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H. A. Tremaine & Co. (Succnjsors to E. W. EIXIS k CO.) AM ARBOR, MICH. A FIRST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGS AND DYE STÜFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTICIE3 Frescriptions Corapouadei at All Hours. Cor,MainandHuronc.s UM ÍOBMSTÁECH FOLiSI! ■ [ (HOW DA SH1NÈ] A GREAT DISCOVER, By the wc of whioh every family may give Hr Iiinen that polieh peculiar to fino laumlry worb.fwin tiim? aini labor in irouins nioro than its entire coat. Sold by grocers, or will be t-cnt, postage piii on receipt of 25 centa. DOBBIXVS, BItO. ÓL CO., 13 N. Fourtli St , Phllsdelphla, ; ; , f ■ - ';■■■', ■ ■ ! t_---; K f ei 7Tí.í ia the finest Liniment in Üie worii, .r.d vA'.l posilively cure in almosl cv:rj c::se. Trice $1.00 per bottle, JGEIÍS0!!, EOLLOWil & CO, SJ-ECI.I T. A O HSTS, ThiladelpMi TlIEJIILWAlKEir MEDICAL & SÜR6ICAL INSTITÜTE. Kitablifhcd 1807 and Churtercd by the St(c LígiilítnTí forthe improvctltreatinent of all Private and ChwaiO Siseases incntioiied in tliis card. Just publiehed, Mfmrmkmi "THE SILENT FRIEND! n'#JfiH A coBödrntial Adviserfor theyoungtm ffiLf-gar"''11'1''' agcd of bothexes;ona!lDiKUjj c! ot a Private Nature, aniin[t fiom "■" Early Abuses orlntectioii, Stmitul MVahness, nnd Lost ot Manhood, and the bet nietm oicurc; vtth valuable advicc to the Married tnd thoM contfniplftthig Marriagp ; including a treatisr on Feiailff DiBeases, and Chronic Altections of the Thruat, Lunj;B and Skin.Catarrh, Cáncer, Rupture, PUcs.Fistula.theOpi urn Habit&c. Itcontair.altXHarge pages and numcrotutngravincs, mailcd uniler ïeal on receipt oiJOct. A CLINICAL LECTITRE on the above diw. I thf pnnciple of medical practico in their tnatmect, PricelOcta. Address, AttcndinR Physirinr, No 435 Water nt.. MILWAtnCE&Wi This is prohahhj the 8(rong& purest and oost ;■' par at 'ion of Iro Lnown. One trial tvül convine JPïHqCj SI. 00 2cr boiüe. JOHNSTOIf, fíOLLOWAY & 00, Bpcdal .'.::o:-(s, Wttladtlphia. DYSPEPSIA I ' Pcruaauently curod iu Ovcry instancc EAGLE DYSPEPSIA TROCHES, Thcy will immediately correct asour stomach, check vomitinc and heartbum: cure sickness or pain in the stomacn. costivcness, liver complaint, hendache, etc. Being pleasant, safe and hnrmless, areasnre cure for Infanta suflèring l"rom weak stoinach. Price, Thirty-Five Cents per Box. EARLY BIRD WORM POWDER. At all times safe, rcliable, strictly vegetable and tasteless, used by old nnd ymmg willi perfect safety, even when wwmsaro DOt present. Kequires but one dose 10 effect a cure. Price, 15 Cents per Package. Sold by all Drusigtsts, or sent by Mali, on receipt of Priee. JSrimiHimt & CO., Prop'12th ai ïllrwerth S'.s., PWIiJolpU, TaPRICE, 85 CE?rT3. Foñnston, Ilollovray ft Bpooial AoentB, i"liüacl'a-.


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