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yot a bit oí' ice harvested yet. _The aleighing is jusfc about whipped, üld gol is too much tor it. --Tbe personal effects of the late George reI1ville were sokl at auotiou ou Tuesday. „Ürandma Brown gave the ptipils in her jjdool a sleighride ou Winlnesday afternoon. ....Mack & Schmid have a new advertiseent n to-day's AEÖU3, and make attractive offers. __The farmers of Manchester and adjoiuing loffiis are arranging for a Farmers' Instituto ,o be held in that village. _In tho l'robate Court oq 'i'ueaday the l0l]g.contosted will of Andrew Bush was held falid aud admitted to probate. _Le Van and Scott, grocers, made an asimifflent on Saturday last to N. H. Winans. jseets and liabilities not made public. _-Tbe Ypsilanti Common Couucil has voted lopurchase another engine. Is it wantod to isuf Bro. Woodrnff's "Elephaut" company? _J"olin oí Sharou bas sold 10,000 hop poles, _just because of the passage of the Matthews lilvar resol uti on the Enquirer suggesta. Perliaps. _The "Statue of Justice " which is to ornament the new Court House has arrived, also 0 galvaimed irou cornicj, and heaps of cut tone. -The Salino Standard says that, " Mrs. Btoilgett Smith, of Lodi, au old lady alout G2 jears old, lias pieced a quilt cousisting of 1(68 pieces. -Iustead of coming down to hold an adjurned term ot court ou Fndíiy evening last, jajge Huntiugton sent an order of adjouru„entto February 15. -The Manchester Enquirer says: "It is ieported tliat they buried Elias Haire uuder his house, for fear tliat the studenta at Aim rbor woald snatch his body." -1" acres of standing tiinber have been urchased for tlie county poorhouse and the able-bodied inmates and tratnps are given htalthy exercise with ax and saw. _State street was a lively race course during the recent short run of sleighing, ani all orts of nags were put through their paces, - lith all sorts of vehicles attached. .-Suuday morning at 8 o'clock our therimeter marked 4 deg. below zero. Earlier tturren tell of 10 below. Since which the teather lias been moderate and delightful. -Early Tuesday morning the groeers of ttócity wera uotifiad to put the retail price of ! jur down to ?5.7ö a barrel. Was it the forko-Kussian armistice or the silver legislatiou did it ? -The Erening News says that Foster (alias Ferrin) has invited the Post and Tribune Company to contribute $10,000 to his finalices. Libel, you know. As yet he has'ut opened He legal battery against the Register. -Van Riper reports 25 tramps applying at ;he poorhouse last Satarday eveniog, between iand 'J o'clock, for boaril and keep over Sunday. His iustructious are to keep applicants one night or over Suuday if applying SaturJaymght, and theu to send them on their way. -On Tuesday afteinoon Secretary Hamilton, of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad Conipnny, and H. C. Waldron, of the Execum Coramittee, aecompanied by their wives, jtirteJ on an excursión along the line of the rjad to Dundee. Business and pleasure comtaned. -The report of the Board of Health in inother column contains some good suggeslions. But can the board or its chairman find amaü to take the oflice of city scavenger and iio the work laid out for him for $500 a year ? If so he ought to be oppointed and put on 'aúv at once. -The local event of yesterday : the marriage of Charles H. Walker, sou of Judge Walker, of Detroit, and Mary Louise Hall. : dinghter of Israel Hall, Esq , of this city. We wiih the parties a pleasabt wedding trip (to ::ic Bermudas, we believe,) and a long and happy life-voyage. -Col. Burleigh wás unable to put in his i jarance at the animal meeting of the Mich?au State Sportsmeu's Associution held at Bsttle Cree Fehruaiy .", but sent up his paper ; ■ " The ueccssity of gamo protection and lo to sec ure it," whieh wis read by W. C. --■íburn, ot Detroit. -Past High Priest James Boyü was pressoted on Monday evening last, by Higli Friest Burleigh, in behalf of the companions :! Washtenaw Ghapter No. G, a very hand-, ane jewel, made of aolid gold and set with precious stoues. Mr. Boyd feelingly and appropriately responded. -On Saturday last Judge Harriman made snorder committing Mis. Harnet C. Schnaitmsn to the Insane As}'!um at Kalamazoo as a ranty patiënt. Mrs. S. is the wife of the telijraph opeiator at Chelsea, and has two aall children. She has been insane since tho Wh of the second one. -On Tuesday evtming next, at the resiitnceof Judge Cooley, Alvah adish, Esq., formerly professor of Fine Arts in the Uriivertj, will lecture on " How to think of and lw to judge of Works of Art," for the bene" itof the Ladies' Library Association. Admisn 10 cents, and all are cordially invited to ittend. -AJackson Citizen item says that some ion Arbor capitalists have bought a half intrest in one hundred and thirty acres of land ïijommg the Jackson Coal Oompauy's works, 'udhavemade arrangements to have wells futdown at once to prospect and find the ■' place to sink a shaft and take out the l." Who are the? -The Stntitiel says : "There are iudications tliiere will be more building in this city I season than there has been for many !ears. The Seminary will be rebuilt, the new Jk in place of the burnt buildings at the lepot, and several brick dwellings, are in con;piation. Thus there will be a considerable ■ ork for laborei's and mechanics, and we ■'"Sratulate them on the prospect. But a few ""s more remain before operations must 'iamence. -Ben. Williams, William . Loney, and -ijene Thomas, arrested with Forest Mitchell ■JJ Charles Preston, - all of the colored per'Won-for maliciously disturbing the services " the African M. E. Church, were before listice McMahon on Wednesday, plead %, aud got off with investing $2 each. tchell and Preston stood trial. The tormer cquitted and the latter convicted and iUl and costs- ïll in all. In default of fiient he was taken to alt. A meeting of the Ann Arbor Medical and "gical Society was held in one of the lec"e rooms ot the Medical College on Tuesday tnms last. An address on the purposes of j e society was given by Dr. A. B. Palmer, President,- which he defined to be to ad''"ce medical science and look af ter the health "ie commuuity. Prof. Stowell exhibited 'ae P'opared physioldgical specimens by the g stereoptieon. At tho uext meeting Kl" is to read a paper on some branch 'I surgery. jj0" tlle -tl day of üctober last the will of JJ Aim Üeuiko, nee Mary Ann Whitney, Wed for probate in the office of the Judge PM ïlie tcstator gave the bulk of her rty-some Í7,OOÜ or $8,000 -to the Kalaciet College aild the Baptist Missiouary Sov- The will wns contested by her relativos, llie" slja"a tuking no special interest in 'uatter. teing willing that it should be held Jud ' 9t Satur'ia' after several hearings, Prolf! Ímii" ltífusedto admitthe will to Ike m ■ hlding that naging been made bef .re ariage of the decased it was revoked bv "arriaga.


Old News
Michigan Argus