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SPECIAL ANNOÜNCEMENT ! Cost! Cost! Cost! OUR GREAT ANNUAL COST SALE! $23,000 Worth of Rich Dry Goods AT ACiUAL COST! Great sale to commence Wednesday morning, J:ui. 2, '78, uid continue 30 Jays. No Goods Sold exoept for cash. Black Silks ut cust. Black (.Juslimt.Tus at cost. Black Alpacas at cost. 500 yds. Suowflake Dross Goods at cost. All Dres9 Goods at cost. Corscts at cost. Seauiless Kid Glovts at $1.25, Hosiery at cost. Ribbons at cost. Flannels at cost. Paislay Shawls at cost. Wool Shawls at cost. Velvets at cost. Lace iind ijilk Ties at cost. Pelt Skirts at cost. Table Linons at cost. All Kid Gloves at cost. Cloths at cost. Sheütings at cost. Evorything at cost - for cash only. For over ten years it has been our oufltom to give the pulilic the beueflt ol our protits durin the inunth of Januaiy every year. üur reason lor doink' so ib as a general thing January is the dullest uionth of the yenr, ftnd if we tried to mukc prohu th'v wonld hftrdly pay expenses, also, wo have raany winter :- K on hand that we do not wiah to tjunimer over, and on the firatof February wc tflku ur animal inventory and wislt to have our stock rt'dticed alow as pOHtiible, uo by offering our eoodij at cost our Hales are four times lnrger than they would be otherwiae and thereby turn our stock into Ciih, which we can use in makinL our npring purclinses thereby saving a largo percentngo. Q5f"' Eeniember tliis sale will continue for thirty days only, and all joods will be sold for cash. G. H MILLEN & SON CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODS 1 And prins I.O.VKU THAN KYE1!. I have purchaseil in N'i.-w Ycjrk. for onsh, and I mu now duily reoéivüut ojie oflhfe Inrgeal uid musí neleut atw.ks oí Gtroeeriea iu W'jishifuuw Oounty, consUting of a lull mul woll Boleoted LINE OF TEAS, AH of the new erop - inotading .nu )ol ilcrs. I iiimi :tls. Young JHons, II) suns, Jaliü, il!iin:;v turïnosas, CongouSi Soiiclioiitf, :n:il Twuukays Together with a full line ofCOFFEES, consistïng of the followiuu branda: MOCHA, OLD GOVT JAVA.MAitACAlHO, LAGUAYRE,SANT08 and ItIO, both roasted aud gruund ; a full and well selected Htook of SUGARS, SYkUPS AND MOLASSES, Toscther witfa everythinf in the line cf Pure SpioeB,Canned fraits, and V igctablea. We full and complet11 Moe 0Í BOOTS & SHOES, HATO, CAPS, GLOVES And HoBiory. A]io, n choice aseortment of LftcUdS1 and Oenll&nieu'a Underwcur Cali and ex;nuintüoods uod i'iicca aud W Wlll iuurc satLil'aetiülj. EDWAltl) ÖUFFY. " M.aynards Block,' cor.Muiii and Ann slinets Ann Arbur, Mich. K?"Hiirhost cuh price paid for all i'nrm ])nKluce."ïia THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. I878 Astho time approHCbes for the renewiil of subscriptions, THE SUN would remind lUs firiends und well-wiíiher.s evorywhere, thut it is aain a candklate for their consideration aod support. Upon its record lor tho past ten years it relies tor a coutinuf.n co of the lu-iirty yinp ithy and enerous co-operation which Imvc bit.ln-rlo been extended to it from even qnarter uf the Union, The Daily Sun isa ímir-paí glu-rt of 28 columns, prico by mail, pul-puid, 55 ceiiis :i moath, or $U.5O per y.-nv. The Suunuy editmn of Thb Hun is an eihtpage shoet of 56 columns. While giviog thé neire of the il;iy , it alo containn a large nmnuni oJ In erary and miscel aneous niaticr üj4oi;ijr preparad for it. 