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The February Magazines

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1 he i ebruary numbers oí our magazine ex. changos coras to our table in tha following order : Ifarper's Magazine hes in illustrated sketches: Along our Jersey Shore, by Williura H. Rideing ; The Fioschi Conspiracy, by ü. M. Spenuor ; The Dunmow I'litch, 1877, by M. D. üonway and Joseph Mallord William Turner, by Helen S. Conant. Two uew serial novela begin in this uumber : Macleod of Dare, by WiHiam Black; and The Return of the Native, by Thomas Harfly,- both full of promise. l'he completed stories are : Punished Enough, by Mrs. R. B. Latimer ; and, Nobody's Busiïess, by Horace E. Scudder. Out of the iictiou line are; The Turkish War with the Hospitalcis, by J. W. DeForest ; A ülimpse at Some of Our Uhanties, part I ; and, A Painter on Paiuting. The Editor's several tables have oo many güod thmg te emnm-rate. Hnrper fc lirothers, New York. The Eclectic Magazine has thirteen papers, discrimiuatingly selected from the foreign magazines, a portrait of Meissouier with biographioal sketch, and the usual pages of literury and art uotes, etc. Noticeable papera are: ine moral uu:l Socml Aspects ol Health, by J. H. Bridges ; A Uuide to English Literature, by Matthew Arnold ; A Recent Visit to Montenegro and it8 Capital ; The Ninety Years Agouy oí France, by Groldwin Stnith ; Ancient Mycense ; On the Hygienic valué of Plants in Booms and the Open Air, by Prof. Max von Petteukofer ; chaps. XXXII-XXXV of Young Musgrave, by Mrs. Oliphant ; and part IV of Round the World in a Yacht, by Thomas Brassey, M. P. E. E. Peltou, New York. Scribner's Monthhj has in profusely and superbly illuatrated papers: Moose-Huuting, by Charles C. Ward ; A Californian Mimng Camp, by Mary Hallocfc Foote (both author and artist) ; The Humming-Bird of the Californian Wator-Falls, by John Muir ; Eecent Chureh Decoration, by Clarence Cook ; and The Majolica of Castelli, by Aleasandro Castellaui. Other papers- the stories included- have irom one to three or more illustratious. Boxy, by Edward Eggleston, aud My Iuheritauce, Adeline Traftou, are each carried along interesüng stages. There is a portrait of Lincoln with poein by Stoddard and Personal Eeminisceuces by Noah Brooks. Among the poems are : The Paliner's Visiou, by J. G. Hollaud; Little Signd, by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyeson ; and A Wedding uuder the Directory, by R. H. Stoddard. There are lesser stories aud sketches aud well-filled departments. Scribner & Co., New York. 'lhe Atlantic, thoiigh ït has swallowed the Galaxy, has the same substautial look. Among the papers are: The Criulle ot the Humau Eice; The Patent Office aud How to Repair its Losses ; E Imund and Jules (Joncourt, by Ehe Beclus; p.irt III of Uetmold, a Romance by W. H. Bishop ; Veuice and St. Marks, by Charles Eliot Norton ; The Adiroudacks ñed, by Charles Dudley Wnrnert II; Crude aud (Junous Inventions at the Centennial Exhibition, by Edward H. Knigbt; and The l'ublic Service aud the Public, by Dormán B. Eaton. Edward G. Stedman, Edgard Fawsett, Lougfellow, and others, have poems, aud the Contnbutors' Club and Litcrary Notices are, as alwuys, reaiiabíe. ïho C'atholif: World opona with a poem, Oadmon the Cow-herd, Euglaud's First Poet and also has ín poetry, Brother and Sister, "There was no room for them in the Inn," A Child-Beggar, ín Retreat,.and, A Little Serniou. ïhe chieí paper is, Coufession in the Clmrcb of England, by Mgr. Capel, and it is safe to say that the celebrated writer is not au admirer of the Coufession as practiced in tlie Anglican Church or of the ñtness of the Anglican priest to :uluiimsier it. Amoug the other paptirs are : Micliaal the Sombre, A Final l'hilosonhy, A Great Bishop (William Emmauuel von Kettoler, Inte Bishop of Mayence), Uhristinnity as ;!i Ilistoncal Religiou ; The Home-Kule Candidato, and, Preaohers on the Rampuge, -a cut and thrust, and with a keen rapier, at the clerical witnessea who ranked the Chinese in Calfornia above the Irish Catholics. $ö a year. Gatholio Pablication Society, 9 Barclay street, New York. See our Club mtes. The Nureery is a poriect uumber both in print and picture, and the story and verse, incuieut aud auecdote, will be certain to interest every little one who has it, and that ought to be every one not over halt a dozen yeurs old. John L. Shorey, 30 Bromfield St., Boston. Si. Nicholas is full of good things : in pieture, story, verse, riddle, &c. The articles are fresh and breezy, carrying the reader " to the reefs of the Bahamas, to the tea-lands of na.among the birds ot Florida, through perils and mirages in Atricun deserts, to foggy London atreets, and to tho tropical wouder-land of a 'Kublnson Crusoe' stoiy." There is part II of The Raveus, chaps. VU and VIII if Üiiderthí Lilaos, by MissAlcott; part III of l'lic i'jww llouutaio, and innumerable oth er attructive papers. Lucky is tho lurge Eamlly ol 8t Nteholas. öenbnw &0o , Xew York. A Qood Oi-FiSE. - A piir of haudsome tixü chromus is orïtiröd as u gift to every one tlmt will send fifteeu cents (postage stamps taken; tor a tliree months' subsciiption to Leisure Hourx. a mammoth 16 page (64 column) family paper, filled with the choicest hteiature, stories, poetiy, etc, by the ablest writers. The paper sent will contain the opening chaptors ol a charming story entitled "Holden with the Ooi ds," by the :iuthorof "Shiloh," "My Winter in Cuba," etc. To induce every ouu to send for this short subscription- which is offered at halt pnce- the publishers J. L Patten & Co., l& William Street, Xew York, offer tree the pair of chromos- which are excellent pictures and worthy to adorn aiiy home. Money will be retunied to any one not satisfied that they do not get twice thelr value. $1,500 in pnzes is given free to agenta.


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