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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HILL'S OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, February 6th, 1878. MILTON NOBLES, Bupportod by )is own Powerful Dramatic Company Will presëal 6h(s typte] Amtfrtcan Drama In three twl ■ and Prologue The LMiuMiixandthe Flower OirI ui. 'l'lir lihiut; llrutt. i-(i seats ut Doiighi1 BooWtore - uu t?x i r:i cha rae fot the same. AdknlfiStoD 7. and ;"0 cents. 1G72 CommisBionors' Notice. SlATi: OF MJ' iilGANj County of Washtcnaw, ss. The dndersigned hwing been appoiated by the ï'i'nbute Oourt lor íatd county, ooiaiDtsttonen ín receive, examine and adjust all rfjdms and demandsof :fl personj against theteiate of Churlcu Mineburt, late of suid county dw:eased, horeby notice that aix inonths frooi i :ti are alluwvd. Ij y on lor of said Probate Cou rt, for credltöre to present tlier claims nvjuinst the i'stuteof said deeeased, and fluit thcy will meet at the reeidence of WaUon Ocer, in the town oí Superior,, In said couoty, on Bal ttriïay, the 13th day of April, and ou Monday, the löth day of Jnly pext. al ten oYlork a. m. of each of said days, lo receive, examine, smd adjutit said claims. Dftted. .luiiuury 14, A. 1, 1878. WATSON (KKIÏ. 1673W4 JOHN F. rA.CKA.Kl, C6miunslonAra Estáte of Charles 11. tëchlanderer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Wttshtenaw. hs. At ü seasion oí' the Probate Court lor the County of Wanhieuaw, holden at tl ie FiobaleOftlc(; in the City of Ana Arbor, on Wednosday, the thirtieth day ot Janoary, in the yer one thoutiand eiht hundred and fceventy-t-i-ilu. Present, William D. Xlurrimnn, Judgeof Probate, 1 ii the matter ot the enlate of Charles II. Schltindorer, deceut-ed On i-onding iind flling the petition, duly verifled, of Albert Ctwinner, pruying that he or ome other suitable peraon mny beuppoiuted tidiniuUtrator ot the estáte of duid deceaseu. Thureupon il is oidered,that Monday, the twenty-fifth day of Pehruary next, at ten o'ulork iu the forenoon, in: titwined lor the heariug of said p Utiun, and that the heira at luw oi said 1.:ms..-,1 and all other persoos iuterr.sted in s iid est ate , are required to appoar at a seesion of aaid court theu to be holden at tüc 1'robate oliice in the city of Ann Arbov, tiud ahow cause, if auy there be, why the prayer of the pelitioner aliould uot be granted : , And it ia further ordered that said petitioner give notii-c iu the persons intereatod in siid estáte, ot the peudenoy of 8aid petition aud the hearing tlu'ieoi, by causinj? copy of thls order tobe published in the Michigan Anus, a newspuper printed and eirt-uluted i aaid cuunty, thre uooeatlre weeks previoua to Sftid day of heuriatr. WTLI.1AM U. HARR1MAN, (A trut' r-opy.) Judge of Probate. Wm, ii. DpTT, Probate ReiBter. 