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"piNSEY & SEABOLT'S KAKKRY, GROCERY - AXD - PJLOUK & FtSEI) KTOIi K. We keep constuntly on mina, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR W1IOL1S.SALE and ItKTAIl, ÏRADE. We slmll also keep n supply of DELHI PLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEA r FLOUR, EYE PLOUK, BUOKWWHEAT FLOUtt, UOEN MKAI-, FEED, At Wholesale and retail. A genera] stock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIOXS constantly on hnnd, which will be aold on as rea6'ntble terms as at any otber house in thin city. Cash puid t'or Butter, Eggs, and Country 'l'roSnce feuerally. Bar Goods deliveroa "O any part of the city wilh out extra charge. KI1VSKY A: SEABO1T. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 187IÏ. 15C4 IN8URANCR COHPANY. Capital, - - $3,000?000, Assets Jan 1, 1876, $8,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Yeais, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incluiling Re-Innuranoe Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includirvg Re-Iusurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. G. MACK, Ageni, Anu Arbor. J , THE NEEDHAM Musical Gabinet f fflii'tStaüJ 'm ffllilic %■■ 'THIIS ncw and wondcrful Instrument 1 cnablcs any one, whcther uudcrstanding music or not, to play anydesired melody or harmony, sacrcd or i secular, from the most plaintivc dirgc to ! the most lively dance music. It possesses a mechanism of marvelous simpli-citT, requiring but the intcllijrcnce of a rhüd to manipúlate, yet rapable of repro(luciug, without limitation, the musical I rompositions of the tast, nmi i i l'ture. The execution is faultless, : trict In melody, harmony and rhythm :ind the instrument is cminently adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases whcre good, correct music is required, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address, S. F. KT33EIHÏAWI & SOM, MANOFACTURERS, lü 145 ft 147 E. 23d St., New York. D. CRAMEE, Attorncy and Counselor at K;t -h . Will attend to collections and settlementa of'1 Estates. Makes it a speiñalty to keoj) poeted all buaiiiHHa muiters. Will borrow or loan moaey i nt any time or buy Rood paper. Office Opporitöi , Grefory Houaa, Aun Axbor, Mieh. ltitiT tim. iji laOWKIt AM) VEUKTAIH.I! REEDS ARK PLAHTKD riY a Mir.r.ioN rnopr.K in ami;rua PEK Vick'sCatalogue, -SBO Illustratlons, only 9 cents. Vick's IlliiNtratcd 'Iíi;.ilii. , pages, fine Illustrations, imd Colored I'lnto in eaeh numbei. Prioe $1.25 a'yesr ; Kive copies for $5.00. Viek'n Flower uurt Vegetable rn;n, 5(1 conts in paper covers ; with elegant cloth coven 91.06: All my publioBtions arn printed in Enrlish and Qennan. Addresa, .IAMi;.S VICK, Hoclicster, X. Y, Estáte of Willium Croshy. STATE OF MKIIICAN, e tyof Wrubtena. O ss. Notice Imti-Iiv glven.tha l.v ui order of the Probate Court for the Üouut y of W'asluenaw, made on the llih day of Januari. A. D. 1878, six months fröni i li ai date were oltowed for creditors in preseni their clninis uuiiiHi. il siaieof William Orosby, late o) said county, deceased, and iliut allcred[tora "i' nald deceaaed are n qulred to present their olaiuis to said Probate Court, al the Probate Office ín i (iiy of Aap i , i.,i Bxaniinatiou and allowance, on ar before the lölh day of July ii(!xi, and that suc claims win lieard before said Court "ii Saturday, rhs l;;ili day of April, and on Mbnday, the 16 til day of July nexl, al ten o'clock in Ilir JorcniMtii of each uV said iavs, liaini, Ann Arhor, January 14, A. D. IST.t' W1LLIAM li. IIAKKIMAN. '(''""■ i Ju.dge.of Probate. Eeal Estáte íbr Sale. STATE ol MICHIGAN, Coaaty of Wshtnw,9B. lu the matter of the estateof Humilton Vaniita, dioeased. Notice s hereby giren, that in pursuance of au order granted to llie nndornigned, adminiattatór of (he estáte of said deoeaeed, by iluHon. Juiiff of Tnibilte for the County of Washtenaw, on the twentymvëtatli dny of july, A. I. 1877, thore will lie old al publls venduc, to the highest Wdder, ut the resiáeno of J l. Vaáatta, in in the township of Halcin, in the coiinly of Washlenaw in suid State, on Tueedsy, the Uvnlfth day of Pehruiiry, A. 1), l7, at one o'clook in the afternoon of that day ftubject ii all fmmnbr.inwB by mortoagre or otherwiM exiating at the time of the deatn of aid deoeased, and aiao lUbjeot to the rightol doweroi Naaey C, Vanatta, widow of aaid doaased thereú). the followinji dfiBortbed real estáte to wit: Foriy-tluee and three. one-hundredths (43 3-10H! acres off ( tlic east sidu f the wet half of the nortbeiut qurrter of ectioï eighteen nj, elflept five ("') aerea ort' from the eouth end of said paroel, being in lown (me Tl) outh, rutiRe .seven (; cat Coalem), VVRshteniii county, Michigan. Dati-d, December 21, 1.H77. MOWI.ANII e. CAKPENTEU, 1W Admlnlstrntor. Estáte of Klizabetfa Vail. STATE OF MIC'IIIHAN, County of Waahtennw, ss. At h ession of the Probate Courl for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Hice