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- -l'í'ot' Maclean IiaH been appomted diVisiou surgeon on the M. C. Ii. R. between Chelsea and Dentón. -- Prof. Prescott was very sick last week, witli pneumonía, but has been for several days considered out of danger. - That Junior Hop- tóe evoiit of the junior yeur - comea off this evening at Armory Hall. A gay and festiva time is expected. - Prof. ülney had a fair sized audienoe last Sunday afternoon, despite the prevailing storm, and his lectura was heard with interest. - Mimloch drew a very large audience on Snturday eveumg last, but we hoar considerable surprise and dnappointment expressed at nis rendering of the selections made for the evening. His reputation had led the public to expoct toomush. - Fred P. Jordán of 79 tried the Pontiac Hih School two or tliree weeks but proved too uear-sighted for the position, and has been succeoded by Ferris S. l'itch, Jr., of '77, who has been teaching iq au Indiana College to the satisfaction of all except himsclf. His dissatist'iictiou oaine from a failure to get his aalary. - Justice Maratón, of the Supreme Court, will doliver the addresa to the graduating class at the coming Law Commencement in March. He is now in Virginia visiting his father-inlaw, Mr. Sullivan, who removed there from Bay City in 1870, and is engaged in farming. Mr. Sullivan reports that he received a very cordial welcome trom Virginians, and Í8 very uiuch pleased wita his new home, which is uear Staunton. -The Psi Upsüon Glee Club has accepted au iuvitation to particípate in a concert to be given at Whituey's Opera House, Detroit, next Tuesday evening, February 19, uuder the auspices of the Young Ladies' Society of St. Paul's Church. Prof. J. H. Hahn, of the Detroit Couservatory, is director, and the programme includes the names of Mrs. S. M. Mansfleld aud Mr. C. V. Slocum, the well known soprano aud tenor of the Detroit Musical Society. - The Coldwater Repuhlican iudoraes a proposition, which it say sthe Executive Committee of the Board of Regents have under consideration to reduce the salaries of all inatructors (assistants and professors included, we presume,) who receive over $1,700 a year ten per ceut. A revisión aiid reduction of salaries ruay be uecessary and proper, but the ten per cent scale is absurd. One illustration : take ten per cent from an $1,800 salary and it is reduced $80 below the $1,700 whieh it ia not proposed to disturb. The revisión ahould be made with refereuce to men and their work, aud the salaries the same men can command elsewhere will have to govern. - Of the Camilla Urso troupe which is to appear in Uuiversity Hall to-morrvr eveniug, uuder the auspices oí the Lecture Association, the Cincinnati Gazette says : " The troupe is composed of five persons of whorn Madame Urso is, of course the bright particular star. Her peculiar forte ia playiug the violiu, and it ia 3aid that she haa few, if any, superiors in p. rformiug upon tbat instrument. Mias Ivy Wandesforde, the soprano singer of the troupe, possesses a voice of wouderf ui compass and power. In speaking of her, an exchange says : " Miss Waudesforde is a haudsome blonde, with a face beaming with amiability. Her uuaffected manuer, combiued with a sweet and childlike expression of face, seemed to win her audience at once - while the peculiar sweetnesa and softuess of her voice only added to the ploasure which her appearance nfforded." The tenor, Mr. W. C. Tower, has a voice of BUrpmiug swcetnes9, and astonishes oue with the iire he throws into his tone and action. Mr. J. F. lludolphsen, the baritone, is ranked aa the best in Amsrica. In addition to a splumlid voice, he also possessea a power of mimicry that is roally surprising. Höit Beuno Se.herek, the Pianist, who is with them, has made the tour of Europe with soma oí the greatest musical celebrities of the age, and has a reputation as a pianist second to none.


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