1672td Kstatti ot' Lura L. Porter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cönnty'of WaHhtenaw, ss. Ata Beafiiojurftbjj Probate Court lor the County ii' Washte,Qaw, holden al th' Probate Office ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuwtdav, the twentyninth day of .Iiinuary, in flie yeur onn (Jioutoñd eixhthmidred and sevoni y-cig!it. Present, WiJliitm 1. Harriman, JudgC Of Probate. In the matter of the estalle of Lura I-. Porter, fteeeaBejd. Krank A. Hookr, executor of the last wil! and testament óf sala deceased, comea luto court aud represemts that he ís now prepared to render hia ftnal aocoun( assucli exeeutor. Xbereupon it Is urdnnd, that Tueaday the brentr-sixth dav of February next, at ten o'clock in (bronoón, hv aBigned for examiaing aud altowtng sucli acqouot, and that the devisrs, legatèM, and heirs at law of said decii'-.i, and ali otlujr piTns intcroted in said estáte, ure reituin-d to appear at ft sv.ssion of aaid court, the o i be holden at the Probate Office iu the city of Ann Arbdr iu said county, and show cause " if ;iny Üwre be, why the kid account Bhould lint ln-"a!luv-l : And it is Curtber ordered, that ssAá exébtftor give notit-e to the perlona interested to said estáte, of the pendency of ;til account and the hearing thereof, by oauèiDg acopyoïtnle ordeï tobe pntlsin'd In tne Mickiqui Artowt, B nèwajMtper printtnl and clrcnlttfelng 'iu said eoanty, siu-ci-ivr moQks previoua i.i sa 1 day "i1 hearing. WILLIAM I. HARRTrAN, (A tniecopyj) Judge of Probate. WM. O. DOTÏ, Probate Register. IG72td Rea] Estáte for Sale. SXATB OF MICUIGAN, County of Wa-thteni.w, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Moset C. Edward, deoeased. Notice is hereby given, thut ín pursuanci; ot" hu order rauted to the mitltirsiued, adminlatrator f the etate of said deceased, by the llon. Judge of Probate lor the County 'of W ashtenaw, on the twenly-eiglith day oí Jamuiry, A. D. l7H, tliere will be sold at public vendue, to the hihi'st bidder, at the late reaidence of said deoeased, on the premisas to be sold, in the townsliip of York, in the Couuty of Waahtenaw, in said State, on ToxsPAT, thk ninetkknth day of March, A. D. 1873. at ten o'clock iu the forenoon oí that day (.subject to ali encumbrances by niortflra;e or other wise existinjf at the time of the dettth of aaid deceased}, the folio w ing descxtbed nal estáte, to wit : The certain pieces ur piirccls of lund Hituate in the township ol ork, in tbc county of Washtenaw and Stute of Michigan, known and fteseribed as follows, towit: The southweflt iuarter (s. w. qr.) of the northeast qnarter (n. e. ir.) tmd the west half (w. h.J of the Boutheatit . quftrter (&. e. qcj oí weetion uuiuber thirty-ftve (35), in township four (4) south, range bix (C) eaat, exoepttnmnnw pareéis of about flve(ñ)aers in all, deeded to Hiruin M. BmlUx, Klijah Ellis, D. A. Woodnrd ttud J . E. Marvin; and alao excepting and r:a rviiiK a pftroel Ol IkikI hantotON deeded to ThoiuHft Brayman, otf the west end of nbove fnrra.contttiniiiir tbirty-aix (30) acres ; also exceplïng those pareéis of land included in thu plut of Jaue l. i:iw;mls. U) the village of Milan. Monroe Connty, State of Michigan, being a part of the iv est