in the oity of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the twentyseeond day of January, in tbe year ofie thouaand ei'ht Jiundre.d and Berenty-elgbi. Prenont, William II. llarriinaii, Judmof Prohnte. In the matter of the estatf of Klialictli Vail, deccased, Byron W. Cheever, admimatratoc, il' bnnlt nop with the will ynnexed, of Haid estáte, Hornea into court aud representa that he ia now prepared lo render lus flnal account ae such adminfstrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that 'J'uesdny, the ninoteonth day of February nexl, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examinine and allowing piich account, anl that the deriseea, letfateea, and heus at law of aid deccased, and all other pesaoaa intereated in said CBtato, are required to appear at a Beaúon of Haid o.onrt, then tobe holden it the Trobatc office in the city oí Ann Arbor ii said county, and ehott oanae, if any thiire lc, waf the said 'account nhould not beallowcd: And tt i further ordered ( hut. aid administrator give notice to the pernonn inteiestcd in rniid estáte, of the pendeacy of snld account and the heüiing tliereof, by caiising a copy of tbis order to ba published in t lip Michigan Arffui, a nRWHpaper printen and circulating in aid oounty, three uceemire week previijus to said day ff hennng . Ii71td WHiLlAM'n. rTAHHlMAK, (A truc copy.) ludge of Probate. Wm.ö.Dotï, Probate Regiatet. ) 07 1 Estáte of Charles Tripp. OTATE (IF MICHIGAN, County of WaahUkj naw, ?s. At a sewaion of the Probate f'oiirt for the County Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on "Vdne-day, the ií3d d;iy of January, in the year one thouwnd cijrht bun .red and Berenty-eigbt. I'r ent, William I). Kamman, Ju%e of Troliatc In '.he matter ol the entato of (.hsrles Tripp, rleceaaed. On reading and films; thepetition, duly vorifled, of Mariaiot 11. Tripa, prayin ilmt uhe may ï"1 appointed administratrix ( the ëtttate of said deoeased. Thereupon if Is ordered, that Mondny, the eightsenth day of February next, ut ten o'clock in the aswii.iïd tor the hearing of aaid petilion, and tliat the heirH at law ol' fluid deoeased, and all other persons interested in said eacate, arerequired lo appear at a -rasión of (faid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city (f Ann Arbor, am show p;no, if any fctere lie. whj the prayec of the petltioner íhould ast be giantcd: And il i further orlered, that, said iiolitioner give notice to the persons interested in aid estáte, of the pendency pfsaid petition and the hearing thereof, by causinga copy of lliis order Ut be pnbliVhed in the Michigan -l'V"s a newapapor print cd and oirculated in said county, three suecesive weeks prerious to said day of hearing. ■ U'll.l.IAM I). ÏTAKKTMAN, ;A trueoopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm.G.Doïï, Probate Register. 107 Hd Estáte of Gtjorgo Grenville. STATE OF SÍÍCHIGA.N, County of W'ashtenaw sb. At a sesaion of the Probate Ceurt for the County of Vashtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aan Arbor, on Monday, the tweuty-üi'Bt day of Jiinunry, in the yAr ooe thousaud eight hundred and seventy-eight. Present, William 1). Hamraan.Jadjreof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George Oren ville, d'-ceased. Onreadingandlllidg thepetition, duly veiified, of John M. wneeler, praytng thnt a oertain tnatruxuent now on iile in this oourt, jmrpoiting to be the laat wil! and tesiameut, of eaid deceased, muy beadtaitted to probate, and that lie may be appointed exeoutor thereof. Thereupoi) it isordered, tliat Monday, the oighteentliday ot Februaiv next, ui ten o'clock in the torenoon, be assnrnëd lor the neming of eaid petition, and that the devíseos, leñatees, and heirs at law of aiiid deceaaed, and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are reqmred to appear at a sessisn of said Court, then to be holdea at the Probate ottice in the city of Ar.n Arbor, und show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of tlu petítíoner hould not be granted; And it ia further ordored that said petition er give notice to the persona interested in said estáte oí the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by eausiní a copy ot this order to be publishedia toe Michigan Aryust8, newspapor printed and circulated in said county, three suceessive weííka previous to saidday of heariiv. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, { A. trne copy.) Judgo ot Probate. Wï, tí. IJoty, Probate Repristen 1671 td Estáte of Warren Ham il ton. STATE OF MICaiUAN, Couoty.of VViihtenaw, ss. At a sessioa of the Probate Court for the County ol' Washtenaw, holden at the Probata Offloe, in t)ie nity oí' Ana Arbor, on Tuesday, the fifteenth day of Jamzary, in tlie veaï oue thousitnd eirht handled n.ud Mventy-eight. Piesent, VV'illiam I). Harriiimn, .