The Telegraph

â The Comphetioi) ui' the Téejföph to iiii3 city C0I1HÃC13 us ioflinntoncouBtV with Alhany. The lino betwtÃon New Yoik mul Albatiy isto be tumplutud by hc I5lh July.wiieu u oli'iil bc on Sficuhi ig iimi't th our ii':.[ door iiiMliburs in Wulii!ion. It will nol be !ong bel.ire, wiili a liïtlö extiu cxeiiion of .v luh wc ca i;ilk wiih ilu-ilwuHv.s p ih( fz hljck - New ÃrlcairS The ÃoHowÃujg finos are completcd : NewTötk lo Boston, 2R5miÃes New York lo Washington, 2"0 " Albnny to Buflfilo, 8Ã5 " Oswivjr.i (y Syr.-icirso, iS '' Lockpon to Hu!IhÃij 2() " liostoi) io Lowcil, 1.5 '' PhUadeiptitu io Ilurrisbuig', f 07 â¦' Toflnl compIrtJ, 1087 Tho fullowihg are to be in' opèrntion ai the d-itcs attaclied. l'h.-ici to Attburn, 4il) Julv 40 mi Ie Tn.y io Surmoy.i. IOiIj ' S3 " New York io Albnny, 15t!i " ï3 Boüoi) to Portlautf, 'öih AhÃ;. ]0(à " Ii i eitpnj8O ilÃát tlrè grerft oüllieni line to New Ui I'mns will bo in opuraiion soine time this (uil. Tlie line will nol, we aru of opinión, be u.xteotled wtB'. r[ ihis c,hy for some tune. Even bel ween here and New Yotk thcro h;ive been mnny d.iub á us to whether it will p.iy expenses and interest. The stock weet of her would bc very pjor invesiment, until pcrluipd, the Qn was
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