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- Murdoch wili give readinga and taoitationa on Saturday eveoing, February '.), from Shakespere, Dio.kens and the modern poots. Tlie Lecture AssociaÖon is fortúnate in this cngajjemsnt, -Ou Monday thewophomores tabled or indeliuitely postponed, or otherwise guinmarily rejected, the challenge of the iïeshmen to a trial of strength hy pulling at the two ends of a rope. ïlie sophs imagined the fresh " too numerous" to niake the match au even one. - The following Chronicle editora were elected on Saturday - all jvmiors: James P. Brown, Alpha Delt; Edmund A. Christian, Chi Psi ; Newton McMülan and Fred. S. Bell, indopenilents. ïhey succeed tour senior, Messi-s. Horace B. Wamsiey, Horace G. Myers, Clarence (xiigga, and Gearge H. Harrower. - The invitations for the Junior Hop have been ordered from Dreka & Uo., of Pbiladel)hia, - at a cost of $7-, inoluding envelopes. - The engagement of the Students' Lecture Association with Joaquiu Miller- the "Poet oi the Sierras" - has been thrown up. James E. Murdoch, the distiuguished elocutionist, will take the vacant place. A good exchange. -Misa Hattie Masón, who graduated from the Law department in 1877, is now a student at Vussar College, completing lier literary courae. - No inore seuior spuuting on Commencement day. So have ordered the taculty, in answei' to the continued requests of successive classes, and as an experiment. The exerciaes of Commencemeut week will be: Sunday, Baccalaureate ; Mouday, vacaut or raiscellaueous ; Tuesday, Class day exercises ; Wednesday, Alumni day; Thursday, Comuiencement, - an address by sorae distinguished orator to take the place of the usual speeches. -The followiog tiiuely and appropriate order lias beeu make by the iaculty aud announced to the students : Wbereaa, The public exercises of the class liave fri-quently been made the ocoauiou fór discourteous allusions to oflicers of the Uaiversity aud fot boastíul ívcituls of disorderly exploits on the part oí students, the iaculty héreby annouuce that íf hereafter any member of any graduating class shall upon class day indulge iu words or acts regarded by ;he faculty as disrespectíul to any oñicer ot the Umveisily or deemed of a nature to encuuratre nnsdemeanor iu other studeuts and to nteríere with the good government ot the Uuiversity, the name of such offending person will not hu pibsented to the Regents for graduation. In making the auuouucement Dr. Augell Buid : "Thedayhad irequently been taken advantage ot to exlnbit disrespect towards members of tho faculty. The college autliorities hart given the students all possible facilities for enjoying theraselves on thsir own day ; and the stu tents haJ otteu taken occasion to return their geuerosity by the grossest disrespect. That the Uui?ersity anthorities had uot before taken steps to put a stop to tliis was only an insta nee of their excess of good ature. The faculty have datermined that hese ocsurrences should not ugain take place.1' Also: "This uctiou had not beeu taken at all u reference to the present seuior olass in pari:ulir. lt was taken on general principies or all classes. He did ñot thiuk that the n-sciit clusá would anvway have perrnitted hat other classes have approved, and the clion ot' the faculty was not to hs taken by lém as at ali personal."


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