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NEW ADVERTISEMJÑTS Sheriffs Sale. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WiabteaffW, ö as. Philip Bucli va. James D.MeM&ster: Iiy viviutt of two wxits of executinn, issued oui of mid under the seitl ut' the Ciruit Court for the Coiuity i' Wimhtenaw, in the above entitled cause, ana to me directed and delivered, I did on the eleventh day of December, A. D. 1S77, l:vy upon all the right, title, aud intert-st of the eaid lamea D, MeM aster, in and to the t'ollowing tteseribed real estate situated in the -Uounty oí Washtenaw, State oí Michigan, to vit : All .the following ptecee or pareéis ol' land, viz.: Bezinning at the southeast corner of the southwest quaiter of section number twenty-t'wo (22) in township two south of range six east, thence south eiirhty-nine degïOea and eight minutes west twenty-four clmins and uinetyeight liuks to a stake, thence. norih iorty-one chaiiis to the north line of stiid qoarter wection, thenee north eigbty-nine deLrees and eight y minute earti t went tour chaina and ninety-eight links to the northeast corner of waid qtiartersec tion, thtiure south on said quarter line forty-one ihaiiiH to tho place of beginning, excepting tliuref rum and frorn the east side of t?ail premises a strip of land tifteen rode wide, heretofore deeded by James W. Wiug to Richard Gla-i.r, said strip to be hounded on the weet by a line parallel with the iMst line of the above describa! tract; also one other piece of land lying iu said lownship, bounded a folio W8 : Beginning al the northeast corner of the north west fractionn! quarter of sectïon tweutyfeven, in aaid township, thence south on said sectlon line thirty-two chaina to the Hurou Hiver, thence up said livor ton stako opposite a point twenty-four chains and nfaety-eigut links aoulli eiiihty-nme degr-Mfl and eiht minutuH west trom the place of beginmng, theuce north twenty cïiains and eleven links to aaid point. theuce north elghtynine degrees and eitht minutes east twenty-four chiiins aud oinety-eight links to the place of bc ginning. The above described pareéis containiDg jointly one hundred and Üfty-three acres, be the same more or less ; another pii-ci; of land iu the township aforewflid, viz,: Being a certíiin piece of land of about half an acre, situated in the forks of the temtoiial and Glasier roud, on the northwest quarter of section twenty-yeven, in town and range aforesuid, vthich above describid property I huil ofït'r for snit, to the liihest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Waahtenaw county, Michigan, (that being the pi. of holding the Circuit Court in the county where the premisOB are situated) on thr ninth day of Mahch, A. D. 1878, at two o'olock in tbe aftrnoon of eaid day. % Datfd, Januaiy '24, A. D. 1ft78. 1G71 JOSlAlí S. CASE, Sheriff. Kstate of George Grenville. QTA.TB ÜP MICHIGAN, County of Washte O naw as. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuuw, holden at tho Probate Otüce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tlic tweuty-ñrat dny of Januury, in the yuar onè thou&aiul eight hundred and seventy-eight. Preaent, William IJ. Harrimnn, Judpe oí Probóte In the matter of tbe estáte ol (.eorge Greuville, deceased. On reuding and flling the petition, duly vetified, of John M. Wbeeler, praying that a certain inatruraent nowon ilein this court, purpoxting to be the last wil) and testament of said deoeased, mny bu adiuittcd to probate, and that he may bt; appointed executor thereof. Th!reupon it ia ordeied, that Mooday, the eighteenth day ot Fetiruaiy uext, ut ten o'clock in the torenoon, be aasined lor the beaixng of siiid petition, and that the devises, Ingutecfl, and heirs at law of said deceaBed, uud all other persons interested iu öaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to he holden at the lrobate otlice iu t!ie city of Anii Arbor, and show ciiuae, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grunted : And it is further ordered that smd petitiouer glTe notico to the persons interested in said estáte oí the pendency of said petitiou and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy ot this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newopaper printed and circuiated in said county, threc successive weeks previous to suid day of Beaiinff. