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TINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, (ÍROCERY - ANDiXOUK X VÜKD STORK. We keep constantly on nana, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOK WHOLK8ALB and KKTAI1, TRADE. We shull alo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUïfc, J. M. SWIFT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHEAf l'LOUR, UYÜ FLOUB, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUB, CORN MKAL, FEED, jbo„ &o. At Wholesale ana retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS oonstantly on hand, whichwill be sold on as reosonnble terms aa at any other houne in this city Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Vrolace generally. BS" öoods delivero'i 'o any part of the city with out extra charge. RINSEY 4: SHABKII. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 187B. 15C4 ifflKANüis mmi Capital, - . $3,0()(),0()rt. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.36. Net Surplus over Liabilities, inolndinj Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. ('. MACK, Agrerit, Aun Arliot-. m i Estáte of Warren Hamilton. ÜTATEOF MICHIGAN, Counlyof Washtenaw,. i J m. At a session of the Probate Court for the i County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Albor, on Tuesday, the nfteenth day of January, in the vear one thotifland eitrht hundred and aeventy-eight. Present, WilliamD. Harriman, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Wr.rren Hamilton, deceased. Alexandor W. Hamilton, exeoutorof the last wül and testament of smd deceased, oomes inio e mrt aud representa that he is now prepared to render his flnal account as auch executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesdiiy, the twelfth day of Febiuary next, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, be aasignod for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisoes, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceaaed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anü Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the aaid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordercd that aaid executor give notice to the persons interfisted in aaid estáte of the pondency of said account and the hearing thcreof, by cauHing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Anjns, a newspaper printed and oiMolating in aaid eounty, three successive weeks previous to said day of heaiing. WILMAM l). HAURIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. W. ö. Doty, Probate Register. 1670 Estáte of Aarou B. Vaiiatta. ÜTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, J ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, thesecond day of January, in the year ono thousand eit'ht hundred and scventy-elght. Present, Williain T. Rarrimín, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Aarou B. Vanalta, deceaod. On readinganrl filing the petltion, duly TerlSed of Albei-t F. Vanalia, praylng thal i eeortaln InstruiniMit now cm lile in tnls court, pnrportlng to lcthe lat will and testament of said deeeïsed. may bo admltted to probate, and tbat Alben K. Vuiatta and Creorgu B. Vnnatta mar be anuointed eiecutora fhereof. Thereupon it is orderad, Urat Tuesday, ihe flfih (iay of February next, at ten oVlock in the toreneon, !■ assigned lor thehearbwofnHpetlUoa aud that the devisees, legatees, aud hvirs al law of said dsoeased, and ill other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of A nu Arbor, and show causo,, if any there be why the prayer of the peUtloner should not be granted: And it. is further oxAered, tliat said petitioner give notice to the. persona i restad In said estáte, of the pendancy of said petitlon nnd the hearing thereof, liy cansinK a copv of Ihis order to be publtshed in the Michigan Arma a newspaper printed and circuJated in said eounty utree sucecssive weeks previons to said day l' ; ng. ' WIUJAM I). HAK1UMAN, [ A true copy.] Judp e of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Ecgistcr. llii„sil Insl in. iion on the Quitar. Miss Mary LoüIBK Pond will give lessons on i theGuitar. For terna Inquhegl si South State Mreet. j I NNUAL STATEMENT For the year endír(ü December 31, A. I). 