hult ol' th soiitheaítt quarter ot tecUon thirty-Hve iSj) in the townshipof York, Wnhterwiw Couniy, Btate of Michigan, niiid pint being recorded In the otticeof the Register of Doel8 for Washtffimw County, in Jiber 60, on puge4H; aluo excepting the piec or parcol ol' land deeded by Mosos C, Edwardfl lo Levi H. Keynolda, and rccoTded in the oitiot; of the Register of Deeds for Wnshtwnaw Couuty, in líber 71, on page .118; also exoeptlng the pieoe or parcel of land deedud by Moaea C Edwards n ShWdon B. Throok, and recorded in the btftos of the KegisteT ol Deeds fur Waithtenaw Qounty, in líber 7S, on pge wit); alao oxcepllng Éne pieoe i paroéi of land deeded by Afosen C. Kdwttrdu to (icorge Olark, tmd recorded Ín the OiDOQ of the l:. -i-ter of Deed for Wtwhtenaw (ounty, iu libcr 77 uf deedö, on page 420: hIsu ezoepting Üie biéceur pnreel of land deeded by MoaesC. EdwiiMa t RHzabetb Kpley, and recorded in the onloeof ihe Uefiiwter of Deed for W'nsittonaw County, in liber 77, ou pape fi99 ; ftlso excepting the fAêoe or parcel of land deeded by Mus. - O. Kdwaids lo Addiüun E. Gardner, aud rt-wirdtd in the ottirtMtt the Register oí Dwdí for WïwhU:mtw County, in libpr 77. uu page 648. Dïited,.fanuary 28, A. D 1S77 U12 8 ARLES O. KIAVAUDM, Adniinistrator. Mortgage Sale. IlMii-líKAS defeull navlpg been made in the comliuitusul t wo rertain Diortgages, une iuadc and exxeuted by John C ra w ford and Catharint' i vnw lui-ii to Charles S regury, and dated Sepleniber ihe lifth, A. 1. 1871, ana recorded iu the ottLce of the Register oi" Deeatt of Wwhtenaw County, in libéT 4S of mortgagea, on dam C27, which said mortgage is attigüed lij said Ottarlea ö. iregory to FjDöderick Laubengayer by deed of asslgnment, recorded tn liber Öve of asslimuent of niortaKes, on page 578, aud the othei of said mactgages belng made and exeottted bj F. II. Krans to John J. Crawjford. and dated November the ninth.A. I. 1872, and rwordeÖ In Bald Etegíster'offioe, la Uber 44 of niortgagva at page 344, wliirli lust said mortafic waa aaslgned hy said Jolin J C ra w ford to Charlen s. Qregory by deed of asslgnment, recorded in said RegfHter s offloe, In Itbez four of asgtgnraeut -of mortgage, on page 4-17, and bysaid Charle-' 3. Gregory o lrderltiR Laubengayer by deed of !a.slgnmnt, remorded in said Registert onlce, in Itber fouj '. asHlgumeiit of uxortgagea, on page 148, and whereaa Mwiè uow due and unpaid on said ïiist mortgiige tne tun of Söventeea hundredand eighbyne lft-100 dollars tSi.78i.i9 and [o becoiuti due Ihe aiiin of flve hundred dullars wiih interest u Inc rate of ten per tient. trova this date accordiiix ti the icnnsof .said mortgage and bond aooum pan ving the same, also nu uttoraey'a fee of tul rt y tollare, provided for in said uiortgftge, and whtíreás, Hiero is now duo and uupai't on s;iiti seoottd mortago llie nula of thirtceu hundred and fourteon 57-100 dollars, together iii :m aitorney'8 feeof thirty1 dollars provided for in Baid mortgage, ajad vberaM, oo prooBttllBgi have been taken Ueretofore