Classified Ad

AAW ARBOR THE undcrsigned iiaving purchnsed tlie inter rats ofhitt partner in the Murblp Business would inlbrm the infiahitan's of thisand adjuinin couniics, thnt he continúes the business at the old tnnd in Upper Twn, near the Prebyterinn Oiurch, where he will nmiu'üctiirt; to order, Monuments, Grive Stone.t Paint Sione, Tablets, c. $c, Those wipliing t nht.-dn sny nrticle in hls line of husmea w l find by callins thnt he lias ari nsHortinetit of White ond Variegated Marble from ihc Knstcrn Marble Quirrice. vvhich will be wroucht in MonWh style, and soldat enstern pri ces, ailiüng trufriponation on!y. CjiII nnd gt theproof. J. M. ROCKWFLL. Ann Arbor, July 8, 1846. 272 Iy CLOCKS ANDWA TCHES I f Jpkj rjlHE Snbscrif)erline jus P -L receivcd, (nnd is con jf.fé i'fflLhs'''im'-v recciving) frou(ffSfKA R " York an elo;.niit ar il Y 1 UÃfcè WL" St''et:e aesortnjcni Jcwclry, Clocks, lVafches, iV'-. &c. v. lurli ho iniends (o acll as lote as at arty other jtahlishiiient thie ide ui Buffulo for rtady puy onlij uiiiong wliicli may bc Journi thclollow ing: .i _'â â â :! aseorttnent .â (iold Finger Rings, Gold lirenel pins.AVristlctï Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spo n8, Germnn Sildr Tea and Tnblc Spoons (Jirtt (iiality.) Sil ver and Germán do Sugar Tongs. Silver Snit, Musinrd and Crenm 6poonfr, Hutier Knivc-6, Guld and Silver Pencil Cases. Gold Peus, " " Pofidle, Silver Biit] GerniBti Silver l'himbles. Silver Spectnclee, Girman and Steel do. Gogale?, Clothes, Hnir and Tooth Briishai, Jaiher Brushcs, Kazors and Pocket Knivcs, Fine Shears and Scissorc, Knivrn ntid Forks. BrittanmaToa Potsand C.istors. Platcd, Brnee. nnd Briitanin Candlesticks, Snuffers & Troya. Skavioc boxee and Sonps, Cliapnian's Best iliir.or Strop, Calfond Morocco VVallets. Silk and Cotton purses, Violins and B'ws, Violin and Bnss Viol Strinijp, Flutcp, Fifes. Clarionote, Accon'oiiF - Music Bock 'or tho eanic. Motto Scois. Steel Pens ant Tweezere, Ten nscec, Snull and Tobacco boxen fvi ry Dressing Tombs. Sidc and Bnck nnd Pock et Coinb?. NooHIe cns=rs. Stelettoci, Wotrr Point and Brushee, Tóy Walclies, a grcot vnriety Dolle, itt B&url :he gréaiesi voriety of toys cve broQghl to ihis niarket, Foncy work bo.xi'e, chi ilrcn's tea eictls. Colosnc llair OÃ8, Smellin Snlt6. Court Plap'er, Ten Bclls. Thermomefn GemÃan Pipet. Wood Fcntils, RBAGS AND WOOD CLOCKS, te. ili fact almost very ihing to piense iVëfanby. Lotlics nnd Gentlemen, cali and exntninc for yourselves. Ciocke. Watches and jewelry ropairfd ond warrnnted on short notice. Shop nl his old utand, opposite H. Bccker't brick PioJ-f-. CALVIN BfJSS. N. B.- Cash paid for old Gtld & Silver. Also Perrif $ Book Siorc irt the sam fooin. Ann A-Kor. Julv 1t. ltfi. BTf-lT fà LÃWYER8. JUST opening. flrst rate lot of Law Books for salo at tho publishrrs prices. for cash at Teïirt' BoofcsTOR:. .Tun 15, I-J46. ï70-tf TraMlÃÃT CO Ld ÃVATER HOUSE! BaÃes SiREEt, anc door North of Jkffcrso AvEKfr, DETROIT. 26a-ly S. FINNEY.