1877, of the condif ion and aflairs of t lio GKRMAN FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCK Vi), Loeated at Dexter, organi.ed mular tlu laws of Mi stat.' of Michigan, and doing business in the coun ty dí Washtenaw, la said Staie. SIMÓN F. HIIITH, President. VM. F. BU88, Sei-retary. MEMBKIÍSII W. Number of membórs DeoembT 31st of previous year, sm Number of raembers adddu ring the presen i year, (18 Total, 87 1 Pertuct numher of Mftnbers withdrawn Aorlne th( year, and i-ancpled ])olicios by reasoii uf sulr 01 otherwise, 48 N'umixT of members now belongtog to Company, 828 BtBKi, Arnountof proporty at risk December 'l of preyieui yeitr, 2,:J0S,034 00 Amount of rísks ndded durIng tlie preséut year, 198,060 00 m Total, 2,506,094 00 Deduet ríikBcanceled, wiilidrawn, oí terminated, i:!l,6:j 00 Xet amoust now at risk by Company, 92,374,409 oo BBSOUBCK8. Amountof premium ordeposil notes now in forcé, none Amount of casli premiums orassessmentsactnaUy on hand, g] ico 22 Amountof outstanding assessineïits not caneelod, none Nature and amouni of all other resources, none Total rcsniuTi's, $1,160 22 I.1AUILITIHS. Claims for lossrs due and pavMe, none Claims for losses not niaturod, none Claims for losses resisted, uoue Nature and amonnt of all otlier claims, none Ti'lal liabilit es, none INC01ÍE. ■ Amonnt of premium on deposil notes taken during the year, none AmiMinf of casa premiums reeeived during the ycar, none Amouiit eollected on asaes menta whlcb wereleviedduriug the present year, $2,124 32 Amount eollected this year on ■menments which wëre levk led in prior years, n01,e ' Animint. receivedfrom membership or poliey fees, 2ö5 7. Amount received from percentage on increased or decreased insurance, none [noöme trom all other sources, dom Total income for the year. 82,880 U7 KXPEXIHTIIRES. Amount paid for loases during ' the year, of whioh; none oreu rred in prior years, jus oo Amimnt of salary and fees paid to officers and directors as peí items in Schedule A. :-íto 47 Amuont of all other expendi. tures during the year as per .Sc lied ule B, 707 3g Total expenditures during year, $1,219 85 SCHEDULE A. NAME OP OFFICKB OR DIRECTOH TO WHOM PAID. Wlmon F. Hirth, President, $19 00 William F. Buss, Secretary, 59 50 John Schenk, Treasurer, ' :n 00 Jocob Jedcle, Director, 41 00 A. L Feldkamp, " 4.! „,, Michael Staebler, ,„ „" Jacob Kaab, Agent, ■ m, Michael Schenk, " 'A Z John Keppler, „' " Daniel rfeininger," -l X,, ■'"''," fïk' ooUectinj rees, 26 1 A. 1,. leldkamp, " " .„ ,;., Jacob Jedele, " .. ;.. J Michael Schenk „1 John Keppler, ' .. '- Total Schédule A, YS4i, 4; 8CHLDULE B. ITEMS OP " ALL OTHER EXPENSES." Rorrowed 11101117 and interest, Í687 56 Prmting bil] for a.tvcrtising lLt year's rePrintii'ig l'iH tor a.hertising a„„ual '" New btanks for appllcatipas, Í 'm 1-or the se Of tlie house [br animal ineolStatfonsry. j - CoHecüng booka for ageou, 7.3 Total Schedulo 1!, ÍToTi MISIEI.f.AXKOUS (iUKSTIONÏ. iughe'yea!-'ly.VntS3Onë'" '"'"' bC"'1'" madeduï% ■:. U'hat ,5 the rete per eentof sach assessmeut entheproperty.iBsuMd? Ans. One percent. ■. Y M.LI ] tí IC nitfi 1II1' r-ütir n.f .,,,.ï. tAyr for ■ „Í: Sr il'"0U"t f 1"SIil's "ri ail"w"' t0 am.nuiutu before an assessiaent is levied? lu -„ MrúVÍdooMhe, ""i11"-1' '" "Wag ui assessment, ""' 1d "'"■in lor any surplus funil over the ic' döesvST a!'1'"'"1' ttso' '""v """■■■ i' STATE OP MICHIGAN I CüUNTY OF Washtexaw' ƒ S!isacisxüsaïï ks, to ■"i a ?""L ï'.HlitTH, President. A. I)! ! 1S78. '"""' "lis "W January W ggTPubUc, WashteJw" cwL "i u Estáte of Catharine Pidd. OTATE OF MICHfQAN, Uonnty of Washtenaw O ss. Atasession of the Probate Court for 111 Couuty of Waahteuaw, holden at the Probate Ot ico in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturdav. th twelfth day of January, u the year one thous erad ciylit bundred aiul seventy-eiglit. Premot, Willium 1). Harriinau, Judge of Probate In tlie uiattterof the estáte of (Jatlmnne Pidd daaeased. KilWiird Drake, iidministratorof sail estáte, enmc [.úatocourt and represents that he i3 nw prepare ■to ,tnder his final account aa sucli Kdniiui.stratot U'luer.upnu it is ordered, that Saturday, th day of i'eliruary ïiext, at ten o'elock in Ui e assigned for examiiiing ani alluwutg mich account, and that tlie heirs al l:i ofsuid Jetosi'd,andall othcr [icrsiins interested in Miirle-iate, Are required toappear at a scssionofsaid court, the t he holden at the Proliate Office il the city f Aam Arbor in aaid county, and show cause, lfaay timte he, why the said account shoulc not bc allwo(i. Aud it is further order ed that aaid Hdiuiniëirator give notice to the per sons ÍBtereuteí iu saM estáte o( the pendcucy o suid acciHiat and the hearing tliereof, by oaaslug acopyof this order to be liublislied in the Miclúgan Arriu,. ncwspapcr priuted and circulating in said county, three suceessive weeks previous to said day ol hearing. WIIXIAM ft. ARRIMAN, f A true eojiy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Düïy, Probate Begjater. !670td Estáte of Fidelus Sekinger. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasttenaw O ss. At h Beesion of th Probate Court for the County of "Waahtenaw, halden ut the Probate office iu the city of Ann Arhor, on Wedneaday, the üinth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seveutf-eiht. Present, Wüliam D. Harnman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estati of Fidelus Sokini?er, deeeased. Onreadingandfllin(?thepetition,dalrfferifled,of Clura Sekinger, prayins; that Miehael Poster may he appointed admiuUtrator of the estnte of gaia aeceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the fourth day of February next, at ten o'elock in the fnrenoon, be assigned for the hearing ot aaid petition, and that the heirs at law of said deeensed and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at ;t nession of said Conrt, Uien to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and hIiow naUBe, if any there be, why tlie prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is turther ordered thtit said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by ciiusing a of this order to be publiehed in the Micliiiaii Argus, a newspaper printed and ciroulated in said coiinty, three uecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WIU.IAMD, HARRIMAN, (A true eopyl. Judge ot Probate. Wm. ü. Doty, Probate Résister. 1669td Estáte of Justin Kellogg. LT ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washto na, . ■ ' Ata BeaslOD of the Probate Court. ÍW the county f Washteuaw, holden at Ihe Probate Office, in the ■ ity of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, ihe rtttli dav f January, in the year one thousajid eighthunli'cd and scvcnty-fiight. Present, WllHara i). Hsrrtman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Justin Kellogg, leceafled. "lioorge Keilojjsr, eienutor of the last wjll and estaiueni ' said deceased, comes intu cwuri and epresonts tbat be is nów prepared t reuler liU inal accouni aB such executor. TheroupoD il is ordered, tliat. Mimdiiy. lbo lourth lay of I'Vbraarynext, at ten o'elock iu tlieforeuoojj assigned for oxainiiiing uid aUowtas sueJ) ae■ount, and that the devlsees, legatees asd heirs al aw of said deoeased, and all oüier personsiatereated il aid '-shilt', are rrijuiroi to appc;ir;it a scssjtiu of iiiil court, then to he holden at Ilie Probate 'ti(-' in the cityof Ani) Arbor in saideounty, uid show cause, if any there be, why the said aëlouut should not be allowed: Aud it is further uden-d, that aaid executoigive noiice lothc perions interentedin said estáte, oí the peudencjr of hnI account and the hearing thereof, boaosiiig icopy of this order tobe publlsbed In the Mictriraii Argxis, newspaper printed aud eireulating is aid county, three successive weeks previous to aid day of hearing. W1LLIAM D. HAREIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judgeof Probate. -Vm. G. Dol v, Probate Register. iut;a 11 "V "J1 Kstafce of Calvin T. Burnett. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Washlooaw, s. Atasesslon of tlie Probate Court tui (üe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann ArLor, on Saturdtty, the lifth day of January, in the yenr oue thonsiiud eiht üundred and aeventy-eight. Present, Willium I). Harrimah, Jurig-e of Probate. Ia the matter of the atule of Oalviu T . Iturnelt, deotased, Aün E. Burnett, adininiHtrntrix oí snid eiitato, comea into court and represeuta that ahe is now prepared to render her final account au such admiistratrix. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Saturday, the aeccnd day of Fehriiary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing Huch account, and that the heirs at law of said deceaned, and all other persona interested in aaid estáte, are requirad to appenr at a session of said Cpnrtt then to oe bolden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor in flaid county, and ahow cause, if any there be, why tho flaid account should not beallowed: And it 'ia further ordered. t' at Raid adminintratrix give notice to the peraon intereated in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid account and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Miohigan Argus, a newapaper printed and circuUtinfr in snici county, threo auccesríive weeks previous to said duy of hearing. W1LLIAM D. HARBIMAN, (A true oopy). Judjje of Probate . Wm. G. Doïy, Probate Kegisttr. 