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAX, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Dory, Probate ReyiPter, ifi:it.1 Estáte of Charles Tripp. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washtennw, is. At a sossiou of the Probate Court for thefounly Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, on WVdnesday, the '23d dny of January, in the year ono ihousaud eifiht hun red and sevtnty-cigiit. l'r ent, William D. Harriinan, Judge of Probate. In 'he matter oi tbe eatate of Charles Tripp, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of Margtiret H. Tripp, praylng that nho may be appointed administratrix of Üm estáte of waid deceaaed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondny, the etgbteenth day of February next. at len o'clock in the forenoon, be assig t;d tor the hearing ot' said pet ition, aud that the hoirs at law of said deceused, and all other peiMDl ïntcreted in aald estáte, are required to appear at a Harioo of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ottice iu tht; oity of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the pruyer of the putit toner ahould not be giantcd: And it is further ordered. that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estnte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof t by cauainga copy of this order to be pnblished in the Michigan A7'gu-!tt a newpHjMir printed and circulated in said county, three succeaive woéfci previous to said day ol hearing. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, !A true copy.) Judjie of Probate. Wm. O. Doty. Probate Reyristor. 167 Ltd #COUGH, COLD, Or Sore Tliroat BKqumics IMMEDIATEATTBNTIOK A continiíaiire for any Iciilli of tsim-, raiiM's imlaliull ot lilC IUllgTN, or Hoiiiv clironic 'I iiru.n uffectiou. Xejfletit ofU'iitimoH resultn iu BOno incurable Lun{; llKSM. Brnvn't Bronchi I Trocliex lave provpd their tjfficficy, by a test of mnny ye.ira, and vrill altuost iiiviirntbly give immediatt; relief. Obtnin only Itrutvn's Brom li inl 'Irorllc, (ind lu nut tukp any of the worthless ïmiLatioDS that may be offered. 10ti-rm4 D. CRAMEE, Aitorncy umi CouiiNClor ut Law. Will attend to collection and settlements of ËfbitM. Mukes it a specíalty to keep posled on All businoss matters. Will borrow or loun money it any time or buy good paper. Ol&ce opposite Ureyory House, Aan Albor, Mi-uh. [601 i-m AK.NTA!. STATEMENT. For i ii" yi-;ir tnding December Sist, A. I). 1877, of the coudiUon and affaire of the WASI1TJSNAW MUTUAL FIE E INSURANCE CO-, Locatcd at Ann Arbor, organlaed under the laws of the State of Michigan, and dolng bubinesa in the County of Washtenaw, in uatd State. :,!,!■ c[;l ri'KNDKN, President. NEWTON 8HELÜ0N, Secwiary. irafBKBsaiPs. Nitnili.T of iiu-mbers December -i "i1 prevlous year, 1,8G(! Humoer of membera ad d'd duriag tbc present yriir, 121 Total, 1.US7 Deduot number oí niein ben Lthdrawn du ring year, and cancel l policies by reatsön 6f Bale or otner Isei ii NiunhiT of meinbera dow bolongliig tu Coinpany, i S'-M1 Kis NS. Amouiit f proper) y a1 risk December tl of prevlous vi;ir, $S,878í20 00 AmiMLiii oí risica mlderi durlng present year, 835,720 00 Total, $-,:iO4t:Mo 00 Deduct rlsks canceled, wlthdráwa, oí twrmiaated, 874,190 00 Nol amounl now at by Company, OOöu 00 BBSOUBQEB. AiiM.niitof prenütun ordepoait notes now iu force, none of cash preminma or assesamenta actually