per year. The Sunda edition of The Sun is an cihtpn'e heet of 66 columns. While giving the uews of the da y , it also contains a large amount of hterary and mine-til aneous matter spociully prepared for it. Th Bündat Sun has met withgreat succumi. Pust patd % 1 20 a year. TH Weekly Sun. Who does not know The Weekly Sun T It circuíales tbroughout the United States, the CanndaH, andbeyond. Ninet thouaand families groet lts weloome pages weekly, and regard it in the Hght of guide counselor and friend. ItR new, editor lal, agricultural and literary department make it esnentially a Journal lor the fatnily and the fireside. Terms; One Dollar yenr, iKst paid. Tbis price, quality oousidered, makes it the cheapest newspaper published. For olubrt oí ten, with $10 cash, we will senil an oxtra copy free. Addreis PUBLI811ER OF THE KUN, Iö59w8 New York City. INSLRE YOUR PROPËÏtïï" WITH THE OLD Insurance Agency OF ■ C. H. MILLEN. Homo Insurance Co. of Assets. Ji. YM $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co., N. Y., 3,000,000 Niágara Fire Ins. Co., 1,400,000 Glrard, oí Phila., 1,000,000 Oriënt, ol Hartford, 700,000 Ratea as low as un y reliable Insurance Compuny. LoMe pramptly uuJ honorabl; adjusted. 166G FURNITURE! J. KECK & CO., BnANUFACTURERS OF FUllMTUKh OF ALL DESCRIPTIOSS, Are now Ofl'crin Grcat lurtiiceinciits lo Purrliasers. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR FURNITURE Direct of Hie MannfactiirerSt Manufactory, corner of William and West Fourth Strects. Salesrooms, 52 Soath Main and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arbor, Micli. ts SEWÏM JÁCHINES ! BUY THE SINCER The best aud most popular machine in the world - 300,000 sold in a single year, after being on the tnarket over twenty-fivo years. Beware of Imitations ! To Reeure the germine buy of 1. L. Grinnell, the authorized agent ior Washtenaw Couuty. It ia ouly a quts t ion of time, and not much time eit her, when the majority of the wild cat niachinea will not be built, then the warrant of cut-tLrost dealers will be of little avail. To bny n, second clnss machine on h third clasf wammt for flve ypurs is poor policy when such a mu chine na the Sioer eau be had at a reasonuble pricc. I keep gonuine parts for the Singer, best"Oïl, Needies, Pleiters for dress makers- 7ör to $1.25, Lincoln's fringmg machine, and have a large nuniberof ijeeoiid-hnnd machines. Seoond.haiid Sinter, $20 to Í30. Second-hnnd Uowe, $12 to $15. Sffuiid-liiind Ameiiciiii, tí rover & Baker, Wheeltr &, and ütneis, $1 to $10. IÖF Sewing Machines repaired and carelully adjusted. I. L. CRINNELL. NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, (1556) OppoNite Firsl National Kank. VTEW TEA ST0KE. Japan X a at 3OcY 