ïudgeot Probate. In the aatterof theeetateof W erren Hamilton, deceaaeÜ. Alexander W, ITamilton, executor oC t.1?" last will and testament ol' said deceasod, oomes foio ecioit aud reprosents thnt lie in now prepared to render bis final account a8Doh executor. Thereupon it is orderod, that Tueaday, the twelfth day of Febnuiry next, t ten d'clouk i the foï,emon, be assigned for exuminiag and allowing ■ucii acQount, and tliat the deviseea, Leñatees, ao.(I lieirs at l;iw of aaid deceased, and all othei persons interested in gaid estáte, BW reqaii-bl. to appear at a aeB&ion of aaid court, then tfi be holden at t]in Probate Office in the citj' oft Ann Arbor in aid county, aud show cause, if if-ay thore be, why the wiid account should not be allovred : Anti it is furthor ordured that said exeoutf-ï give uotice to the jiersonw ínteresttd in said. jjtate of the peudency of said account and the heiinng thereof, by causiny; ft copy of tliw order to lm publinhed in the Michigan Argtu, a newspaper printed and nrculating in said county, three succesaive weeits previous to isaid day of hearing. WlüLIlAM HAIiRJMAN, (A true copy-ï Judgti oí Probate. TTm. ir. Doty, Protíate -egister. l(70 Estáte of enharine V'uhl. CJTATE Of MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washteiiaw tr . At a eession of the Piobate Court for tfce County f VVashteuaw, hoWe-Jtt a tlio Proba t-q Üft'u-i- in city Of Ana Arbtv, #n S.-itunluy, tinl w'lli h dn ol' Juni i ar y , in tl) fe&i oae i Inm.saud eight iuuMired uní Beveuty-wbt. Preseut, Wil::i..-m it. Harrimau, Jia4 of Probate. In Hu-mini E iiif esttite oí OaüÜAiine, I'idd, ■ Icccftsed, Edward Di"ako,lmin]tratovof safH e te, comea Mito court and representa tbal li" in oov prpaxed Ut reuder hCs final aoeounl tw sm h ad rai u Ut ra tor. I iMfupnii il is anÜMEOá, i lint Saturday, the iliiKji d;ty of Foliruary Ui-xt, ut ten o'clotk in tli e foretioou, be assigued for examiaiug and alluwiug Bueh account, aud Üjji heira at luw of&ajd deceartcd.audal] other persons utereated in Hitidestitti, are rêquired to appear al ;t session of said t-ourt, t)rn to be holden at. the PrwUtte (Ulier in the city ;' Ana Arbor In iató couoty, and show fililí-, it'anv rhcic #hy Nl6vakl acuumil should not .lie aííwwí'd. And ii is further ordercl tliAt aaidjiduiinlsl rator give uu tice to thii prr3ona tuterentod in said estáte ol the pönftencydf said account uul the hearing th'ereof, by eauiing aeqpof ibi avAer to be pubüshed in the Mieftir y n 'Argus, a ne-wpper pnïited and circulating in nld ooupty, i li i-fe i.iii-crssi vi' W4ïeks preTiüUü tg íi lar d' Afine. WILLIAM D. HAKIiUIAN", CA truo copy.) JudgQ oí Probate, Wk.1t.Doty, Erobat Register. 1870td Estáte of Justin Kellogg. rjTffiFEOJ?' MICHIGAN, County of Washtcitaw, sa, u t s' of the Probate Cóurf for thooountj of Washtenaw, hulden :it the Probate (XBce, in the city in Ann Arboi1, oa Saturday, fiith day 1 'i .1 :iii, a i y , i n I hr y os r ttfl i In ui i ml eiglll hundrJ ivinl seveuty-eight. ut, William i. lijirríMi;Mi. Judge "!' Probate, In the matter of the rstAt or Justin Kellogg, (i(ceawsÖ. (ieotge Kfilourf?, ntemttor ( ttw last wül and icMiiMii ui of Htiid lieeoawed, coe iat oourl aud repoemits thal he is now preparad Ui rouder hia n m tl to w uul a Buch exwutor, '1'liriru.jiou il is orde red, thal Mondny, the fourth 'l:iy o! ï't-i,'in:iry nci , al ten o'clock in theforeuoon 'ml for pxamíüíng and altowing sucli ioi-'Hiiii , aii'i that tnedevlsees, Iegateesand helra ;n law oÏT said decpRsed, ftudallottwr persons ioterested in said estulto, air reqnired to appear ai a etuion of saicl court, Llen i" be holden at the Probate Üittoe in tïie city ot Ann Arbor in gaideounty, and show cauae, if any there be, why the said avcount should pot 1.' iillowcd : And 'it s further ordered,that said exectitoi glve notloe tottie persons interested in said etttate, oftbe pendency of sftid account .muí the hearioff thereof, by cauöiujï a copy of Uiík order to be pa&Mahed ia the MicJUgmn Ániis, a uwspaper printed and circulating i □ su id cdu ut y, Uree suceessive weoka pi'evious t said ftay of ÍKrtiifí. VVTLLTAM D. HARTUMAN, ( A true copy.J J rtdge of Probate. Wm, (i. l..i v', PMbate Register. 16öt# Efct&te of Aaron B. Vanatt. STATIC (il' MIOIJIGAN, Countj of Waslu..uR , .ss. At a ReanQn of the Probate Court fr h,e County efWaintenaw, holden at the Probate Qfifipe. in theuity of' Auu Arbór.oD Wednesday, tbeseoon.d day ot' January, ju the year ope tboiiftftnd filgh) hundred and Beventr-algttt. Present, Williitni l. Hamman, Jml Of Probate. In the matter ol iiie etttftta of Aaron B. Vanatta, deeeaaed. On readiug and ftUng the petttioo, duly ver! fielt, of Albert F. Vanatta, praytng tlmi a certafn inst MiiiMMit dow "ii Klein this court, pnrporting to be the last will and testament of aaid deceased, iiuiy he admitted to probate, and thal Albeit F. Vanattii ;iud George B. VaiiuHk may f1 Rppoluted i' X 6CU tors I liereof'. Tlim-upoTi it is ordered, thal Tueeday, the fifili day of frebruary next, at tea o'cLoek