In law or equity to recover the dotil secured by Baid mortgagea or any part t befeof: Niw, l In-rrlinc, nut iet' Ís hrrfhy given that Uy virtue of the poijejrof sale in eaeh of sajd mortii'-. i'uDiaiiu'd, and by virtue of the Btatute in cases made aud provlÁedoa SvuuiMy, tuk i wi:ni v-skvkni H iay of Ai'itn. next, ut IL a. au of aid day, at the south floorof thu Court House, in thè city of Ann Arbor ftb&t belng tinplace and building wheréthe dreait Couxt fbrthe county of w.islit.-iihw is held] 1 1 1 - underalgned will aellat pubjic auctlon, to the hlghesl blader, thé pn -1111-1 s acscrUwd in earh oi' said mortgages (it beiog the isme desorlptlon in oaoh) or so mucb tln'ivul' as shall be uecewsary to salUly the said qebta with interÓBt Lheroon, tog"ethor wtth said attoiney fees, also the costa antd expenses of Mie llowed by hiw, said prêioisea belng desQTibed In said mor,tgages as belng aoutb part of the northwpsI (Vactlbnal anarter f seotion nttmbef fonr, in township Qumber two south, range n-uiaber ümeast, in thfl townshlp of. Sclo, county of VTaabte? naw and State of Michigan, co uta lulng elgbty acres of land, more or lei. Aun Arl.ur. .litiu;irv J8, 187.8. KEEDERÍí K LÁUBENGAYER, D. CiiAMi:it, Atelghee of Mort.'üu'i-. Attorney for AKlguee, lt.7Ü LgW COUGH, COLD, fflpWJJrTR Or Sore Throal BrjHJ 5bt hl '" 'IuliH ClWvB l MM IJ Dl Al I ATTKNTHiN A continiiHiirt' for uny !ntrtli f lime. rauN irritution of tftio linies, or ome clironic 'inrout m don. Negïeet i ■ ■tif . i.m-s remltfl In sumo incurable fjuiig itíaeiiaS, Itrow u's Kronclilul Trui lus bave provftd Unir sffioaoz, by a test of nuiny fOara, and will almóst invariJihiy give iminediatc relief. Obtuin only Itrowu's 'llrunrliiiil 'irut Iiin, and do not take any oi thu worthless ïmitdtiouá thut muy i., offered 1665m4 SPECIAL ANNOÜNCEMENT ! Cost! Cost! Cost! OUR GREAT ANNÜAL COST SALE! $23, OOG Wortli of Rich Dry Goods AT AOl'UAL COST! Grcat sale to commence Wednesday morning, Jan. 2, '78, and continue 30 days. No Goods Sold exoepb for cash. Black Silks at cost. Black Csshmeres at cost. r.lin-k Alpwcas at cost. ÜOO yds. SnowHnke Dress Oooda at nost. All Dress Goods at cost. Coi sets at cost. Seauiless Kid Uloves at 11.20. Hosiery at cost. Ribbons at cost. Flannels at oost. Paisley Shawls at cost. Wool Shawls at cost. Velvets at cost. L,ace and Silk Ties at cost. Pelt Skirts at cost. Table Linens at coat. All Kid Gloves at cost. Clotli8 at cost. Shuütings at cost. Ëverything at cost - for cash only. For over ten years it has been our custom tu glve Iht) public the ln.nt üt ol our protits !unii;: the ui.. ui li of Januaiy every year. Uur renson lor doiny so ib, as a general thin January 1b tbu dulleat inonth jf the year, and f we tritïd to makt' profit they would hrdlv py expense, also, we have many winter fcoodn on hand ttnit vte do not wish to HuiiuiH-r over, and on the tiretof Fi'bruary we take our anuual invcntory and wish to htive our stock rtidueed aslow as posible, so by otferiug our cood at cont our Halen are four times lurgrer than they would otherwise aml thereby turn our stock into caqb . lebioh we ctm in uiakin our spring purchaaee thereby twving a Inrjfe percentage. 