'Fhk Sunoav Si:n has met wit&great succesa. Post paid % 1 ,20 a year. Tho WcoUly Sun. Whd doííK not ktiow Tuk Wkkklv Hus ? It. circuíate throughout the United Ötiites. the ('an;ulat, andbeyond. Ninet thou&aud families jreet hu welcnme pages weekly, and rt-ard it in the Üght of golde counselor and friend. Iíh news, elitor ial, agricultuntl and literary departmenis makfl 11 essentially a journal ior the i'anuly and tlie fireside. Terms: One Dollar yenr, pont puid. Tïiia price, quality considered, mnke it the oheap est newspaper pubÜHhed. For clubs oi ten, with 10 cash, we will send n extra oopy Tree. Address PUBLISHKK OP THE B0N, 1659w8 New York City. ÏNSUIK YOUR PROPERTX WITH THE 01. 1) Insurance Agncy OF C. H. MILLEN. Imiic lnsiiraiioe f'o. of A-tis. '. Y., .S(,00,000 Continental Ins. f., N. V., 3)000,000 Masara l'irc Ins. Co., 1,400,000 Olraid, of l'liila., 1,000,000 , Oriënt, oi Hartford, 700,000 ; Rute au low as any roliable laniniiM ('ompany. Jusie5 promptly uud hunorably udjuátedt 160fl FÜRNITURE! J KECK&CO., TViAXUFACTURERS OF FüRNTITKK OF ALL DESCRIPTIQNS, Are nou Qlfcriug (jreat [iiducemeiits 10 ruicliasers. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYIXG THEIR FÜRNITURE Direct i' ih Maniifactnrors. Manufactory, corner of William and West Fourtn Stivcis. Salèsrooms, 52 Somtli Main and 4 West Liberty Strctts, Ann Arbor, Midi. l683 SEWÏN& JÁCHINES ! BUY THE SSNCER The best and most popular machine in the world - .'500,000 sold in a single year, after beingon thy market over twenty-fivo years. Beware of Imitations ! - _ _ - . To secure the genuino buv of 1. X Grinnoll, the autiiorizLci agent tor Wathtenaw Couuiy. lt is iiiny ii question of time, and not much time either, when the majority of tlie wiM caí machines wil] not bfi Imüt, thün the warrant ot cut-tl'ront dealera v. ui 't: ut' litile avnil. To buy n second cbisa machine on a thírd cluee warrant fof ftv? yp;ns is poor poliep when sucli a raaohina as the Singer aan be bad ut it reatipnable i)rice. I keep eenauie pui-ts for tlio Singer, beet"OÜ, Needlrs, Pluitcrs for dretw mnkers- 76c to 91.2S, I.incoln's ñannng macliltie. und have a Iiirge omaberof üuüoud-haud machines. Seoond-huud Sinter, 20 to f30. Kecontl-lutnil Howe, .$12 to $15. Swïond-hiind Araeiican, (ïi'ovei1 & Iíker, "Wheelcr &: WilflO&i and ottieis, il to $10. JF Rewing Machines repaired and carefully adj usted. I. L. GRINNELL. NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, i.'i.v.i Oppotiite I irsr Nutioual Bank. VTEW TEA STORE. Japan 'I' :i ut 3Oc, 4(c, 5Oc ainl ;(■ !■! II , i i t the vry Im:sC iiniturtctl at 7Oc per 1 b. Quopowder Tea at 60c and 80c per tb., BDd theery in-si Linport 'i at H,O0 : pouod. ilv.m Lt: 40 . . and the Ust niported ai BOc it ü. Oolong 'l'ca at :;üu, 50c, 60, and 70c per 1b. Impelía) ': u üOc, 4if, and 50c p;r lb. Twaakey Tea it 2uc, 25c, aud 3ut pet ll. COFPEES AND SPICES, of our owu roantln and grlndlng, at greatiy re duced prioes. .ivo ui n Cali and be Convinceil. i. W. HAXiSTEUFEK & ('O., 8O& 3 2 South JU ain Kt., Ann Arbor. I689di6 Two ValuaMe Houses FOE SALE, property belonglng to the STELLES S8TATE, sltuatedon DIVISIÓN STEEET, at tbi héad of ANN STREET, ati't the property tateïy ówned and now oeaupled by A. WIDEKMANN, 'will be suld a a VEBÏ L0W IMtICE, AN1 ON LONG TIME IK DES1KED. Apply to S. H. DOUQL&S. BSTBACTS OF ïÏTLEsT" The nnderaignedi Keglalei ofDeeda, will prompt ly and oarefully makt: Abstracts of tillcx, Fr )m ths Original Records, For Attornry, AifAiits, Omen, or Purclmsers. So puins will be apared to give n complete clmin r itle,andahov al] BDoumbEunoea. Charges rfaaouablu. CHA9. H. MANLY. Anu _Arbor. Junuury 10, Is77. n;i 7. FOE SALE! ! Onelarge uew miloh Cow oue 5 moothi i i'Iiiion ('uit - trom lUnck JouOj "iif Duihaiu al f, ] ne lö montliB iJurlum liull Iïotu Wurner'n heul, I fa beaatyj. Anu Arbor, Dec. '21, 1877, EUUKXK B. HALL, or HAI.I. BltOS. THE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet i ■ - s ft í m] ) I TH IS new and wondcrful Instrument enablcs any onc, whether underj standing music or not, lo playanjdeI sircd inclody or harmony, sacred 01 i secular, from the most plaintivedirge to the most lively dance music. It possesses a mechanism of marvelous smpcity, retuiring but the iniclligencc of a cliild to manipúlate, )fct capabfe oí reproducing, without limUation, the musical impositions of the r.vr.T, I'resent and 'RE. ïhc execution is faultless, trict in melodv, harmony and rhythia, and the instrument is cmincntly adapted for Sunday Schools, praycr and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician isat hand to perform. Address, 2. 7. 3TEEEHAM & SOS, MANUFACTURERS, 113, 145 & 117 2. 23dSt, New Yorfc. I MA1HOOD: ! How Losl, How Eestored! Jnst publi.Hlu'tl. n new edition of Dr, jggv -il I vtf ï- w u i IS t e lebi ; led &] jEjgQii thu radien! cur '.without ineiiii ■.-. Involuutiiry Semina] Lofeeea, Impotekct, Menitl ftud l'hjicül [ncapaptj, Lmmdinif-iiU-toUaniin etc; albO, Concmptiok, Ki-ilkpsy .. duccd by sell'-iiuhilgenct: or sexual extravaso etc. BfÜ" Trice in a s-ilí-l envelope, onlv.sixcenU. Jïhe ccliïtmited uuthor, in admiraWeÖfli clearly dentonstrates, frorá n tl rtj y irs'ï ful practice, thut the alarmin consequeotti self-abuse muy be rftdtoillly "urt-l wiÉKout tliedu" geroua ose oí Intemal Diediciueor the apiilicat of the ktiff ; poïnting out h mode oí' cure üt o simple, and eflfcctual, by mutis uf wliich ewfl matter vrhat iti ion mu) bc,í oure hímself cbeaply, privut ly, and radicaHf' HSP"Thia Leéture shbüfri h--. in the iiandi j-outlt and t-vtiy m. iu in tbe tand. Sent aster sea!; m h plain nvelope, to nnj dress, fi'i.t paid, uü rtoi fpi Ót i C üts vi t postage stamps. THE CULYERWELL MEDICAL ÜOh 4 1 AitiiM., . V.; Posi OtítoeBox, 43StíLE BARON & CO., DEALERS IX Groceries, Provis ions, ANI) A!. I. KINH OF Country Produce, saline, -■tiicif. CALL 1JEF0UK BÜÏLSG OU SKI.LIM" DEICF OF LIME EEDUCED. Oliio lime will hereafter be sold ut wholesa1 my. linie room, in this city, ut 5 oeuta, aui M roe lime at 30 cents peg basheL Aun Albor, Ootobcr SO, L877. Wood "Wantod I . IN EXCHANÖB POB Saddles, Harness, TruntSi Travelint; lias, Robei Hl.nikets, etc. .J. FOLUNft AND BKE THE JACKSON ffcüaS K()1).WA(;O Also, New islit-Ifjuiil Biirr'1 I ron 'uiaik sliiïl Ier, ui .11. ROöEBS'ttoos for the largest . ctaenpesl and beal "'"■ m famfly iJubliCHii(m iii world Any IIltí r: ooms a auooi Mini agent. The most elegant " JJ oi rt given free n Mibaeriben Phe ;■: ■'' ■';",, low tbat almos) everybodj subscribes. ',"':' ,t„t ieioriB ruttkiug over ii'tv iu a w-i-k. A U3 report tiikintf ovi-r 400 sut'Hi1! : . All who t-ng;iiic niiikc moiii'y :usl . Vuil ca '" ' uil your time lo the boiine, op only y01 "Ki timp. You ueednot be away from homeoTjr, Yon cmi do It as wel] aa othere. Kuil p-ir'"1 lircctlou-s and ternwritf. Kl. irnn; and t]"'[: _ outfltfree. If you want proHtable wort ■'".';;. youraddros ut om-e. It co.-t.s notbing t(' '1(.;,t business. Ko olie who engases falla i" m!' .„nj, ]imv. Addi'i'M., "The Peopléfa Jouimal,' lolMj Biaine. 11 NK JOB PRINTITG 'l"r "'


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