on hand, 8 "'■''- 28 Amouni of outatanding assesamenta nol canceled, 1,865 02 Nature and amounl of uil ofbeï resmuves, vi..: none Total resoui 2jüW 80 LIABILITIBS. ('hüms for losseadue and payable, Josepb McGlnuew, $ s oo Claims for losso not miitined, 271 7 Claims for iosses reslsted, none Nalnn: ; 1 1 1 1 1 uiiimilit Of all oüior claims, vi, : Sivi -i-t : r 's ■ ;i!,iry, 000 00 Iïent of otlicc, " 25 0ü Tutid LUbiHtiee, 8 B64 87 im '.mi:. Amoiint of premium on ijnil nolGS taken during the year, QÓue Amount of cash premiums reeeïwd during the year, 304 86 Amountcolleeted onasdewinentswhich were levied during the present year, 5,891 00 Amount collected tnlsyear on asse&amenta which were levied. in prior years, 2,7W 08 Amouni received from membership or iiolicy fri-: members, S78.O0L potley ces, .55.42 133 42 Amount received from percentage on Increased ordecreased Insurance, none [ncome iVom all other Bouroestviz: from interest, 8 22 Balance December SI, 1876, 749 xh Total Income for tbe iar. -:.:;7l 90 BXPBHDITUKR&. AmouDl pald for loases durlng ili' year of whuii $1,565 00 occurred in prior years, $3,700 17 Amount of salary and feen paJd Eo offlcersand directora as per ítems In Schedule A, :(& 97 Amount of all othorexpendUnres iJurin the year as per Schedule B, _',.",io 08 Total t:ij.-n.iiiun-s during year, $8,639 22 SCHEDULE A. NAMEOPOFFH L.ii ui: DIBSCTORTO WIIOM PAID. President, Allen Crittenden, 128 95 " " oW account, 40 7f Director, Peter Cook, " " 2 35 John J. Boplson, 58 80 " H. M. Mm r , 75 h) " K. A. Nordman, g ö:" " X. Sheldon, g 50 .ri]ui Cook, services, j $ T. B. Ooodspeed, services, 10 (H) Total Schedule A, vins w 8CHEDUL15 b! ÍTEMS ']■■ " a 1.1. 01 111 ii ixi-KNSKS." National lïank, borrowed, - 1 500 (X) N. Sheldon, " '.w cm Interest, n ,3 [ent of office, 70 (H) Postare, R5 67 l'i i;tt in-r. 35 7,-, Fuel for oüice, -n 65 Receivers, s 49 Stationery, 4 oo Sxchange, 1 52 Snndries, ::s ;;■, Totul Schedule B, $2,510 08 Mis:i.i.i. Ni:.rrs QÜS0TfON8 1. Hov many assessmenbi bave been made during the year? Ad. One. 2. Wliat is amount of nll assessmeats made durins the year? Ans. 96,759.11. :;. w hat is the rato per oent. of such asseesments on the m-operty Insured? Aus. .017." per oent. 1. Wna1 i.s the rate per cent. of such assessment on tii' premium or deposit notes? Ans. None. -". WnataiDouni was re-asseaüed fot asdessments that were oot paid? Ans. 896.64. 6. amónnt of losttes areallovredtoaoonmulate hctnrr an aasessmeut is levied? Ans. All to date oí' assesament, bul pa; in 90days by borrovÍ11L,'. 7. Does the (lompiiny, in mnkinv au assessment, provide therein for any surplua Cund over the actual iösses accrued ? IÍ s, uow much ? Ans. Yee ; Ëstitnated expenses fbrone rear, s. Whal proportion of actual losa Buatatned by a pollcy-holder does the Company payï Ans. Two-thirdsoD persona] and the whole amount óü buildinea, as we [usure buildings at only two-thiiüs their vahif. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 ( oí vi y of Wasutrnaw, j "■ Allen Crlttendeo, President, and Newton Sheldon, Secretary of sald Company, do, anU each lor himsrir di.ih di'piMr and siiy, that they have read the Foregoing statement, and know the contepts thereof, and thal they havegood rcaaon U belleve, and du beiieve said s atemeot to be true. AKLKN' CUITTENDEN, President. NEWTON SilKLDON, Secretary. Bwornmid suhsfrilii-rl me, at Ann Arbor, in said State and County, tliis iftth day of January. A. I). 1878. " ' E. lï. POND, 1670 notary Pabllc, Washtnaw Coanty, Ulch. SherifiTa Salo. QTATEüF MICHIGAN County of. !? Isaac Paillding v.s. William iiebee. ity virtue of one writ oí exeeutiou issued out oï and under the .