13" Remember tliis sale will continue for thirty days only, and all goods will be sold for cash. C. H BILLEN & SON CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNKI) ! o NEW GOODS! Aud price LOWER THAN KVKR. T have purchaaed in New York, for cash, and I hiu now daily receiviu one of the ltirgest and iiHMt select stocks of Groceriea iu WushteUiiw County, couBÍating1 nf a tul] and well solected LINE OF TEAS, All of tlui new erop - including (.iiiiioviili is, liuperialsi Voung II}■ona, il ) -on-., Japans, Oolongs, l'ormasas, oiilíoiin, Soiictionga, uud 'l'wiiiikjij-o, ToRether with a full line ofCOFFEES, ocnuistïne of ihe following brand: MOCHA, 01,1) ÖOV'T JAVA.MAUACA1B0, LAGlTAYRE.yAN"T08 nd RIO, both roa.ited and ground ; u full and well aelected Htock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure 8picetj,t'anned fruits, aud Vegetables. We have a full ;mJ complet" line i BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And HuHiery. Also, a choice aasortment of l.-ulien" and Ge n tlemen's Underwear. Cali and exaiul ue Gouda tiud Prioes and we will inaure atiafaction. EDWARD DUFFY. 11 Maynaid'tt Hloek, ■' cor. Main and Ann streeta Ana Arbur, Mich. KyHiheBt cash price paid for all farm produce. "B INSLRE YOUR PROPERTY WXTH THE OL1 i Insurance Ag ency , i V. II. KILLEN. Home liisiniuicc o. of Assets. . JÍ. Y., i(J,000,000 Coiitineiital Ins. Co., ti. V., :S,000,000 i, 1,400,000 ' Gtrard,of l'inln., 1,000,000 Oricm, ol Hartford, 700,000 kufcs :is luw ii.s iiiiy reliable fusurunee Ooidpftny. '] Losies promptly aud honorably adjuiited. 1 ttJC B piALL AND HKK TUK JirKSON TKl'NS KOI) WAOON Also, St'v RiKlK-lImid Kurrnll Irun (urn Kliollersat M. ROUEKS'. f y( J I Ij you eiin't Kt gold you OMt k1 g( rM Wm lrrrt:tih;ickH, We Mwi'd a }THOn in every town to take , tlons for the Inroest , cheapent and tst jllnstrated f family publiuatioa in the world. Atiy one eau D6corae u itucceasful aent. The mout elegant woik of art (fiveu frue to Bubsoribers. The price is o low tliat almost everybody subwrïbe. One AtMit reporta makÍHg over $150 in a week. A lady ugent reporta taking over 400 aubacribers in ten dnys. n All who cngHge make mouey fast. You can devote hII your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over niirht. Yon can do it as well hh other. Full particuïnrs, directions and tenna free. Elegant and ixpensive c' outilt free. If you want profltable work send us l1 vouraddrens at once. It coala nothiiig to try the " busineBS. No one wbo enaseB fails to muke greut Say. Addreia, "Th People'a Jüurual," Portland, Laine. n4s FURNITURE! J.KECK&CO., SatANUFACTÜRERS OF FUftNIfURlS 01 ALL DESJCRIPTIONS, Are nou Offert ng (ïreal IimIikcihhiís tn l'iirchasprs. BUYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYINTG THEIR FURNITURE Direct of the MannlMetitrèrg. Manufactor y, corner of Williani and West Fourtti Streets. Salesrooiiis, 72 Soxtli Main and i AVest Liberty Si reets, Ann Arbor, Miei). ,.