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-The Common Council will meet in regular gagiion uext Moaday evening. - Thursday. 4 p. m., S inches of show and more Roads blockaded and business dull. -Tliere was a slight fall of heavy, wet snow on Suiiday afternoon last : not, enough to make jleijjlmig-Yesterday winter put In a tardy but vigorous ftppearanoe and now proposes to show lm malignera what he can do. _To-day the sun rose 15 minutes earlier llian on January 1, iind will set 36 minutes ater: 51 minutes ot sunlight gained. - Ex-Vioe-President Colfax will deliver his popular lectura on Abraham Lincoln at the Opera House on the evaiüngof February 25. -In the Supreme Uourt on Tuesday decis,,)u was reudersd aflirming the judgmeut bejniv i n 'te sl.m.lor suit of Orrin F. (ïübort vs. l'hilo Fowler. -At the aiinual meeting of the Michigan MutnalLife Insurance Company, held in Deiroit on Tuesilay, Jolm X. (iott, Esq.. ot this city, wls elected a director. _ The uezt regular moeting ot the Ann - Milton Nobles is advertised for HWI'a Opera rlouse next V ednesday evening, sup norttd by a Strong company. Xobles has a fide reputation as an actor, itbor Scientifle Association will be held next Síturday tveuing, Februa.iy 2. A paper wil lei rul by Byron M. Cheever. _ Keeper Van Hyper, of the county poor ■ , had 100 boarders on Wedneaday. A ivcek before he had 153, and he has averaged 47 for the month of January. - Conrad Krapf having been appointed guardián of Mrs. Mary Moore, incompetent or i:is-me, reqnests all persous haviug claims Igainst her to present them to him. -This evening Judge Huuhngton hokk au j(l]ourned term of oourt. The report ot Coraniissioner Whitnian in the laboratory deulcation case will prohably be considered. -The Sapreme Court has graoted Harry II. Sauiiders, a young Detroit lawyer, and well knowu in this cit, a new trial, and iu terrns seterely reflecting upoa the conduct of certain Detroit pólice oflicers. -C. A. Foster, of the so-called Daily Tintes, kipped out " on Mouday night, but " skipped" back again on Wednesday night, and niu a liiiel snit agaiust the Rajtsler i? threatened by way of amusement. -"Lux," in the Grand Rápida Daily Deinotral, handles Judge Christiancy severely and miMinjiistly, but we have uo space for either the letter or the criticism. In fact ve begrudge the space we givo to " Fair Play." - Baruum has sent us a $50 puff and a doublé free ticket to his show which he proposes to bring somewhere in tlns vicinity the coming season : seasoning his bait with a hint twjt liberal advertising. G-uess nat. -At the coming animal meeting of the State Pioneer Society, Hou. L. D. Norris, of Grand KajjJs will read "Biographical Notes and incij ilrat in the Pioueer Life of Mrs. R. B. Nortis late of Vpsilanti, by her granddaughter." - öiiice the annnal report made by the County Treasurer, giving the itemized collec!i account oi licuor tax, G. F. Lutz, of tlus city, has paid. in $40 (interest and collec■ ,n feea still in arreara), and Charles P. Vogel, ■fFreedom, $42.33. -As tliö reault of an iiiquest held befor Commissiouer Emeriok on Tuesday,William P Jloraml who killed O'Grrady at Dexter, as no i ia lost week's Arous, has been adjudge insaue atul ordered committed to tlie Insan Asyluni at Kalamazoo. -Tlie Sentinel says that a few niglits ag the Light Guard Band sereuaded Pensio Atífif Saín. Post, having it in view to mduc liira liv musie'a sweet straius to give theni clu'Ck for an unpaid bilí against the Repiibh cans for blowing d me in the last campal gl Sara is an " ola bird " and wasa't caught. - Ypsilanti Smtinel: "The burnt district a the depot will be spedily rebuilt, in a mnch lelterj manner than before, inüsmuch as i wülbe a unifornj block. Aiul !y the way we suggest to the different pro)retoi-s, that now they have a good opportumty to combino and fnniish the pnblic with a good spaciotis hall." - Hon. Elias H:ure, of Fieedoni, wliose ioiia lineas has beca heretórore noticed iu He ASQÜS, died on Sunday last, January 27, sged üb yeai-9, S inonths, and 11 davs. For many years Mr. Haire was supervisor of bis town, añil in lS6t he mis e-leoted t the lower brtDch of the Legtslatnre oatba Democratie ticket. - We met Gov. Ashley on Weínesday, and lesnred t'uat tlie work on the bridge"! aereas the Macou aml líaisin are buing pushed as rapitlly í posaible. The oíd bridge acros3 the Macón to be taken away and a inore substantial itructure take its place. 150 tons of iron have Jiready Leen delivered at Dantfee, and iiext week a locomotivo and constructiop train will be patón. - At the coming amiual meeting of the State Pioneer Society, to be held at Lansing January G and 7, our follow citizeti ex-Gov. t'ïlrli is to read a paper on " Early Banking n Michigan." Perhaps he vrill teil the history of tliat keg of specie whioll the legend says Iho liank ofticers were wont to roll out of the tack door as ho went out the front way, laking it ahead oí hhn to the next liank until he carne to know the pieces. - If Judge Christiancy, counsel for the Kegrats in the laborator; auit, had goue out of llis way to w-rite a pettifogging letter in the interest of detondant Douglas, we know an ilmdual who would have made him thiuk he as in heil in less tlian no time. Was it auy üsorete or uuprafessioual for him to ba Irappert by Regent Rynd into writing such a '"erin the interest of defendant Rose, and liicli by indirection and ín an unmanly way impugDs the motives of Judge Huntington ? His long service as a judge ought to have '"er tau;;ht liirn his professional duty, and taides, lie should not have enterad his appearwceasthe volimteor counsel of either detend'utuutil he had been discharged irom the fviceof tlie comnlainant. - We ate mura than ever coiivineed that Holmes was iiispired wlien lie wiote " It is 'taugerous thüig to be a fuuny man." Wit""■'thecommunication which w-o have head1 " Muoh Ado About 'Nofhipgp' Seeing the drï fact ütated that Mr. Barbour liad cloaed a bnef coimection vvith the Pontiac High School cause h eyes were like!y to give out, havH o time to veri fy tlie rumor, and having earned to bo cantioua in acceptinj mere 'Oor aa gospel truth, we threw tlie dry f act woahumorous paragrapli, never tor an in"Wt iinagining that Mr. Barbour or any frieud ö taks exceptions to our way of "putting Wu 11, ay be obtuse, tot we yet fail to see "outrageous injnstice " of it. Knowing "Wingof Mr. Barbouf but wliat is praise_ wtiy, we make (uunecessary) "umend"for "y sting unintentionally concealc.l in the Waph, or Ioi. any „ lnjury .. Ame hinlj by "" "'e communicatiou place as requested.


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