Too True

-The Dedham Americansays : "Polk wished for hh? party wished lor spoils, slnvery wished for more territor, nnd tlie Whigs wished toiivoid the odium of the Hartford Convenfforiisfs, afi'd henee' the war".- Loioe.ll Couricr. (tWe havo r c -ved a catalogue of the oiïïf-ers andsiudéu'ts óf OlivtÃt College, in this State. The insiilulion is of recent o"rigin, arid has 5' students in college a'ndG7in th'è prepnratorydep'artmeul- "ö- bont a'n equal mnnber of both sexes.
Olivet College
Old News
Signal of Liberty
James K. Polk