1668 Estáte of FrederioK Miller. STATE OK MICHKiAN, County of Wiislitcnaw, -5 ss. At a sesslon of the Probat Court lor the County of Washtenaw, liolden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedmwlay, the second day of January, in the year oue thousaml cight hundred and seventy-eight. Present, Williani D. Ëimmu, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Frcderlok Müler deceascd. On reading and the peUtloB, duly reriflod, ', of George Miller, executor, praying that he , may be licensed to soll llic real estáte nhereof said deccased diwl seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the second day of Febrnary next, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of said petitiou, and thatjtho devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceasert, and all other persons interesteil In said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, theu to be holden at the t bate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show i ause, if any there br, why the prayer of the ( loner shonld not be granted: And it is further t rdi-ri'd, that said petitloner jrive notice to the i ons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of t ail petlÜOD and the li"aring thereof, by Caualag a i opy of this order to be published in the Micliígan i Argus, a newspaper printed aud circulated in -iaid t ounty, four successive weeks previous to said dT ( f hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN e (A true copy.) Jadge of Probate, i Wm. Cr. Doty, Probate Register. 1668 i - - . - : - zr-. - : ■ - d g réstate oí .luim öonneeberger. ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, '' 88. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the second day of .lanuary, in the ycar oue thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Present, Wllliam D. Harrinian.Judgeof Probate. In the of the estáte of John Schneeberer, deceased. On reading and tiling the petition, dnly verified, of Michacl Haab, praying that a eertain instrument aow on file in tliN court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said aeceased, inay le adinittcd to probate, and that John O. Feldkamp niay be appointed executor thereof. Tlnreuponitisordered, that Saturday, the twentysixth day of January, inst., at ten o'clock in the foieuoon, be asslgned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legalees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reijuired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Alm Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, wby the prayer of the petilioner sliould not be grantul: And it is furibcr ordered that said pclitioner give notice to the persons interested in said state, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this or der to be published in the Michigan Argus, a ncwspiiper piintcd and circulated in said count v tbree sueeessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 1. HARRIMAN, (A true copy) Jude of Piobato. YVm. G. Doty. Probate Register. 166Std Real Estáte for Sale. OTATUOF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, - ss. In tbe matter of the eaUte of Willium S. Bird, deceasnd. Notice is hereby given. that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned H'lministratorof the eatiiteol' said William S Bird, by the Hon. Juige of Probate for the county oí Livingston, on tbe nintb day of January, AD. 1878, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, ut the premuea in the county of Wüshtenaw, in said State, on .Tcuspay, the rwiLlTB day oí Maiich, A. D. 1878, at one o'clock in the afternoou of that day fsubject to all encunibrances by mortgage or otherwise existingat the time of the death ol said deceased or at the time of naid sale, and also subject, to the right of dower of the widow of said deceased thereon), the following described real estáte, to wit : Villagc lots number nine(9)and niinibcr ten fl"), in block fourM) in Ormsby and Page's addition to t ne city of Aun Arbor also the following piece or parcel of land bounded' and described as iollows, towit: bei n 2; a part of lot number five [S), in bloek number foiTr (4j north of Hnron street, in range number s:x (0), according to the recorded pint cif the village of Ann ' bor, beginning at the northeast corner of said lot ! number flve (5), running thence Bouthwesterly along the west line of Detroit street forty-seTeu ! M7) feet to to a ditch; thenoe northwesterly along the east line of said ditch to the north line of aid ' lot number tlve; thence easterly along naid north line ot said lot to the place of bezinning Dated, January'10, is;s. 1070ld OTIS H. OBKRT, Adminiwlrator. Keal Estáte for Sale. OTATE oi MICHIGAN, County of Washlenaw,. O In the matter of the estáte of Haniilton Vanalta, d coased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of n order grantod to the undersigned, aduiinistiator of 1he estáte oí said deceased, by thë Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waehtenaw, on the twenty-seventh day of July, A. D. 