in the forenoaa, be aanlgued for thebearingofsaid potHion, and thal the devïsees, legatees, and hnrs al lair -f 4aid deceaadd, and all other persons Interest - n i M aald estáte, are reqüirêd to sppear ;i ;t semlOB of Huid c-ourt, then lo be bolden at the Probate Office, ti the. rit y of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the p ra y er ol' ilie pel il ioner should ii"t in: granted : And it Is nirtlier oriered, fhat iaid pet il ioner glve DOtlce i " I In persons inler oled in said entate, of the pendoncy ol said pëtltion fw the hearing thereof, by causing a cöpy of tliis order to he publiahed in t b" Michigan Arjnê, a aewspaper prïnted and cirwilated In said county, three successive weeks previoua to sald day of hearing. WILLIAM I. HARRIMAN, [ A trup nopy.l Juége ol Probate. Wm. f. Dotv, Probate Register. L668td Estáte ot' Fidelus ÍStíkiuger. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WhhMbtiaw O 8m. At pasión of the Probaie Court for tlie County of Whtenw, holden At thn )'roïte office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, tlie nintli ilay tf JamiHry, in 1 he year one thonsnndeilit hundred and teTtatf-ew&t. Frenen t, William D. Hiirnrnnn, Judfffl of Prohntfi. In Ilip muiter u( tíie estafe of Fldelnï Sekiner, decennia!. On reftdintr and Hl i uk the pntition . duly vpriflpd , of Clara Sokiner, prnyin; thit Miohae] Koster ma be appoiirted administratoi ol th? estáte of vaig decPiised. Thoreupon it is nrdered, that Mourtay, tho fonrth day of February noxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, he awined for the harinj of aid petiiion, imd that f he lieir at law of Baid deeeHed a?td all o( lier pnront) ini erested in sttiil enta1 e, are Mquired to appeav al ;i leaiion of ikj Court, thea 10 be liold'iii ;it the Probate Offti'ti in Hip city of Ann Arbor, nnd hïiow r-rtiiMR, if any thre be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; Aiul it is furthtr ordered that said petitioner give ttOtio to the persom interested in said estáte, of the petnlenny of said petition and the luiiirmf; thereof, hy catiding a c-py of this order to be pubushed in ilie Michtgan Argui, a riMwspaier printerl and oiioulatod in 'saidoounty, thneucc#flsiYfl wpekapi"e viouH to said day of hearing. WÍLLIAM D. HARRtMAN, fA lru OOpy). Judfffl of Probate. Wm. Q. Dott, Probate Megitter. I6;td Egtato of Calvin T. Burnett. OTATK Ül' MICHIGAN, County of Washlenaw, O At a sfiHsïon of the l'robute Court for the County of WiisWenaw, holden at tlie Probate OiHce in tïio Jity of Ann Arbor, on ftaturday, the lifth day of January, in th year one thousaud eighi hundred and eeven tT-eigbt. Present, Wil!inrii 1. Harriiniii.JndK'e of Probate. In the matter of the nótate ot Ualvts T. Burnett, deecaaed. Ann K. ïitirm-tt, n'lnniiislrntnx uf aid estafe, ooaoes iuto court and representa thni ie, in now prepiired to ronder her flnal account a nu.h ad mifatratrix. Thereupon it i- ordered, that Hafnrday, the neeend dny of Febroary next, at ten o'elock in Mie forenoon, be assijfiuid faf exaniiiii n% and Hltowinf? such account, and that the heira at Ihw ot sairl deceahcd, and all othei persona iaterested in aaid dátate, are reqnired fco appear t a spsaion of nid Court, then to be bolden at th Probate Oft1c in the City of Ann Arbor in naid eounty, and sfcow (uiuhp, if any there he, whythp said account should not beallOTred; And it i fnrther ordered, 1 1 at snifl adniinistratrix give notioe to the peraou intercstfid i"h naii entate, of the pendeney of naid account and the hearinir thereof, by nauHing a eopy of thi order t.o be publtished in the MicJu'ffai Argnr% a newHiiaper printed and oircuïatingin a-. county, tltree soecemva weeks previoaj to aid day of heaiinj;. W1LIJAM l. HAUIÍTMAN. (A true aopyï, Jude of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probftte Register. Ï6fi Keal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyol' WaaWténww, i hu. In 'he matter of the state of William ü, Hinl, deceaved. Notice is herohy j;ivon. that in pursuance of as order granted tothe undpraiKned administiator of the patat e of said William Hnd, by the Hon. Jndge Of Probate for tlie oounty of l.i vinyruton, on the nintli dnyof -innuary, A. I). 