
June 30. Thé Senatc resumed the consideraron of the wafehousing bill, which Mr. Huntington op'posed in a long speech. The further consideraron of the bill was then postponed till to-morrow. The House, in committee of the whole, rfisumed the consideraron of the tariiT bill. Mr. Dixon époke during the hour'in favor of the protective policy, and of the tarifl'of 1842. Mr. Brinkeihoof nddreseed ihe committee, not. ho said, in a formal or prepared speech, but in a plain talk' to teil gentlemen hiá friends of the democratie party what lliey cnuld do and what they would do, what they could not do and what they would not do. Alihough not authorized to speak for the democratie delegation from Ohio, he presumed he inight say that all of them, like hicn, would not vole for the bill reporied from the Committee of Ways and Means. For this they had feveral minor roasons, ivhich he specified. But their principal objection, and an insuperable ono was, the tax on tea and cofloe proposed by it. But it was asked by ihe adininist:alion organ, " will you not vote this as a war tax ?" In advancing to his negativo re)ly to ihis inquijy - to theinquiry whclher they would not do it as n favor to this administraron - he noticed os reasons which combined to conduct birn to that conclusión, ihe dissaüsfaction which they of Ohio feil at ilie noglect thoy had ïeceived from, and the want of influence posesed by them in, the administration of the government, andalso al their surrender of a western empire, while a war was wngcd for èouthèrn territory. The Ohio dclegation, he said, would go unanimously in favor of the subslituleof Mr. Hungerford. And even t the duties on loa and coflee werc strieken out, he woulrt prefer tho existing law to the bill of the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. Bayly followed. After replying brkñy to some of the positions of Mr. Brinkcrhoof, especially to the accusation of hal gentleman in relation to the unl'air distrihulinn of ihe Kxeeulive patronage, theinjuslice of which he contended was demonstrable, he procecded to nddress the comn;i'itee in favor of ihe bill under consideraron, as carrying out to a great exlcni, the principies for which the democratie party had ever contended. - Not being one of tliose impracticable men who would voto for nolhing, unless they could gel all they desired, he would vote for the bill before the commiltee as a great improYoment on the act of 1842. Mr. McHenry obtaincd the fioór, ar.d spoke in favor of the bill of 1842, and againsJ the bill before the committee. Mr. Yancey enforced wilh much earnestness the fundamental principies of the compromiso act - the levying of dulies for revenue purposes. He traced the history of the larifr' legislation of ihe country from an early period down to the compromise act, and noticed the I cumstances, provisions, and obligalions , of ihat net. The act of 1842 he opposed I as a flagrant violation of it nnd outrago upon the country, and he supporled ' the bill reported from the Committee of Ways and Means because it was better than the exisling law. He referfed to the stand long occupied by the democratie paiiy in opposition to a lariff for protection, and to the pledges of the late Bultimóre convention - the violation of which he charged upon his norlhcrn and western friends". Mr. Thibodeaux followed, ánd went into many statistical discussiöns on the produelion and protection of sugar, showing that the profits of thal business were not a's large as nany represented them to be, aiic] that lbo prolbclion it nov enjoyed ougtit to be continued. f Ie then entered ön a curiouS and ihleresling examination of the doctrines of the exisling áchool of polilical economyj from which he was ünderstood to Jissent. He quoted several modern works, and finaily arririved at the conclusión (bat instead of encou raging, it was our true policy to discourage the arrival of foreign laboréis ainong us, and to exclude both foreign laboi and foreign products. Mr. Marsh next obtained the floor, and addressed the committee in favor of the protectivo policy; Mr Bcnton followed in support of the bill before the committee, and in opposition to the principie of proteclion generally. Mr. Clarke obtained the floor, and addressed the committee in remarks in favor of the bill ; contending that a revenue duty of twenty to twenty-five per cent. was amply su Ilición t for all the purposes of protection to home manufactures. Mr. Jenkins addressed the committee on the subject of the tariff generally. The House afiter a discussion of nine hours adjourned. ArroiNTMENTà by the President by and with theadvice and consent of the Senate : Col. Zachary Taylor to be Major General in the army of the United States. Colonels Kearney and Twiggs have fen appointed Brigadier CÃenerals in -.e V. S. Army.Col. Wm. O. Butler, of fêentucky, hasbeon appointed Major General of the Volunteers. Thomas L. Hamer, of Ohio, Mr. Lane, of Indiana, Mr. Shitlds, of Illinois, Mr. Pillow, of Tennessee, and Thomas P. Marshal have been nominated as Brigadier Generáis of VoTunteers.
United States Congress
Mexico-American War
Appointments & Promotions
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Jabez Huntington
James Dixon
Jacob Brinkerhoof
Thomas H. Bayly
John H. McHenry
William L. Yancey
Joseph H. Thibodeau
George P. Marsh
Charles S. Benton
Henry S. Clark
Timothy Jenkins
Zachary Taylor
Stephen W. Kearny
David E. Twiggs
William O. Butler
Thomas L. Hamer
Thomas P. Marshal
Gideon Johnson Pillow
James Shields
Joseph Lane