1877, there wili be sold nt public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the resideuc of J i. Vanatta, in in the township of Salom, in the county of Washtenaw in said State, on Tuesday, the twelfth day of February, A. I), 187S, at one o'clock in the afteruoon of that day (subject to all eneumbrances by mortgnge or otherwlse existing at tho time of the death of said deceased, and also subject to the nght of dower ol Nanoy C. Vanatta, widow of said deceased therein, the following described real estáte to wit: Forty-three and three one-hundredths (43 8-100) acres off frora the east. side of the west half of the northeast qurrter of section eighteen (18), except five (■') acres off from the south end of said parcel, being in towu one (1) aouth, range seven {7) east f.Salem), Washtpnaw county, Michigan. Dated, December 21, T877. NEWLAND C. CARPKNTKI). l(:(i Administrator. Chancery Sale. IN PUBSÜANCE and by virlue of a decrec of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, in equltT, made and enterad on the lifteenlh day of Octohef, A. D. 1S77 in i eertaln cause therein pending wberein Charles .1. Howell ia complaint(nt, and John W. Covvan Dorcas M, Cowan, Chrtstian Maek, Frederick Bchnitd and John J. Clarksun, are defendants: Notieeis hereby givon, that I shall sell at public auctioa, to the hlgbst bidder, on Satukday tuk Second oay of Maucii nf.xt, at two o'clock p m of that day, al the front door of the Washtenaw County Court House, in the city o( Ann Arlmr Washtenaw County, Michigan, all thoae eertaln pieeea or puroéla of land situated in the township ol Sharoii.oounty of Washtenaw, anti State aforesald, known, bounded, and deseribed as follows, I" wil: loiumenciiigat thceast iiiarter post of section nuinher two f') township three (3) south rane Dumber three (3) east in said county, thenec north ut' -west nine chains and fifty-four links tlience south Ö.V ;- west sixty-four links in the raad, thei north 29 west fourteen chains and sixty-seveu link aloiij; the road, thenee north 89 ]4 west twenty-five chains and forly-live links aloog the road thenee south on the center line forty-six. chains and sixty-seven links, t Inner north )ñl4 ea-st bine teen chains and sixty-three links along the road theuce north 8:.' :P east live ehains and twenty-livé lloks along the road, thenee north seventy-one legrees east five chains and thirly links along the rond, thenee south 14J, degrees west one chain and htty-nme links along the road, thenee north 75 east thirteen chains and twenty-one links, thenee north on section line seveirteen chains and twenty links to the place of begin nlng; containing one nundred and forty-four acres and forty-four liunOredths. Detroit, January 12, 1878 ADDISON MAXBEM,, Master in Chancery of said Court. JOHN N. QOTT, Solicitor fer CoinplHinant. ifiTO Chancery Sale. TATHOF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Court for i ' IheConntyof Washtenaw, in Chnnoery, l'rederick Schniid, Senior, cumplainunt vs. Mary E. Ruotman and SUaa C. Kuckmun, dcfendants. In :ursuaivcü and by virtue of a decree made and entcred in the above entititul euuao, on the fourteenth day of November, A. D. undersigned, one of he (Circuit (Jourt Cojumissiopers in and for tbc ■íhíiI eouiity of Washlenaw, yill sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the aouth door of the ourt House, in the city of Aun Albor in said lounty, on Saturday the aesond day of Maren, A ■ J). 1X7X. al ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day, ■ all those cerlain pieces of land desciibed as fol i ows, towit: Hi'ginuing at the northwest corner of jection seven, in township tour south of range ( our east in Michigan, thenee east eleven (II) i chaiDs and sevenly (70) links ; theuce south, i el with the west line of said eection sevtn. six (S6J chains and lilty-two (JSjlinks to the center i of the Saline road ; theuce westerly along the i center of said road lo the township line; thenee I north along said towDship line twenty-four chains l ind sixty-six links tn the place of bezinning, I aininj; thirty acres of land. Also 411 that part of i he west half of the south-east quarter of section ■ number one, in the lownship of Manchester, I Washtenuw County, Michigan, lying south-west , of the river Kuisin and north of the Saline road, containing about eight aeres of laad. hateil, January lfi, 1878. it;-( 1'KAIsK BIIBBIOE, l Circuit Court Commisiontr. i Edobnk K. Pi;ri:Ai.i'i-, Complainant's solicitor. I Chanoery Sale. i OTAT1C OF MICHIGAN: The Clrcnlt Court for J the County of Washtenaw, in chancery, VTilli un Muir and Emcline Muir, ( iplalm 'nts, vs. ohn Meypiand Miity