1878, there will be sold at pablie ve&due, to the highest bidder, at the prenitee &i the county of Wanhtenaw, in Bftid S tfit1, on TlTBWOAT, tuk in ].v Óf ICaAgh, A. ï. 1H7S, at one o'clock in t he aflernooii of thai day f4nbeet to all enruiubrances by mortsage-oï ótherwise exinttnfl-ai the time Of thA de;i(li ol Bftid Heorased Oï at the time of unid Kale, and also aubjeel to theriyhtof dower ot the vridow of said deceaaed thercon), the followIng deeenbed real cntate, to wit.: VUtage lotn nuiubt.r nine (9) and numberten fl'O, in bSock four f4) in ormsby and pairVi addïtion tothe city of Aun Arbor; ateo t,he fnllowinj? piooe r pnrcel of land bonnded iind described as foUowe, to wit: being part of lot iinmber five (5), in bloek numbci four ( ) nortb ■ if II uron street, in range numlxir six 'ti), according to the recordé! plat tf the villaje of Ann Arbor, beginning ut the Borthwwt ooiner f naid lot number flve f6), running t henee bouthwesterly long tlie west line of Detroit street forty-seren M") feet, to to a ditch ; tbenoe northwesterly alonp the east line of said ditch to the north line ot' said lot number five; thenoe eaaterly alon aid north line oi aid lot to the place of beginning-. Dated.JannaryU1, LWA IWOtd 0TI8 H. OBKKT, Administrator. SherifTs Salo. tTATE OF MtCHIOAX, County of Washteaaw, 88. I'hilip Bach vs. .lamen D. McMaster: By virtuü of two writs of execution, issued out of and umler the seal of the Ciruit Court for tha County of Washtenaw, in the above entitled cause, and tu me direct ed and delivered, I el id on the eleventh dny of December, A. D. I8T7, levy upon all t lie runt, ti tl e, and interest of the said James I), McM autor, in and to the followin? describid real estáte situated in the Comity ol Wanhtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : All the f ol luwing pieces or parcela of land, vi,.; Bezinning at the southeast corner of the aouthwest quarter of aectiou number twenty-two (22) in township two south of range six east, thunce south eighty-nine degrees and eight minutes west twenty-four chaina and ninetyetgtt links to a Ktake, thence north forty-one rlniinu to the north line of said quarter seetion, thenee north eighty-nine de;iee and eijjhty minutes east twenty-lour chains and ninety-eiffht links to the uortheast romer of said quarter section, thtnee snuth on aaid quarter line forty-one ohüins to the place of boginning, exoepting therefront and f rom the east uide of aaid premisew a strip of land rlfteeu rodil wide, heretofore deeded by Junes W. Wiiijr to Rirhard Glasifr, said strip to be bounded on the west by a line parallel wiih the eat lino of the above dea_-ribed tract; alao one ni her pieeeof land lyiqg ia said township, bouoded asfollows: Beginaing at the northeaat corner of the iiorthwest fraction;! quarier.of section twentyseven, i uaid township, thence hiouih un said section line thirly-two Oliaina to the Hu ron Iliver, theni'e up bug river to a tak ojiposite a puint twenty-foiiv cliftiu and ninoty-eiht links souih eighty-niue degices atid eight minutos west fruiu i lie place of beginninpr, thenca north twenty chains and eleven links to satd point. thenre noith eijrbtyninedearreesi and eijht minutei east twenty-four chaiasaod ninety-oight links to thp place of be inniiiff. The ;tbovn deMribed pareéis oofitaining jointlyono hundied and rilty-three acres, be the same more or les ; alo another pii-cn of land iu tbe Lownahip aforeitaid, viz.: Being a certnin piece of lfind of about bulfaa acre, situated in Ilieiorks of toe territorial and Qlaer road on the northwtst ([irnli-r of aeotíon twenty-seyen, in tnvru and rnngf afori'said, wliich love describod pïoperty J iiliaH ofT'T for -;iIh, to the hïhest bidder, m the Boutfa door of the Goort House, in th eity of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, IlichWan, (that being the plaoe of holding the Circuit Courti in ihe oooniy where the premie are witnated} on the MNTH IAY Ol' M.UÏCK, A. 1). 1S7S, at fcYTQ uV'loek in tlie ftfiernooo of said day. Datd, -Janufwy Jt, A. D. 1S7S. JüTI J0S1AS S. CASK, Sheriff. horiff's 8ale. STATEOFMICHIGANConntTof WnshtenawBs. Jsaac rauUiing vu. William Behee. By viitue of one writ of e.xeeutioB insued out uf and under (lie seal Of the Circuit Court for the County of Wanhtenaw, in the ibora entitled oause, to rae diiected and delivered, Idid on the twwnty-etghth ny oi September, A. 1. 1S77, lt?vy upoii uil the right, title and interest of the said Wjlliam Behee, in and to the following deácribed real estáte, situftted in 'he Oounty f Wiishtnaw, t.-ite of MieMgan? '(t wit : All that tract ni pii'-cl of lHnd kftown and dest'.ribcd as fotlown, to wit : The eat half f the ROuth-ewt quarter of section miniber six, in town tliroe, Routh raii({fl tliree e&Mi being the townsbip of Sharoo, VMhtenaw Couoty, State of MichifCan, whicb above desorlbed property 1 hall offer for w;ilo, to the hlghesi bidder, at the sonth door of the Ctmrt Bottse, ÍB the oity Of Ann Arbor, WaehttinawtJounty, MfohigHB ftliat heini.' the place of holding the Circuit ("ourU in tlie County whtire thf premisefi re iitnatedoo the ainteenthdayef Feb iiüiit, A. 0. 18", at 2 oVlork in tbe f (finoon of said day. Uated, Japnary 't, A. 1. 