QÍtthe RastorÍhg Influente Of Dr Osgood's India Cholagogue...

QÃTThe rastorÃHg influente of Dr Osgood's India Cholagogue upon Conatifution Ãmpaired and injured b'y a rewdence i"n bilious climaiei, is one of iis moet vuÃutWe ir.Iiucs. Thore are niany conititutions vflucfà bécone gradually underaiined by miasmai. csustif, without even n doy' nctuul confinemenu Ãn nUCh casca the cholagogue acis like a charm- ihe illoW omplcxion, Iúm of apptite, Urtfetioi', éariitóond dcpre8ion of spint, anJoiher unpie.is'artt'synip(oms v h'cli render Ufe a Ãurden-- aliv yield to this ren.ely ifonly laithfurÃy d3aá according to ih direciions af the patnptrTot which accompai c each botile. Torenleby MAYNARDS.
Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue
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