ICeyer, (tetfnlants. in umuance and !y rirtae ol' adeorec of the Circuit 'oiirt lor tho Ci.iiuly ol Wnshi enaw, in chaueeiy, lade and entered on the third day of July, A. I). ( 877. luthe above entitled cause therein (.rndin ■ l fotfee is hereby givcn, that t, Charles 1!. Whlta ian, one ol' Ihe Circuit Court Commlssion1 n u and for the County oi Washtena and t lale of .Michigan, wil] sell at pubfic aueliou i t veBdue lo the highest bidder, ut the front t eiag the south) door of the Court House, In the d tv of Ann Aroor, In said County of Wasnteuaw, c n Monda y, tiiktwknty-kigiith day of January, t . D. is7s, ai ten o'clock in the forenoon of said ii ay, all that certaln piece or parce] of land sitúate a l the Vlllage of Saline, County of Washtenaw n nd State of Michigan, doaoribed as follows, te wit, fï ol Hiiinber eight anil Ihe cast halfoflol nunilier A wen. In section eleven, in said Villaga of Saline, n ccording to the recorded plat thereof. tl Dated, December 11, A. D. 1877. CHAS. R. WHITMAN, Circuit Court Comm'r, Washtenaw Co., Micli A. J.Hawïix, Salicltar for Complainanl ïwr, Mortgago balo. DBPAVLT Us.ving been w,J, in ('t1 nnOilioi, of a certaiii purchase money mortpasfe, executed bj Lorenzo DavÍB to Zacharia SvUal, hearing date flrst. A. D. 1871, and arded in the omce of the Register of Dceda for Washtenaw county. State of Michigan, on January seventeenth, A. I). 1871, at 10:'_'f) o'clock a. in., in liber 45 of mortgages, on page 52, whi.h Ba mortgdge afterwiirds, towit: on Mareh fuurth, A. D. 1871, duly JtBsigned by deed of asignrueut, by the said Zaeharias Shaad to Sarah J, Winner, wbich deed of anBignment was recorded in eaid Register' office on January fourt''enth, A. D. 1877, at 5:10 o'olock p. m., in liber flve of assignment of niortgages, on page 02, by whieh default tb e power of sale there in contained has becorae operative, and no procoedings at law or in cquity having been instituted tu recover tlie debt secured by Baid niortgjigp or iny part thereof, and the Kumof tourteen hundred and eiiihty six dollars being now claimed to be due upon said Tnorlgage, for principal and interest, besides the cotó and expenses of thiB toreclDsuremcluding an atlorney fee of twenty-five dollars , noficeiis therefore, hereby itivcn, that said mortffage wül be foreclosed by a Bule of the premise desorillad in said mortgage, at ptiblic vendue, lo the highest bidder, on Aphii. thijitkeisth, A. D. 1878, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the eonth front door of the C'onrt House, in the city of An Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State ot Michigan (that being the building in which the Circuit Oourt for Waghtenaw is held}. Tbc lands and prem■8i's described in said morlgage, and wbich will be old at said timo and jilace, are described as tol lows, towit: All that pieee of land beginniritj at the southeast corner of tho southwest quarter of seclion number thirty-four, in township number two soutb and range number nix eaBt, beinp in the county of Washtenaw, and State uf Michigan, and running thence west on the section line so far tbat the boundaries hereinafter mentioned will incluí e filteen acres of land, thence uorth parallel to the cast line of said (jnarter section to the center of the Aun Arbor and Ypsilanti road, thence south erly ahrng the center ol said road to the enst lint. of Baid qnarter section, and thence south on said quarttr seciiou line to the place ol beginnine. ■ lated, January IS, 1878. SARAH J. WINNER, Assignee Henky Wade Üogebh, Att'y for Assiguee. i670 Mortgage Sale. WHRUKAS, John Blythe and Joauna ISlythe, of the townabip of Manchester, Micliigan, on the tenth day ol June, A. X). one thousand eight huudred and seventy-four, executed a mortgnge to Watnon (leer, of the townslnpof Superior, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to secure the paymeet of certain piincipal and interest mone'y theri-in mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in the office ol the Register of Deeds of Wasbtenaw county and State of Michigan, on the seventeenth day of June, A. 1). 