1S7K, JOSiAH S,CASSÏ, lMTifl. Millabu & rr.N. AtryVf'-r riaintiffx, A'lii.n, Hich. Iött7 CliHticery Sale. IN ni;si AN'i; ;.Md by vrrtne of a decree oi w Circuí 1 Ciniri of the Uoited Staten tor the r;;i-i n n i li-t liet ui Michigan, in equlty, made and enleréd on the ftftepiith day of October, A. D. 1877, in h i'riiiiiii raiir-c tiMMviu peudiag wberein Charles 1. HuwHl cuiiinlainant, and John W. ('oivan, 1)(.it;is M. r.nvün, rli rist i;i n Maak, Fraderick Sciimul, ;nid .lhii J. UrkaOll, are ilclVndants : Noticeishereby given, that I shall sell at public iiictioii, to thebiehési bidder, on Satordav, thk Pkoovh day i M iw n Nr.xr. at two o'clock r. m. of tliat duy, at bhe 4oor ef the Washteuaw Couuty Courl Huuse, in tJie city of Aon Arbor, VahteuHM ('uunty, Michigan, ;ill tiioae certAtn pieCtís ui' parcela oí tand sftuated in the towDühip if Sharon, couuty of Washtenaw, au4 afursaid, kiinw ii, bouuded, and deacribed as fullovs, t" wit: ("ontmencing a( thecasi imarter post of seci ion number Lwo{2) townshtp toree (3) muith tuge number Uree (3) ■! ín said eounty, thenee north i resl uine chaina and fifty-four links, theuee soiith 36] west sixty-funr links in the rond, thenee north 29 west fourteeu chaina ;i nd sty-seven inli.s alona Ihe road, thenee north s:t .,'■ wo'r Lveit ty-tivi' chiiius and furty-tivtï links aloDg tli.' road, heace soutfe bu 'i"1 ueoí-er ttne i'"ity-si cfaains nul sixty-wiven Iwks, thenee aortH 6-3j ejw( ninr .■ni tuut is and slxty-three lïoka aloivg the road, lience nortb ' -2 ' ' east ftve chuïns and twenty-flve Inks alougthe road, thenee north neienty-one 1 {reen ■ ; t ftve chaina mul thirty liuk aloikg the i'oiul, thenee soutta l i1 .. degreea wrst one chftin and ' ífty-níne links along koe rood, theocè north 75 ;as1 thïrteen chains and twenty-one links, thenee ! ih i ii on sectlon liue seventeen chaina and t 't-nty i inks to the pl&ce f beginning; cöntttlnlng one i lundred nd forty-ftmr aorea and forty-four i Lredthe. Detroit January l 178. 1 AIIHSON MANBELL, linter In Chancery of said Court. i I(hn N. (WiTT,SoIicitor for CompUioant. HwO I Fl11í'RI?ÍTI?fGídoneat tlie Mortg&ga Halo. I KtTAriiT having been ötcje m the oouditiou - of a ceitain purchase njoney1 inortgage, exetiuted bj Lorenzo Davis to Zachaiñu ■chaai, bearl ing date .Tanuaiy firwt. A. I). 1871, and reeorded in the office of the Rogiater of Deeda for Waahtenaw ouunty, State of Michigan, on January se venteen tli, . A. D. 1871, at ]0:2.r o'cldck a. m.( ín lioer 45 of mortgages, on page 5'J, wbich said mort gage afterwards, to wit : on Miirch íourth, A. D. 1871 , duly assigned by deed of aswinment, by tjie taidZaoh' arias Shaad to rtarah J, Winner, whicli dted of asi nignment wrh íecorded in aid EegisWr'a office ou , Januury fourtcenth, A. 1). L877, al 5:10 o'clock p. . ni., in líber Hve of aeaignment oí mortjrageB, on page ti')2, by whinh default (be povex of sale theiviii container! hn hecoine opemtive, and no proceediiifts at Ihw or in equíty having been Utstituted ■ tu recovar tl debí seoiired by aaid mortage oí. any part Hierro f, and the S1HD of fourteen hundieil ' and eigfity ix dollars hping DOW clamied to bo día upon aid mortgage. for principal una interest, hnaideH the costa and expensen ot tliii torecloBiirt: inoliidiTip; an attoruey fce of twfnty-flve dollar." , Notieeta therefow, hereby giren, that nfdmortjrago will be foreetaaed by ialeof the premiseti : deiKjribffd in naid mortgage, ai public veodue, i tbe biffbett bidder, on Apbil thibtkenth, A. D. 1878, a1 ten o'ilock iv. ni. of s;üd day, at the BOUtb. fronl door oí' th C'ourt Üonae, in the city of Ann Arbor, nounty of Washtenaw, and State oí MlchiKfin if.hat being the btiilding in which the Circuit Court for Wiwhtenaw i heldj. Tbe lnndsand prtniïbck desciibed in Püid mortage, :nid which will be Hold at unid limo and place, are desoribed aa followH.tOM'it: All that pi eet' of land bezinning ai the HontheaBt romer of the BQHtfawest quarttr oí ■eetion aiunbn tlmty-four1, iu township number two oud) and range number nix t'ttst, being .iu the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and running tbenoe west on the séotion line so far tbai th bonndarii-s liereinafter mentioned will inoluce tifteen aere of ]nd, thence uorth parallel to tbe êaat line of aid qaarter wection to the center ol the Ann Arbor and YpRilanti road, thence south erly along tb reuter ol unid ioad tn the east Une of lid quaricr ntction, and (henee south on said qtmrttr sec' ion line to tlie place oí beginnintí. lated, Janna ry 1-""., 187fl. SARAH J. WINNER, Aseignoe. Heniïv Wadk KOGEfii, Atl'y for Assïgnee. 1670 Mortgage Sale. IMTHKREAfi, John Hlythe and Joanna lUytln -. of the townbJpof UanobetteT,Hioliiaanton thtenth dn y of June, A. l). onethousand eig-ht hundred and seventy-finir, executed a mortgage to W'atson Ueer, oí !hc townihipof Superior, county of Wash. tena w, and BtataoJ aLiehiffan, to secure the paymeet of ceitain ptineipal and interest money therein montioncd, which mortgage was reeorded in the otiiw ot the Itegister of Deeds of Waehteuaw couniy and Htaieof Michigan, on the sevenleenth dny of June, A. I). 