-,- BIIMACHIIES! BUY THE SINCER Tbe best unil most pojmlar mnchiuu n the world - :(IO,0()0 eold in a single year, at'tor being on thu ujaikit ovor twenty-five years. Beware of Imitations ! To ecure the genuine buy of 1. L, Orinnoll, the authorizt'd ateut für Vashti.'iiaw County. i t is only a question of time, and not much time eitln-r, when the m:ijority of the wild cflt machines wfll not bt: built, then the warrant of cut-tl ■ nnt dealers will be ol' little avail. To buy a aecoud clas machine on a third clas varrniit for flve ypara is poor jnlicy when sucha niuchiut.' ah the Binpei o.iii be had at a reasonable price. I keep cenuine parís íor the Singer, biist"Oil, Needies, Plailers tor dress iiifkerrt- 7ic to 1.26, Liucoln's i'; iiiL'iiit-' machlue, and have ;i large iniiiit ii t ni seeoiid-liaud niacliinüH. Second-hauil Sinter, $20 to $S0. Second-hand Howe, $12 to ir. Second-hand Ameiioau, (irover & liaker, Wheelei & WüMiii, and otiiei, $1 to IO, 1 Sowing Machine rupaired and caret'ully atïj usted. I. L. CRINNELL. NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, (1686) Oppoxite lirsi Kniioiiul Hauk. VTEW TEA STORE. Japan 'I' it ut :!)-, -)Oc, kOC and (tOc !■■ 1 ! . l i Un i ri y itest iuiportcU ut 7)'. por Ib. limipowi'.iT Ten ut 6Öc nd sik' perlbi, and theery tfsi tmporfced a&91.00 apound. Vuung I1_.iii ;ii 4IK-, 60c nii't tXkc, ftnd the ii-i hnported :it 80c pel I . Ooloog Twi ;ii ::.■, .-(-. fin, and 70c per lip. Imperial Tea :ii .;"■, Wc, nul .ïir pet In. Pwauke; '1Y;i :a iOo, 26c, and 80c bi i n. COFFEES AM) SI'ICKS, Dfour own roastlDg and grlndlng, ;ii (rttl) teluc.-il prirt's. tiivw iis u :ll and b C:onvincei1. .1. VV. HARGSTEBFER k ('()., SO de 3 j Son til Idatq Mt., Ann Arbor. UHWmt Two Yaluable Houses FOR SALE, rhe praporty belonglng i„ tbe WELLES RSTATE, iltuoted ou DIVISIÓN STREET, at the heiul ol 4.ITN STREET, and Ihepropertj latelv ovued nnd iow oocnpled by A. Wl IHiN.M ann. wltl bf wild it ■ VKBÏ LOW PRICE, AND ON VOSii TIME II' IM.SIUi:!). A,,ply t„ S. H. DOL'(ÍLVS. BSTKACTS )F T1TLES. The uniliTsij-iii'ii, BeKisIér-afDseds, will prompt y .nul oaiefulty uutke Abatrasts oí UUea, Fr)m the Original Records, I , 'ur Atunney. Ai-uts, OwoetB, or PorohaseTa , lu paini will -.kui-.i t,, jtivea oompleti ehaiuul itlf, unl shuw all yucuiiililiim-c.i. Oi.uxt 1 -it.oable. O3AS. H. MANI.Y. Ann Arbor. J:muarj lo. IM7. ui];. rOR HALE! One laiKi' n-w mJUoh Cuw, one 5 moDÜie Perbeion Colt 'rom lllm-k Joale, une Duitmiu t'iilf, ' ik iiiiintlib lnii-liiiiii Huil from U'iuiui'a berd, i beauly). Aun Albor, !). '-'4, 1877. KI UKNE ii HALL, ui HALL BKOS. ïtcr tw RAILROADS. MIHM'n CENTRAL üill .üiiui. NOV. il, ik;;. u ■■ j nvnosh .: ' - "■ r. . .- .- _L.L?li: Uetroit, leave, j uo w (i. r.Juocfiou, 7 LS y Vi ay,ne run : i " 10 1; 5 ipsllunu, n ii, i, m i, ,,„ , Geddes, AunArbor, , tu 53 li 3(1 31 , 10 i ,, Delhi, s 44 ,, 1.; I)BXUT. 8 bd :;,_ Chel a 17 7 is .