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Detroit Market

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The Detroit Free Presa in its regular week!} review of the Detroit markets, miiier date of Jan. 29, says : Business in financia] circles reinains ahout the same as lant week. (.Jood paper and available collaterals aro readily taken at 8 a 10 ]ier cent. Real estáte paper ranges trom 7 a 1Ü per cent., according to location anti chararter of property. Strci:! rutes range trom Ij a 16c, tho rato depending largely apon the BeCurity. Dullness continúes to prevail in nearly every branch of the Wholesale trade anil prices tor the majority of staple artieles remaip steady and nominally uuchanged. Jobbers eomplain of slow eolloctious, brought about by the poor condition ot the country roads and tho necesanry lack of demaud on the interior merchauts i'rom their country customers. In dry goods there has been a light order business in loading staples and no particular chauge except in prints, which have been phiced at 6c. Drug?, Chemicals, dyestuft's and oils hava met witli a tair sale. Figures on opium and morphïne are shftdAd a tritio, luit otherwise the market has ruled steady. 'irocerios are quiet. Sugars are lower, standard A being held at U l-2a'J 6-8c per lb.; granulnted, 10o per Ib.: powilered, 10 Mc per lb.; crusheil, 10 l-2c per lb.; yellow, 7 1-2 a 8 l-4c per lb. Kasins, prunrs aod currants have been marked down. Canned goods and fancy grocetïes move slnggisiily at prices uoiniually unchanged. Teas are tinn and coft'ee easy. Hardware goods re iinnly held, luit meeting with a light sale. Clóthliig, boots and shoes, hats and caps and f nis aro diill. The ree.eipta of üour and graiu for the week under review were as folluws: Floul', 7,007 bbls.; wheat, 100, 162 bu.: coin, 11,038 bu.; oata, 13,369 bu.; rye, 10,686 bu.; barloy, 6,674 centttls. This is a loss of over 100,000 bushels O wheat from the receipta of the previoiis week, but on other cereals a símil! gain is shown. The shipmonts were: Flour, '2, 81'2 bbls.: wheat, 80,566 lm : coro, 10,012 bu.; oats, 17,093 bu. The following table shows the opening and closing prices paid lor oxtra and Xo. 1 white, cash, and No. 1 February and Miirch wheats at the uoon sessiou of the board of Trado each day of the past week : WHEAT, CASH TRICES. I Extra White. No. 1 White. Opened Closi.d Opened Closed Ttteadajr. ■ Í128'í Í1 25 Sr4'i Wedn.-.sduy, i -_-s' , I28&J ] ) 235 ïhursday, 1 29 I&UI 1 '-'" 1-5 Fridiiy, 128% 1 28:7 I 24J I ií Satiinlay, 1 2S}4 129 11 24ÏÏ ] 244 Miuiday. I I 2S-% 1 WUj I I tLt 1J.:" FUTUBES. S'i.l White Jan No. 1 February Opaned Closed Opened Closed Tuesday, $1 25 il -ñ SI 2V4 $1 27 WedDennay, li'i1, 124 1 2fit 12R% Thnrsday, l..,„ 1 as-Si 1284 1 27fe Frtday, ' 1 25 126 1 27 'ï ij;', Saturday, 1 28 124% 1 2C?I 125? Mouduy. IJS 122!!j 1 25' 124?J The pacilic tone of Kuropean iiews the past week has had a tendeiicy to weakeu values, and the market has riiled lower and uusottled, with prices favoring buyers. Monday's decline was the most severe, values ranging from 1 l-4a'2 l-4c per bu. lower than on the preceding Saturday. Corn is dull and lower, No. 1 mixed, old.nt 47 l-2c, do, new, 43c, high mixed, new, free oflering at 4'2c per bu.; rejected 3U a 41c per bu. Oats are dull and prices unsettled. Monday Xo. 1 white, spot, held at 2S 1-2 with 28 1-4 bid ; No. 1 mixed, spot, 27 .')-8c nsked, with 21 3 8c bid. Barluy is dull and lower No. 1 State, nominal at $1.60 por ceutul ; No. 2 State, ?l.O5al.O7 per eental. Kye, quiot and steady at Tróa-OSc per bu. The general produce markot continúes dull and unsatislactory to all concerned. Apples are more tirmly held, dealers askiug $37 a I per bbl. for choico, and for selections of extra choico fruit t4.2ii is obtained. Ueans are dull and lower, city hand-picked stock being freely offered at $1.70 per bu.; fair to choico 1111picked Iot8 are dull at 90aïl.30 per bu, The supply of fair and low (luality buttei is large and receivers are una! Ie to fiud any outlet for stocks. Home buyers select iroiu best lots in market at I6a17o per lb., but sak-s aggregate light. Extrome choice grades are not in market, and tor such lots 18c could bo obtained. Medium grades are unsalable. f irease stock is in fair request at 6aC l-2c per lb. Cheese is quiet and steady at 13a 13 1 -2c for selections. Eggs are dull and lower. fresh receipts roeetIng with a lijht sale at 13 a lic per doz. The movement in dressed hogs bas been but moderate, the weather heing unfavorable tor handling. As a rule the market has ruled steady, at a range of L4.25a4.3ö per cwt. Poultry bas met with an improved demand whioh, with light recoipts, has advanced prices. Cliickens are in fair demand at !) a 10c per lb.: tuikeys, Ilal2 l-2c por lb.: geese, dull, at 6 a 7c per lb.: ducks, scarce. at lOallc per lb. Provisions are quiet and easy, at 11160 per bbl for mess pork ; clear, $13 per bbl.; lard, 7 1-2 a 7 3-rc per lb. for tierces.


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