1874, at íive,and one-huU o'clock p. ui. of Raid dny_ in líber fifty-un; of moittiagps, on page 38fl : and whereas del'ault bas been winde more thun thirty days in the payment of an installment of said interest money which becaiae tltie on th tenfh day of June, A. D. 1875, by reasou vhereof and punuant to the teims of said mortgaffe, aid iiiortRape electa that ko much of said piincijiiil hm remáisa unpttid, with all arrearages of 1 t benoOj uliall beoóme due and payable imuiedlatalji and wheretis tiiere in claiiued to bdue and unpaid at the date of this notice the aura of eighfeen hundred nndninety dollars and eightysix cents for principal and interest, aleo fi ft y dollars as a reasonable sohoitor'a or attorney's fee, in jirldition to all otlipr legal coats, nbould any proceedings bo taken to foreclose 8aid mortgage ; anl no mit or proceedingt haTing been inutitutedeithtr in law or ejuity to recover the atime or any part Uifiroof: Notice is hereby gíven fhat on Saturday, the thirteeuth day of April next, at two o'cloek in thfl aftwnoon of aid day, at the mmth door of the Court Houe, in tbc city of Ann Arbor (that being the buÜdine iu which the Circuit Court for saut couniy is held), and by virtue of the power of sale coniained in said mortgage, 1 shnllsell at pnbÜcauction, to tlie bijlicht bidder, tbe premiees describid in said luortgage, 1o satisfy the araounl oí principal and intereet claim ed to le due, with the attornev's fee of fitty dollars and ohargea of sale, to wit: All fhat (citain pieee or pa.rce.1 of land hituate and being in the township of Manchester, in tlie county of Waabteuaw, and State of Michigan, and 'loicriljerl a foHows : Being lot "B" on middl■ubdivUion of tbe north west fractional quarter oi ■ection. number even i7)t township number (4i BOUth of rniie number throe (} east, containiui,' eigBty-O&d and fifty-tiv hundifdths of an aore, except all lying north of thfi highway, supposed to be tbite aores, more oi tofts, JanuHiy IK, 1878. Johs X. Öott, WATSON OEEI1, AH'y for Mortgttgee. lfi70 Mortgagee, Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tlie condition ol'a ct-rtaiu uiurtgage made and executed by s. Taylor and Abigail Taylor, his wife, of the village of Saline, county i Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Cónistock P. Hill, of Lodi, M v fi! Wasbtenaw afbresaid, on iln tentb da' of April, iu the year ofour Lord one thoustindeigbi hundred and seveuty-two, and recofded in the ofiice of the tíeg i y ter of Deéda for the county aforesald, on tbe twentletb day of April, A. D. Ï872, at uueolock '. m. of said day, in liber 4ü of mortgftgef, page 30(1 j that there oow claiiued to be tiue and iinfi() on sa ïd mortgage, and the note aicompanyiDg the aame, the Bum of one liuinh-ed and three dollar y and tiity centa tSlO3.5D, also an aiturQtíy's fee ot twen ty-fi re dollars as h reasonable attorney fee, iu additkwi to all other legal cosí-. should any proeeedioga be taken to foreclose the tiaaie.ajid uo preceedfngs al law or in equity having been Lnstituted tt rocorer tbe sanie or any part tbereof: N'otice ia hereby giren, that by virtue of the power of sale iu said mortgage contaáned, and of toe tatute in soch case made and provided, ] shajl sell at public auctiou to the highest bidder, on the. Sixtkkntm DAY 0 A PEIL, A. D. 1878, at two o'clock p. ni. of aaid day, at the front door ot' the Cotlrt House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the couuty of Wubtenaw and State aforesaid (that being the building io which the Circuit Court for said county is beid), the preniisea destribed in said murigage as being lots No. 48 and V.) in Ben ne U's additioD tothe village of f?aline, cownty ofWaahtenaw and 8tste aforesakl, accoraiste to a reeorded plat tbeieoí. -Diitcd, .Tanuary 15, 1878. I67Otd COMSTOCK F. HILL, Moragee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT lias been made in the eondüions uf a eert ai n mortgagfl; made and exeoufced l) John W. Maynard and Mm y ,T. Maynard, liis wikto Alfred B. Wood, on the second day of Noy ero bei A. D. 187, which mertgage was dufy recorded in the office oí the Register of Uaedn tor the Countv of Wasbtenaw, State of Michigan, on the sixtïi df of November, A. I. 1857, in líber -J4 oí mortgages, page 118, which said mortgage was, on the sixiet'iitb day of January'A. J. 1858, duly assignd by the said Alfred B. Wood to the undersignèd ('liarles II. Blchmond, and said assignment was duly recorded in tho office fit the Register of Deeds lor the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, on the eightêenth day of Jauuaiy, A. D. 18.58, in Itber24ol mortgages. page 118; and tb ere is now dueapd nnpaid thereon the sum of two thousand dollar and interest from the ninth day of May. A. I). 187- ; and no proceedlngs ;it luw have been instituted i" recover the debt secured by bucIi tnortgage, ot any part tuereof: Now.therefore, notice is herebj given that by virtue oí' the pecwar ol sale in said inoxtgage oontained, and of the statuten in such case made and provided, said mortgage wil! be foreclosed by a Bale ol1 the premisos covered thereby, or so niuch thereof as shall be necessarj to satisfy the aniount due on said mortgage as nbove sel forth, and the costa and expenses of sui h aale, together with a reagoitsble charge for attor ney's br soiicUor'a services as provided iu said otortgvge, at phbllc auction, to the highest bidder, "11 FkimaY, THE KIGHTH DAY OP MaRCH, A. 1. 