
Ann Ardor, July 10, 1846. The weather for the past week has bcon quitp lint. Harvp.sting hn fmrly commcnced. We hearthat in some pla ces ihe Wheat has been shrunk consider ably ia consequence of the rank growth of the straw, heavy rains, and hoi weather. Our iniormation is not safficently extensjve to cnable us to say how far this may be the case. Buyers are pnying 00 cents a bushel. The new erop will probably start at this price. Buffalo, July 7. About 20,000 bushels Michigan City Wheat, sold at 70 cis. 1,500 barrels Ohio and Michigan Flour brought 4,2."}. Com, 31 cents. Wheat und Corn are in good demand. New York, July 6. The feeling for Flour is better. Good Michigan is wort!) $4,00: Genesee $4,16. Ashes bring S3,5U lo 3,56, and $4,00 to$4,16.
Agricultural Markets
Old News
Signal of Liberty