4(c, 'Oc and Oc per Ib , i i L tlie very ist iinported at 7Oc p r ili. Gunpowdor Tea at. i0r arxl 8(c pet 1b,, and the very best import'd at ífl.oo a putind. Young Hyson at 10c, 50c aud 60c, and the bowt importcd at HOe per Ib, üülong Tea at :í5c, 50o, 60, and 70c pt?r lb. Imperial Tea at 80c, Uk:, and 50c per lb. Twaukcy Tea at 20c, 25c, aud 30c per lb. CÓFFEES A.D SPICES, of our own roasting and grindrng, at. greatly reiluct-d pri( ís. ;ive iis a Cali and be Convinced. J. W. HAXÜSTERFER & ('O., ZOtc 33 South iTIuin !St., Ann Arbor. Two TÉÉB HonsBS FOB. SALE, The property belonfttng to the WELLES ESTÁTE, sltnatfld on DIVISIÓN STREKT, at the héad ol ANN STUKKT, and llie property laU'ly owntid aüd now occupied by A. WIDUNMANN, will he Dold VERY LÖW PBICE, AND ON LOMO TI Mi: IF DE8IEED. Apply to S. H. OUGLAS. BSTRACTS OF TITLES. The iinderaiffned, Uegisler of Deeds, will prompt ly and iSiirefully inuke Abstracts of titles, Fr jm the Original Records, For Attorneys, Agent, Owner, or Vurchaaors. No patas will be spured to give a complete chainof title, and how uli eiicuinbi'iinceu. Churgcd icnsanable. 0HA8. H. MANI.Y. Ann Arbor. Junuary 10, 1$77. 1617. TOR SALE! One large new müch Cow, one 5 wontlin Per;heron Colt -trom Bluck Joue, one Duilmm 'ult, ne 18 raouths Durham Buil trom Wainer's herd, fft beauty). Aun Arbor, Dec. 24, 1877. KUUKNË B. HALL, or HALL BROS1667 -C w RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CENTRAL K.UUiUü, NOV. 11, 1S77. JOINO WIST. L ! . M . 1. 1. TatioKb. C: - - Bft r lí_íi&oí A.M. A.M l'.M. i jj piJf y„ Detroit, lea ve, i 7 00 9 35 4 r. i ni 6Í O. T. Junction, 7 15 9 55 5 00' 3 25 6 :S I Wayne Junction 7 4t 10 17 5 82 3 5j ; 10 íe Ypsilanti, 8 10 10 35 ( 00 4 15 7 Sí 11 , Geddes, s u ; 15 AnnArbor, S 30110 53 USO .1 :!1 8 Mu lielhi, I 8 44 6 43 _1 Dexter, 8 5ñ 6 S3 :, 00 8 21 _ ühelsea, 9 17 7 (.5 5 14 84; Grasa, j 9 51 7 ::s .-. ■ Jackson, 10 20. 12 15' 8 00 0 20 )il4 Albion, 11 04 12 53; [i IJ ln .;: 1 Marshall, 1150 1 35 7111 Buttle Creek, 12 2 1 55 Y 8 15 ] Si ■ Galesburg, 12 í5 8 52 12 1: -- _ , A. m. a, K. Knlninn.(.i, 1 15 2 40 4 00 P 15 J ■'; ' - Lawton, 1 56 j 4 40 1 L_ Decatur, 2 15 i 1 (1 [ j _ Dowagiac, 2 41 5 25 _ Nlles, 3 11 4 07, 6 10 2 31 (S Buchanan, 3 23 6 26 i ; _ Three Uaka 3 52 7 02, .; - - New Buffalo, 4 118 4 57 7 20i 3 4', Michigan Cily, 4 40 5 2U 7 H 4 IS ' ■' Lake, 5 23 6 02 b 4" 5 14 ■ ■ Kenuington, 6 03 6 50 9 10 Chicago, arrive, i G 50 7 40T1U Su OOING KAST. I Í !. '2 i t ■ IC Ö A. M. A. M. p. M. P.M. r.I Chicago, loave, 7 00 9 00 3 45 :, ij ,. KeQuiugton, I 7 50 9 50 4 35 Lake, I 8 40. 10 28 6 23 Michigan Cily, : U 2 11 10 8 i: 7 3IIC NewButfalo, ] 9 48 11 20 6 48 lid Three Oaks, 10 03 7 (17 11 Buehannn, 10 33 7 40 Nües, 10 46 12 16 8 14 9 00 US üuwagiae, II 15 8 42 t ifl DecutiiT, 11 S9 9 OS I i Lawton, ll 57 1 y 24 a. h. KulHiniizoo, 12 3.") 