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- The puhiii! exercisos of the Normal Ly ceun), Ypsilanti, ave sot down for this eveniug _ Ypsilanti'a small boys are to be prohibited from skating or sliding on the sideral la. Where is Bol) Iugersoll F -City Treasurer Terry inclines to the opiuOn that tax-moneys come like well-rootod tcth : after an exceediugly hard pull. - The okl Presbytenan Church at Ypsilantljs being repuired and reraoiieled, and will l,eteinporaiily used tor school purposes. - Show the Akqus to your neighbor who on 't take it, and susgcst to him that he can't bettcr iuvest $1.60 thau by subscnbing for it. _- Lnat week John V. King, ot Salem, marketed in this city a very fat, short-bodied, „iiaü-honed, dressed hog, only fourteen months uid, ornl weighing 446 pouuds. -The Southern Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Compuny has been wrestliug with the jjMi threshnr iioblem, and has resolved not toameud its by-laws in their favor. _jü. w. morgan, jssq., aavises us that tlie jte tïeorge Greuville had resided in Aun Arlor betweeu .il and Ó3 years. A deed of land toMr. Gienville's father was put on record in 1827_liev. Mr. Alleu's subject for uext Sunjjy eveniug's discourse at the Uuitarian Churchis: "Doctrine of the Proper üeity ot Cbrist," to be foltowad by eriticism and distassioa. _ The Manchestor Enterprise says that Supervisor States, of Sharon, has sold his farm aud purchased auother near Dansville, Ingham County, to which he will remove about the lirstof March. -Company A had a special meeting WeduesJay evemng, and the boya were made happy by bcing pa'd for thuir gallant services at the Jackson eacauipmeut last suniinor. Bttter ]tethan never. _ A3 was predicted at the time, Orton Palmer did n't stay loug in the House of Coritction at Iouia. He escaped some three eeks ago and a Í10Ü reward ia vvhat his cajiturercan get for him. - Attlie meeting of Golden Bule Lodge of Masons, laat Thursday evening, Jay Roath was prsseuted with a fine l'ast Master's jewel by themeiabeis of that lodge. Tlio pieseutation iras made by Col. Burleigh. - Tlie Sentinel saya : The wood teams arriïs iu au almost uuinterrupted procassioii. Ti,e jiaper milis are probably taking the latgest part of the arnvals. The price is rather Ion-et than last winter, owing to the mild ïiatherand the increosing use ot coal." _0u Tuesday evening next Prof. Weed uil Ueliver a lectuie at tlie ïesidencs of President Aut;e!l tor the benefit of the Ladies' Library Asaocia'iou. Subjt-ct, " Sympathetic Vibratiüus." Admission ten cents. All are ■out cornial ly iuvited to atteu.l. The lecture ■il! connnenee at cight o'clock. -Tbe "Messinh" perforined by the Ypsilauti Musical Un "il Weunesday eveuirig was Tery soecesstiil both 111 point of attendance aud in ! ftemasterly exccution of this ilifficult pieoe. Mr. Josiin of Datroit was well reeeived, hut j he principal attrnctioii was W. W. Whitney, o: liiston, who fully sustaiuecl lus reimtatiou the best bass singer in this couutry. We sre üluü to leani that he witl appear with hia concert company m Uuiversity Hall at no '■ rj' distaut date. -The official rol] of Company A has been ■pleted as follows : President, Grilbert Bliss; Viee-President, Hermau Pistonus; CoirespoDding Secretary, Arthur L. Worden ; FiDancial Secretary, Willium A. Hatch, Jr.; Treaaurer Charles H. Hisoock ; Qaartermaster, A. K. Congdoii ; Cokn-Bearer, Kudolph Kim; Sergeauts, lst, A. L. Worden, 2d, W. Clute, :!. Alaert Sor, 4th, C. M. King, 5th, C. E. Worden. Corporala - Charles Ludlow, Morgan U'Bneii, David Kay. Jacüti F. Schuh, Pal riek H. iheelmu, cteorge Moore, Ernest Manu, aud Ilias Hutzel. ■ Mayor Crnmer hus been absant severa] days Livingston Circuit as Attorney lor the M. E. l'huith uf Kiunburi va. H. M. Borabacher. . Klus thiit Ltorab.icher, suu I the Church tor I psrsottage some vears ato claimiu'' $ lü hat armuut of jiidginent in Justice Cwut Mr. Uramer uppealed the case tor the uii :uid not only defeated the udgment, : M we andefetsiid thut Rorahaqher has about IliU msU to jray bebidos lis umi expenses. ï'il: don't sue cliurehes (unless they owe .-ju; meiely to gratiíy revenga for being tunied .tol a oliurch. -Tlie vexed laboiatory suit got iuto the Meting of the Board ut Kegeuts ou Tuesday U'ednesday, in response to an appeal uien by Messrs Beal and Kose from Judge Huntiiigton, and cau:ed considerable "onpieasautuess'" A resolution offered by Eegent Cumie, directinjí the discontinuance oí the cluocery suit against Rose and nis sureties, ns discussed at length and acrimouiously, il lust by a tie vote, as follows : For it, Begenta Ryud, Chmie, Duffleld, and Ws. Against it, Regent Grant, S. S. lker, E. U. Walker, :uu! Cutcheon. A reffered by Koent Maltz, uppoiuting Assistnnt Piofossor ot f hysiological was lost by the same tie vote. The ecutive Committee was directed to rutaui Council in place of Judge Chiistiancy, -" " I ; and also provide for the protectiou 'e interesta of the Uuiversity iu the -HLcery suit brought by Dr. Douglas. - Thomas O'Grady was killed by a negro uied Wm. H. Morand, about noon on Suni' 'ast. Morand for several months past has -red the lite of a hermit, about one mile east a "dugcut" uear the railroad. ."Jy in company with several other psr:- '■'ere at the hut of Morand, at the above mi report says engaged in piling wood t the door of the hut aud otherwise ill'"-í'ingthe occupant. Horand ordered the ■Ma to leave, the orders not beiug obeyed " ax ind started in pursuit, over"S O'Grady he struck him ou the head latheax, probably killing him lustaiitly, ';■ Klnoh he pursued others of the party. ■ orertakiiig aüy oí them he returned to the J oí O'Grady and iaflicted several cuts "athe ax, and then threw the body over the '"■"'utothe railroad grouuds. Morand was Iter arrested aud brought to this city and i'i m The reniains of O'ürady were ■""fiat to this city on Tuesday for iuterrmeut, neral beiug largaly nttended from St 'umus' Church.


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