-t-jiloi the Cirouit Court for the County of Wubhtenuw, in th- abve entitied cause, to me airecled and deKVered, I dld on the twonty etghth day of Öüptember, A. D. 1S77, lovy upon all tbe right. title and interest oï the suid William Behee, 111 umi to the l'ollowiufi dea;ribed real estáte siiuated in the County of Waahtennw, cítate of MichiKn to wit: All that tmet ox pn roei Of land known and deeoribed as foilowd, to wit : The eaat half of thfi Éiouth-ejist qu:trter of sectlon nmnb(r six, iu bown ilire?, Kouth inne tbree east, being the townahtp of tfhaxon, Waantenuw Coanty, State of Miehi',:ui, vhich above descrlbed proper t y 1 shall offor foi !?, to the hilieat bidder, at the south door of the Court iiouse, in t)ie cit.v ot Ann Arbor, Washteoaw Couuty, Michigan (that being th" place of holding the Circuit Conrts m the t'ounty woere the prcimsfs atre BltoatedJ, uu the nin'oonth (Jy (f Feb tuary. A. J). li7tt :it 2 o'uluck iu the utternoon of said il:iy. Dated, JKBVary 4, A. 1). 1878, JOtfIAH S.CA8B, Sheriff. Mlf.l.MïD & IÏFAN, Atty's fui PlaiDtíflf, Adtiuu, Mich. 1007 Estáte of William Crosby. 3TATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. Notlce Is bereby flveu.thatWanorderof the Probate Court tor the County of Waautenaw, made on tbe nih day of January, A.D. 1878, six months from tbal date were allovoa for crédito topreseni thiii claims agatnat the estáte of Willium Orasby, late of said county, deceased and that all credI tors of said deceased are required to present thelr claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in th.' city of Aun Arbor, for examtnatlon and allo w a ace, on or efore the 16th day of July next, and thal b . 1 claims wili bc heard before said Court on Satuiday, the I8th day of April, and on ftfonday, the lifrh day of July next, at tuu o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Aun Arbor, January 14, A. I. 1878. WILLIAM IJ. HARKIMAN', Í070W4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Elizabeth Vail. ÖTATB O MICHIGAN, County of WaahUna, O hs. At a sevaion of the 1'robateCourt forthe Cuuntyoi WaehtenaWt holden at the Probate oltice in the city or' Anu Arbor, on Tut'sday, the twentysecond day of Janoary, in the year one thouaund eipht'd mui seventy-cight. Pcaaent, WiUiam i). Harriman, Judve of Probate. In the matter of the eutatt of Llizabtth Vail, deccusüd. Uyron V. Cheever. adminiatrator, de bontt non witli the wil! annexed. of said state, comen iuto COlui and repieaeute tbal he íb now pr. pnrúd 10 rendei hi rinul account aa suoh ndininistrutor. Thereuion it ie ordered, that Tuewlay, the nineteenth day of Febroary nuxt, at ten ofclock in the foiüooon, bo aaaigned lor examinlns and allowiu Hiich account, mui that tliö devisees, leKateeSt and heire at law of said decfaed, and all other persons intereated in said eatate, are required to appear ut a sfission of said court. ihen to be holden t the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor i 1 said county, and show cause, if any there bo, r iy the aid accouut should not be allowvd : And .t is iurther ordered that said adininistrator give notiee to the person inteiested in sald estáte, oí the pendency of aid account nnd the hearinq thereof, by cauaing' a copy ot Uhö order to be published in the Mictigan Argag, a oewtipaper printed and oirooJaÜjog in aid county, three succesdive weeki previous to said day of hearing. löTltd WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, fAtruecopy,) ludge of Probate. Wm.G, Dott, Probate Register. 1671 DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWE8TJSRN KAILKOAD. To tnk t-tlVct Nov. II, 18)7. U01NH WKBT. OO1KO EAHT. ITAT1OMB. Mili:. E.xp. STATIONS. X ) i ail Ypmlnnti.... 8:10 8K)s' a. m. p. b. Huline !):05 :4S Bnnkurs It-.Oñ 2:05 Sridgewater.. 9:25 (:i,H Hilladnle ... O:JU 2:15 tfonohstter. (0:06 7:20 MHUchester..tO:O.r 4:12 p. M. liridgewater 10.30 4:32 HillHclnle 12.66 !):": Saline 11:10 4:5ll Blinken. ... 1:07 9:l5 Ypoilnnti 11:45 5;2u 'li .uiis run by Chicago time. W. F. PAUKEU, Buu't, Yiilimti.


Old News
Michigan Argus