Classified Ad

1846. 1846. TEIYIPERAIMCE HOUSE. MILTÃN BARXEY OF THE S te ambo at Hotel, DETROIT, IS now ré dy 10 ncortimodote Lis im-iids and thé TrWe ling Piiblió. wiih nll ihose cunvenucéscnlculnted to make ttiein comlurtablc, and nh pf i-es i f uit tit trine: Meáis twenty-Jive .Cents. lest are in Ãte City fur th same Mnneij. General Stage Office. Steamhoml hnvt Tic troit for litffala rviry F.ttning, ut half past 0 o' doek. (Usntally.) The Railroady are wit h in Jite minutes ide of the Steámboat Hotet. 279-tf BOOKSf BOOKSà At Ferry's Book Store'. TO THE PUBLIC.' THF. undersignéd haVing returned (rem NéW York v?iili a new, laige and vuluabfó etock Bobks, Stalionery and Paper Hangings, is now ready to et for Cash, any ihing in hia line at his urw stond on jSlain strect, opposiie H. Becker's Brick Store. He wilt ey to Bo A purchascra. that. by lus ffirts last fall on his re'urn from iNcw York. ilie price of ncarly every thin' in lus line h:i9 been sold leas ihn hcretoforc. mul hnd it not been for bini, pÃtróVaorn woiild have contmued lu pay tbe püccshcrci fui c charged. He can say also. that his sales have been bëyotid his most sanguine expectation. showins; conclusively that a pulilic benefactor, althmigh ever so small, will not go unrowardedin iliie eáhjrli'ened community. He 13 thnnkful fr the fnvors alrcntly bestowed iind wouM rcspectfully 8licit a continuance of the trade: tfttd he viould sry t those who ncver haVa purchased buoks of ihnt he will show them rticlea and prices wiih plensure a' any tirnó thcy may Cali viheihtr ihey w'uh to purchase oà not. Cash orders frdm tno Country will be attenMed to, and tho boks packed n well as if the persons were present to altend thè puróhaaèa. fÃo will also bell to childrvn as cheap aa liieir pannt. Pifrchaser8 will do well to examine hÃs stock and priues before purchasing elsewViere. DoiCt forget the place; bc syre youcall at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Strect, a few doors South of the Public Squarr, in the same room with C. Blixs, Watch Maker and Jeweller. W.M. R. PÃrrv. Ann Arbor, June 27, 18 IC S69-ttTHRESII1NG U1ACI1IIVES. THE underoigncd would nfurm the public that lic manu loctu res Morse Powere nnd Threshing Machines ai Scio, of a superior kind invenicd by himself. Thesï Powere anrl Mnchines are pnrrtoularly nd;ipted to (ho use of Fiirwiers who wih to ubo them lor threshing their uwo grain. The power, ihreslier and tixtures can all be loaded inio a comtnon sized wagon bix and drawn wiih one )nir of horseg. They are desincd to be used' rhh tour horscs. and are abundamly hironp tot thai number, nnd may be safe I y used wiih six or eight norses with proper care. They work with less strengih of horses accnrding to the amount of bminesri .lone thnn an? mher power, nnd will iliresh generally aboú't S0() bushei heat per duy wiih four br;es. fn one instunco 158 bushels whent wer'c threshed in thrt-e hours with four horses. This Power and Machine contain II the advantages neceasary to maké tliém profitable td tho purchjser. They are atrong and durable. - They are eaeily moved from one place to a#othcr. The work of the aorses is easy on' ihéikl iwwfB in con.parison to oihurs, and thé price is LOVVKR. than any otlier power nnd mnchine have ever been sold in the State, according to th renl vulue. The terma of payment will be liberal fbï nutes that ure knowu tu be obbolutely good. I have b fillmbêr of Power rrd Machines, now réadL fdr sale and pereons wishing ly buy are invited to cali soon. CLEANERS. I expect to be preparad wiihin a few tomake Clenners for ihose who may want them. The utility and advamages of this Power and Machine will appear evident to aff on exaniinin. 'he recommendations bclnw. . All persons are cauticmed aai'nst maUingf these Povers and Machines; the undewigned having adopted the neccasur? measures lor securinp letters pu'.ent lor lh 6anie wufiia tüe nm required by law. S. VV. FÃSTÃK Scio, Co., Brlich.. June 18, 1346. B.EC0MMENDAT1ON8. Dnring the yenr lrJ45, each of ilte undersigned purchii6ed and used either individually or jointlv wiih othfira, one of S. VV. Foster's newly iövented Horsc Powers and threshing viachines, and ficlicvc they are botter adapted to the use of Farmers who want Powers and Machines for their own use than any otlier power and lliresh. er within our knowledo. They are calculated mi he used with fo'üfhoua and are of ampio Ãtrongili (or that niKoi'ber. They nppear to bo ooiistruoted in sucli rf nvmnnfr a to render tliem very durable with iMtle liubility of geding out of order. They are cisily moved from one piaca to nnothor. They can be worked with any nutnber of hands from fonr to erght, utid will thresli abiu't 200 busiiels wheat per óay. 3. A. POLMEMUS, Scio, Washtonaw ca. G. BLOOD, 4 f T. RICEiARDSON, " SAMUEL HEALV, 3. P. FOSTER, " W. A. PHELPS, " ADAM SMITH, " " .!. M. BOWEN. l.ima. VM. WALKEK. Wibstor, " THOS WARREN, " D. SMALLEY, I.odi, I threslied last fall and winler with one of fi. V. Foster's horse powers. more than fifteon thonsnnd bushels grain . The repairs bestowed upon the power nmountcd to unly (! cents, and il was iu good otilcr wlicn I had done threshing. 1 iuvuriably u&cd 6tX horst1?. AAKOiX YOVSGLOVE. Marión. June G, 1346. I purchaoed one of S. W. Fosier's hor powere laot fdil and have used it fdr jobbing. I have used ruony diflereut kinds of powera and bel eve this is the best running power I hnva evoreeen. D. S. ULNNET. Hamburg. June, 18 IC. We purohased one of S. W. Fostet'a Horse Powcrs Inst tiill, and hure used it aiid thluk it is a lirst ruie Puwcn JESSE Ã1ALL. DANIELS. HALL, Reu ben s. Hall. FïnmNure. .Iun. 1846. 269-if Paper Slaniii. 4 LARGK li of Paper Hmigtngs, and Bora x. dering, for Kile cheappr than ever olTored in thie Village. at i'ERRY'S BOOkSTORK. June 1T. 2?0-tf DE TTER LA TiTtHANNE VER npHE Subscnber Ivis the pleasure ol announcing o thö Public, ihot he has just receivcd from New York and optneda choleo and wed elected osortnient of NEW GOODS, consisiing-of Dry Goods, Grocerics, Crockery, Hard' toare, Boots and Shoes, which he w:ll soil bi Very Low Pritee for Ready Pay in ('iiêh, or Produce. Cah ot Gooub will be piwd for WOOL in any quammefi. ROBERT DAVIDSON. Ann Ar! ".',.' ui. l. lü r4o. 'L
Temperance House
Steamboat Hotel
Perry's Bookstore
Threshing Machines
Dry Goods
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Milton Barney
William R. Perry
Calvin Bliss
S. W. Foster
J. A. Polhemus
G. Blood
T. Richardson
Samuel Healy
S. P. Foster
N. A. Phelps
Adam Smith
J. M. Bowen
William Walker
Thomas Warren
Aaron Younglove
D. S. Bennet
Jesse Hall
Daniel S. Hall
Reuben S. Hall
Robert Davidson