-, 14 ,- Graas l.nk", 'j .",1 ,., P. M .Tiickson, 10 50 lü :, 300 Album 1 IM ; ,2 Marshall, 11 M 1 ;ij - 5 7 . me 1 P.M. Hiittl.i Ciwk. 12 ■[ 1 ;,,s , -; v r. Ijulesbur;;. 1 -j : j -. . j A M Killuuia.'.i.., 1 15 Lawton, 1 ;,,, 4 4,1 Decatur, 2 Ifi 6 xi 1 ■; Uowogtac, 2 41 Nües, g 1 1 u; liuiJmnan, 3 23 li al 1 _ ThreeOaks :; ;, 7 ,,-. ss New Bnflalo, i 118 1 5; . Alkliigun l'i;y, 1 in s ju 7 .„1 . j - .- Lnke. ;, 2:: Ú u KensiiiLrti.ü. 1, i.-; „ , . ., „ Ohicago, nrríve, 1; 68 7 40 ,. ÍAKT. 2_:-Lïsk. M. A. M. p, M. ..n, ,.„. Uhloago, leave, 7 U0 9 00 :". :. EeoaingUlo, 7 50 9 50 4 .;. Lake, X 40 11, M Michigan City, '.1 ÍS ü New Butfalo, 0 18 11 -. l)nk!'. M KI - - - A V. Buofaaoan, 10 7 40 Nüm, 12 16 8 11 iac, 1 1 l- y i ' Deoalur, IS Lawtoa, 11 .7 -ji .,. m. ■ Kaliuniio; IS SS 1 IX 111 Ou iiiíí, Battle Creek, 1 S2 2 i' m n; I g - Maraliall, 3 u f A.ïJ Albion, 2 62 3 -I A.r. 8 10 ISuS tl .liii'kn.m. :; 15 4 1)6 5 'jji ld 1.. 1 ■ Oras Lake, I 08j 54a 10 Sa Chelaea, 4 4n n 1 .. II im Dmter, .". 00 li 30 11 13 Delhi, 6 lll 1; .. Aun Árbor, :" Í0 5 10 7 co 11 :;:. I (iaides, 5 20 7 119 SjMilanti, S 88 r _'i 7 r. 1 1 Wiiyiu-.liu,,.., li Ui .. Ia ! 411 12 In í I If.t. Jiiiic, ti 33 i. I.. 6 85 I ■' I Detroit, Ai-., li IS 1. . " 6 10 I " Simcliivfl excepteií. lSntunlay oepted. tllaily. 11. 1!. LBDYARD, Gen'l Supl . H. C WXHTWOBTHi tii-n. Vtusa. .' DETROIT, HILLSÜALE AND BOÜTHWUSTERN RA11 1: Totolee effect Nov. II, I8;i. QOÏSG WKST. 8TATIONÜ. Mili.. EXP. i -■ A. M. V. SI. M f,j, Y])hilmiti 8 10 8:0S .Saline. ... :(I5 (i:4S Uanker.H iiririgewntcr.. :25 6:6 Hill Manïhèeler. 10:05 7:u Man p. m. Brídgev Ilill.sdíil I-J..V. 11:1' J: Bankore 1:07 S:M rpailauti.... 11 " Tram run iy ChloagtJ time. W. F. PAKKER, MANHOOD: How LosL) How Restored! Juat publiahed, new '" jfiaN&CulverwílPN Oelebrated Ewl -V.ína tho rmlictif ,tn :witliout i WIHpKKMATonniK] or Sorainul Invulutitni-y Seminal Losdeo, 1 Mr.j i .- jintl Phjelotil [ncapacity, ImpediiiK'Qti ti etc.; abo, Consomption, Kpilkpsï ho(1 iluyd bjr self-iiicíalgeiiüe or sexuul ex ele, S? PHoe u a Mnled énvelope, mh The CfU'hniW',1 nuthor, in tiris dmi clearly deiüonatrtte, trom a tliirty ye" tul practico, tlml the alfirming uiBelf-ntitne may be rodically cur?4 ■■ geious iifii' tif intenial ín iliritit i of theknife; pofntingouta mod Himple, and eüeetual, by im'nnw of 1 siitiVrcr, no matter whai fiia uondiUon i ■ cure hnnself ríieaply, piivutely, and rfl ; ■ar-TM Lectnre Bhould be in the han yoiit-h nnd every mini in t). Inud. Seut uiider peni, 111 a in;ii:i envclupej dress, post . ül tñx cotttí ur poatage stamps. THE IÍÜLVERWEIíL SIEIHOAli ()' 4 1 Aun Sí., . 1 ; !■„ -,■ 1 1 ÜÉ líAHOX & CO., Groceries, Provisions, AND Al .!. KIM' !)K Country Produce, sAini:, MICU. HKFOKK iniVI.XJ 0 SEtU-1 IJTIK'F OF LIME REDÜCED. Ohio lime ü herí u Iímil' room, ui Ihist ■oe lime at Sooenta per baBbi 1. iin Albor, Oololx i so, ; Wood "Wantod í i N i SCHANG1Í !■' IB Niíldles, Harness, Trunw Bags, 1?I1S' Blaúkets, etc.


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