187S, at two nYInrlc p, m. of said day, at the the south door of the Cotirt Housr, in t lie Vity of Ann Arbor, County of Waahtenaw, &nd State Of Michigan .ii'l Court House bein the place for holding the Circuit Court for said county). Hald premisos aresiLuaied in aid city of Aun Arbor. and art' descrïbed as follóws, to ii ; oiurueiicing one hundred and sixtöen feet and a hall' north from the southeast corner ol black auiaber on north in range three eal ; thence wesl 102 feel ; thence oorth fiftcen and one half teel fco the south line ol lot numbereigat, in said blocfe ; thence rest thirt) feel to tb'e wesl liue of said lol , thence oorth nin'e anfi one half feel ; thence east aloog the south line of Charles fbayer's laud and along the south line ti Charles Tliayn stort-, in Mundy's block, to M;iin Mn-rt; thence south (o tlif place ofoeginBing; together with the right and privilege aud use of thi uorth wil of James 'V. AHen's storeto Iniild iutoor ujmii, and also the right and privilege of usiug and building against and joining ïntu the outb wall uf Charles Thayer's store in a suiteble snd vorkmaálflEe niaaner, aot so as fco occasion any damage or injury to oaid walï or building, exeepting unj reservlng ao inuch ol said as is covered by James T. AUen's brick store, betng aboul two feel fivelnches wlfle and the length of said Allen'slore, and also the pie.ce of land deeded by Agnea P. Farsons and Rosweil Parson&to Thomas Clark The siiid land hereby in tended to bedeseriJEted being the same land ani all the land conveyed by Charles Thayer and wlfe and Ftoswell Eíarsonsaníl hfswifeand Agnes I'. Parsoaa to Henr? W. Hyatt, and by said Hyati and wife deeded to John Lockwood, and by John Lookwood and wife to Joha '. MayiiHj'i, together with all the a ppuri manere thereto, and all the rtgbt, tïtle, inCerest, estáte, rlaini and diMUKiiiI of' llie ).;uiir of the ti rel part in Ebe safd inortgagg in and to the premisee. Dated, December ö, is;:. CHARLES H. KICllMONlt. Wil i.i am H. Wem s, Assienee of Mortgage. AtKM-iit'y f.r Assignefl of Mortgage, 1661 Chancery Balo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Court for Li ilir County "f Vallt(llrv, ín Chíincery, í'redr eriok Sohmid, Senior, ooinptaisant vb. Mary 1 . Kucknian and SilasC. Ilucktuan, defendants. In puxmianoe andby virtue of a decree made and entered in the nl)oveenfit1rd cauwe, on tlie fourteentli day of November, A. D. lSTT.t l)eundersi;ned(oneof the Cirouit Court Coqunissioner in and tbr th' Bftld county of Washteaaw, wil! soll at public ven'int', to i lie higaesi lidder, at the south tl oor of the Court ll'-us' , ui the city of Ann Arbor, in aftid connty, on Saturday the second day of March, A I. 1R78.M ten oVlock in tli forenoon of that day, all tiloso cerlain piecea of bind described as loltOWS, to wit : Begin Ding! t th norüiwest eorner of leetien seven, in tewnship four south of range four eaat in Micbigao, thence east eleven (l) ohaina and öeventy (70J links; thenee south, parallel with the west line of ftaid sectiOB seven. twantysx ((ïj ohftins and fifty-two f52) links to the center of the Saline road ; thence worterly along the oeatev aaid road to the townihip line; thenee north along said township line twenty-four ehaim and sixty-six links to the plane of beginning, conríbíbk thirty ftci'es of land. Also all that part of the wea,l half of the south-eMt quarter of seo t ion numbi'r one, in the townnhip of Manchester. Washtenaw County, Michigan, lyinf? soath-west at ttif rivw EtaüBD and north oí the Saline road, oontninniff ftbout eitrht ftcreaof laud. Dated, January 16, 1878. 1670 Kil ANK KMEIÏICK, Circuit Court Commusioner. Ei c4BS K. TcriM ik, Complainatft'iBolicitoT. Kstate of Louisa Kellogg. UTATK OP MICHIGAN, County of WaahteC? ntiw, bs. Notiofl if lipreby KÏTen, thitt by nn oulrr of Probate Court ror the County ot Washtenaw, made on the thirty-titst day of December, A. t. 1R77, 8ix months from that date were allowod for oreditors to preeent their cluims againat the eafcatü of Louisa Kellogg, late of said eounty. daceasedi and Umi all ereditora of said deoeased ure reqaired to present their claim to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office. in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and illowjince, on or byfore the first day of July, next, and that Htich claims will be heard betore said Court, on Monday, the firet day of April, and on Slonday, the flrst day of July Qext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaeh ol those days. Dated.'Ann Arbor. January 9, A. D. 1878. WILLIAM Ü. HARRIMAN, 16f9w4 Judlfü Of l'iol..te.


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Michigan Argus