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The Senate Is "still Harping On My

The Senate Is "still Harping On My image
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granny" : that is the Bland Silvor bill. The Supreme Court adjournod line die on Friday evoninglast,- carrying over a largo numbor of undeo.iüed caseB. "Paying dear tor the whistle : " $1,000 an hour to run the Legislature of New York. Such luxuries should be curtailod, - or abolished. $70,000 : that is the amount the Ohio Legislature finds it neceseary to nppropriate for the paytnent of the militia called out to suppress the strike last sumuier. _ In the city of New York 474 officials get salaries runging from $2,000 to $17,500 a year eaoh. And the number on salaries less than $2,000 is legión. Blessed are thoso who havo no taxes to py __ JüDQE Bradley has let'used the application made in befaalf of the Returning B mrd to interioro with the trials in progress and Order a transfer from the State to the United State Court. Was Bnidley bull-dozed? J. ilADisoN Wells now ' sWps o'nights in the New Orleans jail, and iueditates by day on that profound ntterance of his own : "Am I a yassal or a poer?" What un iudignity to put upon the boss Presidont uiaker. From $3,000,000 to 5,000,000 worth of Government bonds catne home from Europa by the Abyssinia, which stoamer arrived at Now York Fobruary 1. Has the silver agitation iu Congress anything to do with this lively muvnment of securities ? The Itepublicau State Cotumittee had a meeting at Lsnsimg last weuk, and roorganized by eleoting Mnj. Geo. H Hopkins, of Detroit, chairman, anc Goorge W. Hough, also of Detroit, secretary. The headquarters of the committee bas been established in Detroit and the Lansing regime is at an end. "WexT up rockets and came down sticks :" An old maxim which com mends itself to the careful consideratioi of Stanley Matthews, who (with the aid of the Louisiana Returniug Boari and certain "irisiting statesmon") made Hayes President and then rapidly un made himself. In the multitude of proposed Con gressional investigations would n't it b well to inquire into tho movemont o silver stocks? Perhaps certain mem bors of both the Sonate and House hav have received presents, after the fashion of Colfax and other Credit Mobilie statesmen. We say perhaps. - i i ii - 1 1 1 THE East Saginawians espeoially in terested in the lumber and salt busines have held an " enthusiastic " meetin and vigorously protested against tb proposed new reciprocity treaty wit East Saginawians and the average pro tectiouist. The House Committeo on Wayg anr Means has under consideration Mr Wood's TariSE bill, which thoroughly revises and sitnplifies the turiff laws greatl3' reduces the number of dutiabl articles, and is expected to increise the rovenue and cheapeu its collection, anc also tostimulate commerce. The friend of the bill think it will become a law. WnEN that "dollar of the daddies' shall be rejuvenated and come to be king, how is a poor devil to get it if he has nothing to sell or has n't daily work for his willing hands to do ? Do the mass of men who join tho demagogue and speculator in clamoring for ilver remonetization over look at tho subject in the light of the abovo inturrogatory ? TliK Judiciary Committoo of the Houae is understood to stand five in favor of the Sixteenth or Woman Suffrage atnendmpnt to the Constitution - Messrs. Butler, Couger, Fryo, Laphatn, and Lynde, and six against it - Messis. Culberson, Harris, Hartridgr, Knott, MoMahon, and Stenger. And so the woinen will noeds labor and walt a little longer, Iïï quarantine : Senator Patteison of South Carolina. He can't get out of Washington, even to visit old Simon Cameron in the rural regions of Pennsylvania Cause why : ho would have to pass through JVtaryland, Delaware, or Ohio, and report says Gov. Htimpton has forwarded a requisition for his ar rost to each of the Governors of those States, and the writ of no Judge Humphreys could reach far enough out of the District of Columbia to save his bacon. RIichigax has a population of nearly a million and a half, and New York City about one icillion. Michigan has four judgos of its Supremo Court and twenty-two circuit judges, with aggregate salaries of $49,000, while New York City supports or sports thirty80 ven judges on salaries f rom $6,000 to $17,500 each and aggregating $113,500, and in addition eleven pólice justices at $88,000. The samo difference in officers of oourts and their salaries is also noticeable. Vorily, New York City justice is a luxury. This s what a Washington "special" to tho Post and Tribune says a Louisiana Prosidontial elector has written to a Ropublican member of Congress from Louisiana, concerning the New ürleans Domocrats : "They propose to convict the returning board- that ig already a faot ; next, to indict the electors with Kellogg, tho eloctors as accessories after tho fact, and Kollogg as accessory before as well as after. This is no longor a secret. If tho President knows what is hoalthy for him he had best bo stirring around to serve 'Old Mad,' for he swears he won't stand niuch more of this nonsense. The old man is getting his raad up." We hope that the " old man" will just do his prettiest. The ruvelations ho can inake if he chooses will be good readiug. Not a doubt of it. A LAUOE majority of the House is videutly in favor of " a graduated tai n income8 above a reasonable minimin to be fixed by law," - judging by :ie vote of 165 to 88 given on Monday ast to suspend the rules and instruct ae Comraittee on Ways and Means to jring in a bilí iinposing such a tai. An ncome tax, - if it oould bo honestly ollected - would be the most just and east buidensonio to the mass of corauunity, but the provisions of an ineome ax law must be necessarily so inquisiorial as to make it obuoxious to business men. Besides, those who ought to pay he tax would find the samo means of avoiding it that the wealthy now do to onceal their property or raeans and eaape ordinary taxation. Until men can je mads over, and made as scrupulously ïonest in tax paying as in their regular íusiness traneactions, real estáte and visible property will bear more thau ts share of taxation. All the Michigan membersexcept Conger voted for susjonsion of the rules. Congor voted no. We aee requested to suggest to ension Agent Sam Post that it is now n order for him to go down to New Orleans and aid J. Madison Wolls to irocure bail and liberty. Failing to convert him from a "vassal" to a " peer " ie can do the next best thing : read to lim tho resolutions of sympathy passed jy the Michigan Legislature. - the same ïo read to Wulls & Co. when confined in ;bnt Capítol dungeon. Loxdo.v was in couimotion yesterday over the announcement that the Russian anny had entered Constantinople, anc that England was barred out of the Dardanelles and English interests sacrifioed Tbe Time, however, saw no cause for alarm and thought it a sort of Germán occupa'iou-of Paris. The Peace Conference has not yet been agreed upon but Russia rejects Vienna. But one thing is certain just now, Russia is having it all her own way. Sexator Bayard - one of the ables and purest Democratie statesmen iu the country - and whose utterances shoulc be carefully considered at least by every Democrat - suys that all this hue anc cry about tho " dollar of the daddies " i simply " bosh," and that " from 1804 to 1835 the futher8 did not coin any o theni." Ben. Butler's recent sensational ex ploit in the Houso - calling for th bible and reading a single passage fo the benefit of certain petitioning clei gytuen - has led certain vicious news paper fellows to suggest that one o Ben's ancestors was given to quotin scripture when he had a point to make Judoe Van Zile has been confirmec as District-Attorney for Utah. Anc now who will be bis successor ? Tha is what sundry individuáis ubout her would like toknow. The Anderson case was to go to th jury yesterday. Look out for a disa greeuient.


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