1874, at rlre;iuid one-holf o'clock p. in. of said day, in liber fifty-ono of mortïages, on page 389 : and whereas default has been made more thaD thirty days in the payment of an installruent of said intere'st nioney whioh becamt Jue on the tenth day of June, A. D. 1875, by reason whereof and pursuant to the terms of siiid mortgaïe, said mortgagee electa that so much of said principal as remains unpaid, with all arreara-jes of interest tliereon, shall beconie due and payable immediately, and whereaa there is olaiined to bc due and unpaid t the date of this notice the sum of eighteen huudred andninety dollars and eightyix cents for principal and interest, also flfty dollars as a reaaonable solicitor'a or attorney'a fee, iu addition to all other legal costs, should auy prooeeding be taken to ioreclose said mortgage ; and no rait or proceedingB having been nutituted titlitr in law or emty to recover the same or any pai t thereof : Notice ia hereby given that on Saturday, the thirteenth day of April next, at two o'cloik ui the afternoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that lxiurf the building iu which the Circuit Court for saul county ia held), and by virtue of the power of salu contained in saidmortgage, I sballaell at public auction, to the higheat bidder, the preuiises described iu aaid mortgage, to satisfy the amounl oí piiucipai and interest claimed to be due, with the attornej 's fee of üfty dollars and charges of sale, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the townahip of Manchester, iu the county of "Washteuaw, and State of ilichiijan, and described aa follows : Being lot " B " on iniddle subdivisión of the northweat iractional quaiter of section. number seven (7), township number (4) south of range number three fö) east, contaiuiD" cighty-onu and fitty-tive hundredths of an acre, except all lying north of the highway;"aupposed to be thrte acres, more or lees. January 18, 1878. John N. üott, WATSON GEER, Att'y lor Mortgagee. 1670 Mortgagee, Mortgage Sale. ["EKAUIr having been made iu the coodition U of a errtain mortgage made and executed by Vincent S. Tnylor and Abigail Titylor, bis wife, of the villngc of ,S;iline, couuty of Washtenaw :md State of Michigan, to Comstock F. Hill, of Lodi, couuty of Washtenaw aforesaid, on the tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eih; Imndrcd and seventy-two, and recorded iu the fliee of the Register of Decds for the county iforesaid, on the twentieth day of' A]ril, a. d. 172, at oue o'clock p. m. of said day, iu liber 4ti of mortgages, page 30O: that there is uw ihiimed to be due aod uniai(i on said mortgage, and the note aecompanying the same, the sum of one hundred and three dollars and íifty cents (S103.50), also an attorncy's fee ol iweuiy-five dollars as a reasonable atlorney fee, in addiUou to all other legal costshould anyproceedlnga be taken to foreclose the sanie, and no proceedfngs at law or in equity haviug been Lnstituted to reeover the sanie or any part thereof : Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale iu said mortgage contained, and of the statute in suih case made and providid I sball soll at public auction to tlie Uzfaeat bidder, on thé Sixtekxïh dat OF Apgil, A. D. 1878, at two o'clock i. in. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in thtcouuty of Waahtenaw and State aforesaid (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said county is heldl, the pmuises describod in said iiiortgage at heiuK lots No. 48 and 49 in HéBBett'a additioB to the rliiage of Saline, county f Washtenaw and State aforesaid, acconline to a recorded plat thereof. Dated, Janiuuiy l", 1878 Ifl7()td COJ1STOCK F. HILL, MortgaK,v. Mortgage Sale. ÜELFAULX has been made ia the conditions of u oertani morteage, made and exeouted by John W. Maynard and llury J. Maynard, his wite to Alfred B. Wood, on the sepond (tav of Novfimber, A. D. 1857, which mortgage was dufy recqrded iu the office of the Register of Deeds for the'Couniv of Washtenaw, state oí Michigan, on the sixih day of November, A. 1). I8S7, in liber 24 of mortgages, page 118, which said niortgage was on the sixtecnth day of Jamuiry, A. ]). 1858, duly assigned by the said Alfred B. Wood to the undersigiie.i ('liarles 11. líichmond, and said assignmeut was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds tor the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan on the eightcenth day of Januajy, A. D. 1858 in liber 24 ol inortgages. page 118; and tliere is non due and unpaid thcreon the sum of two thuu.