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Saline Slips

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Ou the evening of Wednesday Februury (, the Reil Ribbon Club held an oyster supper or social at their aew hall. ïhey had a large atteudanco and every one had a pleasaut time. The affair was socially asuocess, but was rather scant finaucially. ïhis hall is not exactly a Red Ribbon hall, although it is the intention of the managers to use it solely for tlie interests of the Saline Club. A short time ago a few members secured the hall In the 3d story of the Risdon store until April, on conditiou of making some repairs. These 8 or 10 members have put ín noarly two weeks work and now have a very pleusaut hall for their meetings. The social metitioued above was to pay for lumbcr and other materials usel iu lixing up the room. We understand they are yet nearly f 7.00 in debt. We bespeak for thein next time a í'ull house and more money and any surplus after clearing the debt on the hall will go to the Red Ribbon Club. The Saline Dramatic Asociation will present the drama "Above the Clouds." Their reputation is so well established locally that they are sure of full houses. Next iIonday a temperance revival will commeuce to be kept up every niglit through the week. Hou. 13. F. Allon, of Ypsilnnti, addrsflsed a large meeting ot the Kcforni Club on Wednesday evening. Salink, Kub. 1 i. A GIFT to All. - A pair of handsomo Gx8 chromos ure given free to evory one who subscribes tor threo moutha to Leisure liows, a large lü page literary paper, fillod with tbe beat stories, poetry, etc , by writers of establislied reputatiou. The papers sent will contaiii the opening chapters oí a charming atory entitled "Holden Witn the Cords," by the authorof "Shiloh," " My Winter in Cuba," etc. The publishers, S. L. Patten & Co., 102 William Street, New York, have decided to offer this short subscriptiun at iifteen cents (postage btfuxtpa taken), about the cost of white paper and mailing, and to give free öuch a pair of beautiful chromos as cannot fait to please every one. Doublé value of money is promised to every sabacriber. fltdOO in )rizt.'S isgiveu ireo The tiiriíT bilí reported lust woek raduces the nuruber of taxed articles to D00, aud simpliflus the free list by declaring that all other articles whatever shall be free. This ís a long step in reiorni.


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