1 04 1(1 (lu 7 00 ln ÍS "■'■' GftlesburK, fI2 55 . 7 2s - :i: Buttle Creek, , 1 32 2 1T m 8 03 Marshall, 2 25 3 0" f S 40 il SI H a.m. Allion, 2 52 8 21 a.m. 9 10 i. Jackson, 3 4.i 4 05 5 20 LO 1-5 12 -ïfl ÍJJ (írass I,ake, 4 va 5 ís m :: - Chelse:i, 4 40 6 15 11 00 - Dexter, 5 00. 1 6 30 11 15 Delhi, 5 10 6 43 . Aun Arbor, o "1 lu 7 iil 11 So 2 M i' Geddes, 5 28 7 05 Ypsilanti. 5 38 6 24 7 lj 11 SS !S Wiiyne June, 6 02 5 40 7 4(1 12 !■"" ! 1' : G. T. June, ! 6 33 6 15 6 45 12 4.5 3 I' Detroit, Ar., i 6 45 C 301 8 40 1 00, S ÍS ' Sundays excepted. 2Snturday and SiUDÍJf eepted. tDaily. H.B. LEDYAIID, Gen'l Sup.,Detntt H. C. Wektwouth, Uen. l'uss. A;;t.. Ciiieígo. DETROIT, HILLSDAIiE ANI SOUTHWKSTKKN KAIIBOAD To take effect Nov. (i, 1877. OOINO WK8T. OO1NÖ El' STATIONS. Kxp. XTAT1ONK. st "l a. m. v.ií. , 1 r.i, Ypailnnti S:1U ti:0"i Salino 11:05 0:43 Bonken Bridgewatur.. B:25 6:68 i llillwliile ... 8: "i Manchester. 1U:O5 7:2U Manchester.. 10:" p. M. Bridgewater 10 Hillndale 12:55 9:"5 Saline H) ' Bankers. .. 1:07 9:35 Ypéilanti.... H Truius run by Chicago time. (í W. P. PAUKEB, Sup't, Tpslli11 MANHOOD: How Lost, flow Restoreáí ..... Jnst puhlished, a new efillion oí "'■ ;+Xv..C:iilvcrveU1ti Cclebrulcd.WfJ Boii the radical cure (wilhout medio' iw(ÍOPKRMATOliHHt:A or Seminal "eT Irvoluntary Seminal Loases, Imi'OI'escï, , B and Phjsicnl Incapacity, ImpediimnlitoMUw etc.; iüm). CoNSUMPTios, Enu:rsï aud IIft' duecd by sell'-indulgence or sexual extravsgw"1 etc. VST Priee n a sealed envelope, onlysáW The celebrated author, in this admirable 5 clearly demonstrates, from a thirty y fnl praclice, that the alarminf? consequen? self-abnse may be radirailly curel without tne1 gerous use of internal medicine or the ftPP'rfl( of ihe kuife ; polnting out a mode ot ou simple, and effcctunl, by menns of whio "L matter what his condiüon muy p' ' cure himaelt cheaply, privately, and ratlicdty X3 This Lecture shouia be in the hands eU"! youth and every man iu the land. , Sent unrter peal, in a plain envi'lope, ío . [(J dress, patt-paid, on reccipt ot six cents o' postage slainps. TIIE CÜLTERWELL MEDICAt (il' 41 Aun 8t., Ï-; Pot "i1"'-1-' 1!ox' 45S LE BARON & E0., DEALERS IN' Groceries, Proyis ions, AND ALL KIN'D OF Country Produce SAMXli, 1MCH. CALL BEFOBE BUYIXG OR SW ' i:SI PRICF OF LIME EEDUCEP' Ohio lime will hcreaftr be sold at wholB3" iny lime roum, in tlüscily, at ."Í5 cents, a111 roe lime at 30 cents per bushel. Aun Albor, October 80, 1S77. TJ7"ood "Wanted IN EXCHANt-HO Fult Siiddles, llarncss, Trunl Travelins Biígs, Koíe' Biankets, etc. j. FOLLA


Old News
Michigan Argus