-anl dollars and interest from the nintli day al Hay, A. D. 187i ; and no proceedings at law have been' instituted to recover the debt secured by such mortgage, or any part thereof : Now, thereföre, notice is horeby given that by virtue of the power ui sale in said mortgage contained, and of the Matutes in snch case made and provided, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a salo of the premises eovered thereby, or so much thereof as shall be necessarv to satisfy the atnount due on said mortgage as above set forth, and tlie costa and expenses of sni.ii sale, togethcr wilh a rcasonable charge for Kttor' ney's or solicitor's services as provided in said mortgage, at public auction, to the Mgheit bidder on FlUDAY, IKK EIOHTH DA Y OK MaROH, A. D. 1878, at two o'clock p. in. of said day, at the the south door of the Court House, in the citv of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State óf Michigan (said Court House beiog the place for holding tho Circuit Court for said county). Said premises aresltuated in said city of Ann Arbor. and aredescribed as follows, to wit : Coninitnciug one liundred and sixteen feetand a half north from the southeast corner oí bloek number one nu:lli :, range three cast ; thenee west 102 l'eet ; li inirth uiteen and one half feet to the south line of lot i Iber eight, n said block ; thenee west thlrtt ieet to the west lino of said lot , thenee north uiue and one half feet ; thenee east along tho south lino of Charles Thayer's land and along the south line of Charles Thayer's store, in Mundy's block, to .Mam street; thenee south to the place of be"inning; together with the right and privilege aml use of the north wall of James T. Allen's store to build iutuor upon, andalso the right and privilege of uslngand building against and joijiing into the south wall of Charles Thayer's store in a Suitable and workmanlike manner, not so as to occasion any damage. or injury to said wall or building, excepting and reserving so much of said as is coveml by James T. Allen's brick store, being about two feet hveinches wide and the length of said Allen' - store, and also the piecc of land deeded by Agües P. Parsons and Roswell Parsons to Thomas Clark. The said land hereby intended to bodeseribed being the same land and all the land conveyed by Charles Thayer and wife and Eoswell Parsons and his wife and Agnes P. Parsons to Heury W. 11 vat i , and by said Hyatt and wife deeded to John Lockwood, and liy John Lockwootl and wife to John V. Maynard, together with all the appurlenanees thereto, and all the right, title, Interest estáte, flami and demand of the partios of the firsl puil :, the said mortgage in and to the premlsea. Dated, December 3, 1877. CHARLES H. RICHMOND, n.i.iAM II. Wklls, Assignee of Jtortgage. Allorney for Assignee of Mortgage. D&1 Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT havlng been made in the condiliou ol' a eertain mortgage, made and executed by Margaret Trehey, of the city of Ann Arbor, Couuty ol Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Bliza Ijeth Geer, of Superior, County ot Washteniiw ifoivsaid, on the tirst day of June, in the f ear ol mr Lord one thousand eight. hundred and seventyrour, and recorded In the office of the Register óf Deeds for the county aforesaid, on the second day f June, A. D. 1874, at i% o'clock p. m. of said flay, ;n User 51 of raortoages, page 885 : that there is uow cjaimed to be due ana unpaid on said inurirage aad the bond accompanying the same, the sum of six huudred and ninety-tivo dollars aml ixty-seven cents; ajsoan attorncy's fee of thirtylive dollars as a reasonaule attorney fee, in lOdltion to all other legal costs, shouid any proceedings be taken to Ibreclose the same : Kotice is hereby givn, that hy virtue of the powerof sale in said mort?age contained, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the twicniy-simh hay of [anuaeï next, at two o'clock p.m. of said day tt the fronl door of the Court House, in the citv "l Añil Arbor, in the County of Washteuaw and Jtateaforesaid (that being the building in whieh ,he Circuit Court for said county is held), thepiviiises desrribeil in said mortgage as being lot No en Clü) in Bpwer'a addition to the village of Ann Vrhor, County of Washtenaw and State aferesaid iccording to a recorded plat thereof. Dated, Korember 1, 1877. ELIZABETH GEKR, roiiN N. Oott, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1659 Estáte of Louisa Kellogg. UTATB OP MICHIGAN, County of Wnshte nnw, as. Notioe 18 hereby given, thiit bv in order of the Probate Court for the tonnty o'l rVashttnnw, made on the thirty-flrst day of Deeemer, A. 1). 1877, six months froin that date were nlnwpd for creditors lo present their claims agMinst he estáte of Louisa Kellogir, late of eaid county. ecensed, and thiit all creditors of said deensed are required to present their claims o 8Hid Probate Court, at the Probute Uflice. Jthe city of Ann Arbor, for exiuuinution and llowanee, on or before the flrst day of July, ext, and that such claims will be " heard b'e3re said Couit, on Monday, the flrst day of Lpril, and on Monday, the flrst day of ,Iuly ext, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon of euch of tiose days. Dated, Ann Arbor, January 9, A. D. 1Ü78 Wll.UAM D. HARRIMAN, ll)C9w-1 Judife of Probate.


Old News
Michigan Argus